Welcome... and Thank You for visiting...

“Sundance Center for Conscious Living” … affirming and respecting our uniqueness, our interconnectedness, and our Oneness... As we continue to awaken in the present moment, our intention remains to stay awake to the Oneness that is Life... and respond in Loving Service during the conscious moments we have here on earth... We seek to help one another heal and remember… moving toward greater awareness, wellness, balance, synthesis, and loving action… We invite you to listen to that which mostly deeply calls to you ... Love and Blessings to All!


Moving from 'mind' to Consciousness

This is an excellent presentation by David Icke about letting go of fear and the difference between 'mind' boxes and consciousness...



There's is Always Help Present

There are times when I slip into the notion that I am alone or disconnected from Life. Now I know this is not true. But it still happens. My experience tells me I am not alone, due to the direct intervention of guides, Spirit, angels, Source [or whatever you wish to call it] throughout my life.

So when I get a bit confused and think I'm in this by myself, I recall the wondrous grace that Life is... the miraculous gift that we are here at all... and it helps me to remember this in the present moments.

I read a saying the other day that I liked a lot. It said: "Impossible is only an opinion." Another similar one adorns a drawing I have in my home that says: "The Impossible Dream... isn't!"
I'm not sure how these might relate... but there you go... Welcome to now!

Much Love, John


Law of ONE Practices

Note: Remembering that all language is a distrotion of the ONE, the following is shared with the hope that it will provide some inspiration and/or guidance as we move onward during these days of transition. I recommend reading the whole article which precedes these practices...a good read...jh

LAW OF ONE PRACTICES - excerpted from an article from Lisa Renee entitled "Life Review" - http://energeticsynthesis.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=category&layout=blog&id=40&Itemid=73 

 ...June 6, 2012...

– The Law of One is the comprehension that all things are made of intelligent energy and are a part of the All-One. The Law of One is a Sacred Science of the mechanics of consciousness and are the Natural Laws governing our Universal Creation. All-One is the recognition that Eternal Truth is Eternal Love and Eternal Love is the organic consciousness of Infinite Creator, or God. Eternal Love consciousness embodied in a form is Unity intelligence, and simultaneously recognized as, the Inner Light of Christos. Unity consciousness is at One with God and Unity consciousness ignites the Inner Light of Christos. The Inner Light of Christos when actualized in form, is the embodiment of an Eternal God Human. Practice Unity Consciousness and One is directly reflecting the image of God’s Love, and is eternally protected. Be At One with All, as One is All with God.

– Apply the practice of Unity with All-One as an extension towards loving, honoring and respecting yourself. Acknowledge the precious life force within by holding reverence and respect for yourself in all ways. Loving yourself is the action of Self Sovereignty, which is the natural state of embodying God’s Eternal Love. As a manifestation of God’s eternal spirit of Love, one has the ability to choose to create personal freedom without harming others. Have courage to remove the obstacles of pain and fear to become embodied Love, as God’s spirit is always found within.

– As you learn to love yourself, love others. Acknowledge the precious life force in others by holding love, reverence and respect for others. Loving others as you love yourself, is the natural state of Self Sovereignty as you give others the same reverence for their life, as you give your own life. Through practicing self-love and loving others, no approval, worth or esteem issues come into question, as all is loved equally.

– Loving the Earth and all her creations, the kingdoms of nature, plants, animals and mineral, which are all alive, conscious and intelligent energy beings. Acknowledge the precious life force present in all of God’s creation, by holding reverence and respect for nature. Doing so restores balance and harmony to nature, and the intelligent energy of all of earth’s creations will respond to cooperate with humankind. Humans living in discord with nature create many events that are considered to be “at the mercy of” the untamed forces. As humans learn to live in harmony with earth and the nature kingdom, the natural creatures will align to be in harmony and cooperation with all inhabitants.

– Upon firmly loving yourself and honoring your path, find methods to be of service to others that do not overstep personal boundaries of discernment. Being of service to others does not include consumptive modeling, such as victim-victimizer, parasitism or emotional vampirism. Being of service does not hold an ego perspective of entitlement, expectation or attachment. Practice being of service with unconditional love, and naturally flowing in the moment.

The energy exchange made between participants being of service to others, amplifies and expands consciousness growth like no other method. The more you amplify the energetic field of being in service to others, the more joy, harmony and gifts will be brought into your life. The more service you dedicate to Gods plan, the Law of One, the more spiritual support and spiritual presence one can exchange with God Force.

– Learn to develop inner clarity and spiritual integrity by intending to develop personal consciousness and/or spiritual identity. To embody one’s spiritual identity, one’s mind must be initiated and disciplined. If the ego is in authority of the body it will repel the spiritual identity from embodiment. If the mental body creates obstacles to the spiritual identity, the spiritual identity, therefore the consciousness, will not be experienced.

The first step to consciousness expansion is becoming aware of mind control and the quality content of thoughts and belief systems. The second step is to cooperate with the process of mental and physical discomfort by having patience and waiting in the void of silence. Learn to quiet the mind, sublimate the ego and be still. Once stillness, mental discipline and ego sublimation has been achieved, listen to your inner spirit to receive guidance. Inner Guidance will always lead to the process of re-education to experience continual consciousness expansion free of fear and dogma. The Inner Christos always guides one towards choosing more love and peace via consciousness expansion of the spiritual identity.

– As one becomes more infused with the eternal love of the spiritual identity, the intelligent blueprint activates the divine purpose of being as a co-creator with God. The spiritual identity and the intelligent blueprint of divine purpose are one and the same. Clarity of purpose and direction becomes clearer and clearer as one commits to live in service to the principles of All-ONE or Christ spirit.

Knowing and Living our purpose brings joy, peace and fulfillment, even when facing adversity or challenges. Once we achieve “knowing”, we are responsible for that knowing, and practice responsible co-creation with the All-One. A responsible co-creator knows all manifestations are in partnership with the All-One. We do not possess or control anything, so needs, desires and superimposing will, should be avoided. We are stewards of God Spirit to Serve Others in responsible co-creation with All-One. From this knowing, and living this principle, we are eternally free of karmic exchanges.


Spirit Babies – June 2012 [Christine Nightingale]

Spirit Babies – June 2012

I am a healer and medium with a speciality in communicating with babies who have crossed over before birth or have not yet been conceived.  Babies coming in now are especially aware and have much to teach their parents.  As a lifelong teacher who does a lot of volunteer work involving babies, I came to understand that this was my specialty about a year ago, after I had, among other things, revisited the place where I was born.

I was born in Schloss Ebelsberg, a haunted castle  in Austria.

The castle was built in around 1200. In May of 1809 it was the site of a major battle in the Napoleonic Wars, with as many as 20,000 casualties, including young French and Austrian soldiers and also many villagers. The defenders of the castle shot arrows out of the upper windows of the Schloss, and the villagers did what they could to repel the French invaders. When the Austrians had clearly won, an incompetent French general made a horrible decision to burn down the village of Ebelsberg so that hundreds of wounded soldiers of both side died in the flames. 

What can happen if a person dies under very traumatic circumstances, especially if they are disoriented at the time?

There were undoubtedly a great many earthbounds created in that battle. With casualties in the thousands most of them young French boys in their teens and twenties, there may well have been hundreds of earthbounds.

In a word, ghosts. The castle was haunted.

Shloss Ebelsberg, almost 140 years later, became the site of a refugee camp after the Second World War. My father was a United Nations official in charge of resettling the 20,000 refugees who were living on the castle grounds. Most had no papers, and it was my father’s job, with his staff, to ascertain where they wanted to settle, whether that country would have them, and so forth. It took several years. My father and mother rented a floor of the castle, complete with servants. So I was conceived and born there, in 1949 .

As a naturally curious and inquisitive child, with a great deal of psychic ability, I had no difficulty talking  with the earthbounds. They did not seem strange or starling to me. To make an analogy, perhaps most people get cable, but I had a satellite dish, and I could tune into these frequencies.  I was born to it, but of course I also chose it.

In addition, my older brother passed at the age of a month, I was born nine months later. Every person has a guide or angel to help them at any stage of life. My spirit guide for the first nine months(and many years thereafter)  was my older brother. So my very first experience with a Spirit Baby was in utero!

None of my family members shared my abilities to speak with spirits and angels.  So by the time I was five I learned to shut these abilities down as much as I could. Not to say I could turn it off completely. I had past life dreams as a baby, and was able to read the past lives of others in their eyes and their energy fields. But I really wanted to just lead a normal life.  I never asked the departed to speak to me.

I became a teacher, got married, and had three great kids.

When I became a Reiki master my abilities immediately started to open up again. Reiki involves working with the person’s energy field in order to remove blockages caused by trauma or stress, in order to facilitate healing.

Very soon I started getting messages from departed loved ones of my clients.

A mother whose adult daughter had passé two weeks got a visit from her daughter. The spirit said, “Ask her about the necklace.“ Apparently my client had been going through her mementos of her daughter and found the hospital ID bracelet her daughter had been given at birth, She was happy to learn that her daughter was obviously still with her.

A young woman client got a message from a lady who introduced herself as my client’s Nikomis. My client had not told me that she was part First Nations. . The word in her first nations’ language for grandmother is Nikomis.

A young man with cancer said he saw his sister running happily in a field of flowers. He told me she had committed suicide. I thought that it was pretty clear that my client would be leaving this plane soon and that his sister would be coming to take him to the light.

My friend came to see me after the death of her father. As she lay crying on the Reiki table a man’s voice said, “it’s okay, pumpkin, I’m all right:” Apparently her father had called her pumpkin when she was a child.

Then I started getting messages from Spirit Babies, children who have passed before birth or even in some cases, children who have not yet been conceived.

In the first instance, a woman in her fifties came to see me for Reiki. I told her that I saw a young girl in her energy field, pre=pubescent, beautiful, ethereal looking with a very sad expression. She said she had made it her life task to help her mother throughout her life, and was still waiting to be acknowledged.

The client told me she had had an abortion decades before. I told her that the child was still eager to communicate with her, and when she agreed, I helped facilitate their first conversation.
Since starting to specialize in this area a year ago,   I have worked with dozens of couples who are seeking to communicate with their lost Spirit Babies. Each reading is very different, no two cases are even remotely the same.

Christine Nightingale - www.nightingalehealing.com - nightiangel92@hotmail.com


Oneness and Distortion...

Out of the Infinite Oneness emerges form... We experience this Oneness....this Life. One form of 'form' is called language and includes symbols that try to convey experience. I am reminded to remember that all symbols including language are some distortion of Oneness... the distortion is neither positive or negative, just an attempt to communicate our interpretation of Life... of our take on Oneness... The important thing is the experience and reflection of Oneness in this NOW... and not the thinking about what was or what will be...


Expect the unexpected and may Loving Kindness be our Guide...
 ... and welcome to this Present Moment!
Smile ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 John Hutchinson - Denver, CO
Fusion13 Webpage: http://f13dna.blogspot.com 
Fusion13 on Facebook: http://facebook.com/f13dna
Sundance Center for Conscious Living: www.sunhutch.com 
"Our task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within ourselves that we have built against it."  ~ Rumi
www.Max.com/39160  - Max Cellgevity, Max Skin Care, MaxATP,Max N Fuze
www.WizWebWorks.com - Explore your website names with free email 


Fluoride: The Hard to Swallow Truth Documentary

FYI: Fluoride: The Hard to Swallow Truth Documentary
Use filtered water for safety.... as now, the science of the 1940s was controlled by corporate interests. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7aTfyo0Xz_c  

Expect the unexpected and may Loving Kindness be our Guide...
 ... and welcome to this Present Moment!
Smile ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 John Hutchinson - Denver, CO
Fusion13 Webpage: http://f13dna.blogspot.com 
Fusion13 on Facebook: http://facebook.com/f13dna
Sundance Center for Conscious Living: www.sunhutch.com 
"Our task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within ourselves that we have built against it."  ~ Rumi
www.Max.com/39160  - Max Cellgevity, Max Skin Care, MaxATP,Max N Fuze
www.WizWebWorks.com - Explore your website names with free email 