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“Sundance Center for Conscious Living” … affirming and respecting our uniqueness, our interconnectedness, and our Oneness... As we continue to awaken in the present moment, our intention remains to stay awake to the Oneness that is Life... and respond in Loving Service during the conscious moments we have here on earth... We seek to help one another heal and remember… moving toward greater awareness, wellness, balance, synthesis, and loving action… We invite you to listen to that which mostly deeply calls to you ... Love and Blessings to All!


Mother Earth - Saturday Morning Meditation

Saturday Morning Meditation - Mother Earth
The following meditation is based upon the Essenes' teachings... the daily meditations or communions are designed to be used morning and evening in addition to the noon practice called the Sevenfold Peace. At the beginning of each meditation, the following prologue is recited:
"I enter the spaciousness of this timeless and infinite Garden with reverence to the Source and Energy of Life, to the Earth and all its fullness, to the spiritual teachers of all traditions, to the liberating purity of truth, and with reverence to all who courageously walk the Path of Spirit..."
You are encouraged to spend time sitting with the following statement before continuing to read.
"Mother Earth and I are One... She gives the food of Life to my whole body."
Open me to your rhythms and energies that I may be in tune with your harmonies...
My senses behold your beauty and taste the sweetness of your gifts...
All comes from your body, your soil... the natural live foods you provide...
With gratitude I stand amazed at the bounty of your gifts...
Our home here is the planet earth which provides all the nutritive sources sustaining our physical body. The Essenes were sure to include this communion about the "Earthly Mother and her connection to the vitality of our body... they viewed this as the first in importance among the earthly or tangible focused communions.
Let us be reminded of the importance of 'live' foods that bring vitality to our body.  We can even become aware of the metabolic process within our body and how it is connected to different foods. We learn how to receive and absorb the powerful energies derived from foods and how to conserve those energies in our body.
In our time, there is more emphasis placed upon marketing and sales and mostly in the areas of processed foods, which is one area the Essenes were spared from dealing with... There are many opinions on what is good and what is not for our body's best health and vitality. In addition to becoming more selective in the foods we chose, we can also look at the reasons we eat, why we are putting something in our mouth, and move toward freeing ourselves toward eating to live with vitality... and away from living to eat!.
"Mother Earth and I are One... She gives the food of Life to my whole body."
Peace be with you!

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