Sundance Center Services and Fees:
Distance Energy Work ... Focused Intention toward clearing your energy field.
Let's also agree with those who suggest that there is a unified field and that all and everything is part of the cosmic or quantum soup of Life.
Without delving into esoteric belief systems of specific spiritual teachings, suffice it to say that focused positive energy, meditation, sound frequencies, and visualization tools can be useful in helping others heal and cleans their energy fields. This applies equally to the physical, mental, emotional, and other unseen dimensions.
Since we are all connected at the level of consciousness and energy, we can provide survices to one another through focused intention.
This has been referred to by many names including:
- Distance Reiki
- Healing through Prayer
- Faith Healing
- Energy Work
- Soul Retrieval
- ...and many other names
As a ministry of loving service, John conducts energy sessions focused on your specific needs. There is present the powerful healing energies of love and light to all. We are not limited by locations or time. You can submit your request for healing, energy cleansing, help, prayer, or whatever your need may be. Along with your own intention to connect with the Source of Life and Love, by whatever name you may call it, together we focus this Universal Life energy or Spirit toward your particular need.
There are no guarantees, except to say that we are always connected to Life and the Source of Life energy. If you are working with some diagnosis present to you by the traditional medical community, we suggest you continue to follow what has been recommended, unless you choose otherwise. Sometimes there is an almost instant effect. At other times, it may take a while to see change.
There are no special tricks or magic involved in this process to draw helping energy to your situation and specific need. It is a matter of focused intention aligned with universal laws of Life and Energy. I am not a doctor and have no traditional medical training. I am an ordained non-sectarian minister through the Order of Melchizedek and have studied and practiced shamanic journeying, Reiki, meditation, visualization, and other forms of prayer and energy work over the decades.
Please submit requests for energy work by clicking here or ...
Note: Your request can be made anonymously and in confidence. I do require a first name or code name to focus on and a description of the issue either for yourself or someone else. ...
Note: Your request can be made anonymously and in confidence. I do require a first name or code name to focus on and a description of the issue either for yourself or someone else.
Fees for Distance Energy Work Services**:
Individual Distance Sessions
- For one session; $25 or a "give what you can" donation.**
- For 4 sessions over one month: $80 to $50 sliding scale. If you decide you are only able to make a donation, then you may request individual sessions.**
Special Group or Situational Sessions:
- If there is an issue or concern for a group or a special situation involving others, for one distance session: $25 or a "give what you can" donation.**
- For 4 sessions over one month, $80 to $50 sliding scale. If you decide you are only able to make a donation, then you may request individual sessions.**
Payments can be made directly or through the secure PayPay 'Donate' button on this webpage or at ...if receiving this through an email, PayPal can be accessed by clicking here or through the link in the signature block below. If wishing to send a money order or check, contact John for mailing instructions: ...
Your Loving Servant, John
Expect the unexpected... and may Loving Kindness be our Guide...
John Hutchinson ~ Denver, Colorado
"A Heart filled with Love is like a phoenix that no cage can hold." ~ Rumi