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“Sundance Center for Conscious Living” … affirming and respecting our uniqueness, our interconnectedness, and our Oneness... As we continue to awaken in the present moment, our intention remains to stay awake to the Oneness that is Life... and respond in Loving Service during the conscious moments we have here on earth... We seek to help one another heal and remember… moving toward greater awareness, wellness, balance, synthesis, and loving action… We invite you to listen to that which mostly deeply calls to you ... Love and Blessings to All!


Contemplating Love

It seems that Love in its highest form is the overall unifying state of Oneness… Love and Life are one…

Acceptance of what is….

The rainbow ribbon that connects ALL…

Love is that which binds all things into one…

We ‘like’ things… and people… and situations based upon specific personality preferences, attachments, and attractions… We ‘dislike’ …also based upon certain preferences conditioned into our survival personality…

Love accepts what is… within and externally… realizing there is no real ‘in’ or ‘out’…

Acceptance is different than agreement… We can agree that some actions and identifications seem to separate and disrespect the nature of Oneness and Life… and we can accept that that is ‘what is’ in a specific situation…

Just as ‘Grace’ is more than a blue-eyed blonde. ‘Love’ is also more than the preferences of our ego or survival personality….

‘L-o-v-e’ will be described differently by different people… and like the word ‘G-o-d’ will be interpreted through the filters of one’s personal and tribal teachings and experience…

‘Love’ is almost always associated with the heart… and a positive feeling of warmth and connection…

I may say “I love these garlic mashed potatoes,” and that is more a form of preference and sensual pleasure than it is a spiritual ‘Love’… Potato love is based upon what ‘it’ does for the ‘personal me’… and it is also part of life and part of the Oneness of Life…

What does it mean to “Love our enemies?” …This surely goes beyond the preferences of the ‘personal me’…the egoic mind and wants and preferences… If someone is out to kill us, what does it mean to Love this person?...

Love and Oneness are one and the same… “Enemy” is a definition of social convention and ego survival… It defines the illusion of separateness brought on by egoic differences and relative unconsciousness… After all, everyone is unconscious to some extent… and subject to our individual survival conditioning, filters, preferences, beliefs, and ideational thought-forms.

Love for me implies a ‘respectful acceptance’ of where another is at any particular moment… There is the action and the actor …the human being and the human action… Often the human action is a reaction that emerges from states of identification and unconsciousness based on past trauma and tribal teachings…

There have been studies about the various forms of ‘love’ and how the word is used…

“Do you love me?” is most often a query about ‘like’ and personal attachments… As a conscious spiritual being, we may always answer truthfully that indeed we do love every person… and the ego is usually looking for more than a spiritual connection… and often just the opposite… the ego looks for reassurance out of its own insecurity and fear of loss…

The question is similar to, “Do you believe in God?” While this is sometimes posed as a question to categorize another, I would have to answer, “Define what you mean by “God” and then I can answer.” Of course I have a spiritual connection to Source as we all do… and would define that experience always through the stained glass filters of personal individualized thought-form and concepts…

When I worked in corporate settings, I did my best to translate “Love” into a respectful and caring attitude toward others and the earth… toward service and quality… toward fairness and equality… what we sometimes refer to as social and business ethics…

“Love” manifests itself in the moment… in each life situation…
“Love” comes through our attitude about Life and everything in Life….
“Love” expresses itself through genuine acceptance, forgiveness, and letting go of what was or what might be…

Conscious attention to the moment, respecting all of Life, allows us to respond with the awareness of Love… Accepting what is without judgment… and responding with clear intention… manifesting ‘Spiritual Love’

Opening to the unifying center of pure consciousness allows us to witness the Love and Life that always is present… This state of awareness is one of peaceful acceptance of ourselves and others … The attachment to being loved that is sought by the ego to make up for some fantasized lack of love from the past is dissolved into the ocean of Life’s Source Energy, which is always available… the search for the ‘missing piece’ ends in synthesis with our Highest Self… with the Great Mystery…


Spiritual Wisdom, Blessing, Power

David Karchere asks, "So if you are going to reject the priesthoods of the world, how are you going to have that intensified experience of worship? What will you do? If you don’t want to buy what the religions of the world are selling, if you don’t want to use the word G-o-d, if you don’t want to kneel in front of an altar, you don’t want to read the Bible, or whatever it is, what do you want to do? How will you allow yourself to have an intensified experience of communion with the unseen reality of being?"  (Jan. 4, 2010; )

Where does personal spirituality, worship, and community come together? 
(read full presentation >>)

Note: On a recent visit to Colorado, I had the opportunity to meet many of those who serve in the EDL community at Sunrise Ranch, including David Karchere. I encourage you to plan a visit to Sunrise Ranch for a retreat or workshop experience... Visit Sunrise Ranch website...