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“Sundance Center for Conscious Living” … affirming and respecting our uniqueness, our interconnectedness, and our Oneness... As we continue to awaken in the present moment, our intention remains to stay awake to the Oneness that is Life... and respond in Loving Service during the conscious moments we have here on earth... We seek to help one another heal and remember… moving toward greater awareness, wellness, balance, synthesis, and loving action… We invite you to listen to that which mostly deeply calls to you ... Love and Blessings to All!


Happy New Now !!!!!! .... Denver John


"Happy New Year" [English]

"Bonne année"  [French]
"Gutes Neues Jahr"  [German]
"Buon Anno,
Felice Anno Nuovo"  [Italian]

"Ano Novo Feliz"  [Portugese]

"Feliz año Nuevo"  [Spanish]

"Gott nytt år"  [Swedish]
"Happy New Year," we say... and we mean all good things by it. But, why wish happiness for something that does not exist... since the calendar is simply a human-made construction for organization and convenience... 
So, let me wish you a:
"Happy and Peace-filled New NOW!" ...
As we release the mental and emotional grips of life's 'thens' that have past ...or are yet to come, we find ourselves immersed in this Present Moment.

The Now is all we ever really have and which connects us to the ongoing ever-present Spirit which is the Oneness of Life ... So, I am grateful for our connection and ongoing presence ...and Happy New Now!
Good Luck and Happy New Now!
German: Glück und Glücklich Neu Jetzt!
French: La Bonne chance et Heureux Nouveau Maintenant!
Italian: Buona fortuna e felice ora di nuovo!
Spanish: ¡Buena suerte y Feliz Nuevo Ahora!
Portuguese: Boa Sorte e Feliz Novo Agora!
John Hutchinson
P.S. These translations are computer generated from an online resource, so, forgive me if they are less than perfect. I invite you to share a more accurate translation!


Flipping the switch... Illumination!

When we enter our home at night, illumination comes as we flip a switch... and the lights come on!
So, the question is: "Can we find illumination just as quickly when we face a decision or issue that calls for a response?"
Each day brings with it the sunrise. The mystery flaming torch that lights our days and is absence to us at night. There is a rhythm to this magical globe of illumination that comes and goes in cycles. We take it for granted since that is our experience and has always been our experience.
This is the nature of our world in which the sun with its light and energy illuminates our environment and produces growth and change. Without the sun and earth in the proximity that exists, life, as we know it would not exist.
The illumination that comes into our consciousness is also like a light of knowing, bringing clarity to us to some extent... even though the mystery always exists.
Answers and messages come in the light of day and also in the light of night through dreams in which our highest Self, that aspect of our being is tranmitting symbols and messages from other less conscious aspects of who we are.
The dream scene may be trying to convey some reality and energetic dynamic that our egoic mind may not be aware of and in fact may actually be guarding against its entrance to our consciousness. Now the egoic mind is not 'bad' or 'negative.' It is the result of learning survival in our earth world and as it has built a strong fortress, it also has developed a might defense against change to varying degrees depending on each person.
In fact, a night 'terror' or 'nightmare' may actually be some bit of illumination trying to get past the defensive walls of the ego. We experience this as fear in the night and in our body and when it actually may be the ego using fear to inhibit change and expansion of awareness.
Dreams are one avenue for illumination.
Another path of illumination is our intuition and active imagination. In intuition we tune into our body and sensations and answers coming into our consciousness beyond the reasoning mind. This may be the experience in relaxation and meditation in which we still the mind chatter and let go of trying to "figure it all out."
In active imagination, we may do a day-dream type journey to the top of a mountain where we meet up with a wise person with whom to talk. Another method is to visualize looking at clouds or entering the clouds and asking our guides , God, or Higher Self a questions and allow an answer to emerge from the unseen... answers from the unconscious. Answers may come in the form of symbols, words, images, or simply a knowing in our body. The trick is often to trust what we receive before the egoic mind starts to analyze and bring in doubt and confusion.
Another more 'acceptable' form in our societies is to do the research, think it through, do the mental work of understanding and learning as much as we can about the focus of our inquiry. Then in the periods of incubation and silence, there sometimes pops an answer, a solution, an option we had not considered. This may be seen as building a point of mental tension in which the creative spark and impulse may leap across the mysterious chasm of the unknown into our consciousness. Many inventors find their genius-ness in this very way...
Illumination is that which brings clarity in the confusion and light into the darkness. It brings 'out of the box' answers and a new and fresh beginning of sorts.
Where does clarity come from? From the mystery it seems... from the mind that is One mind... from the unified field that transcends egoic defenses and breaks into our consciousness from time to time... In essence, we may say that all is energy and all is mind and all is connected...so, clarity and illumination bridges the spiritual and material and shows us the oneness beyond duality. 
Each of us can flip the switch and have the lights come on... trust the larger mind to which we all have access... of which we all are included in the One Life Energy...
Much Love,
John Hutchinson
December 26, 2012

A little dream book for you.... from John

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

A Little Dream Book for You... "Dreamus Aliveus"


In 1999 I finished a book called, "Dreamus Aliveus," which integrated about 25 years of experience in dreaming, studying dreams, and working with the dreams of others. The 2nd edition sold out in 2003. While it is now out of print, I have now transferred the book pages to PDF format so I can send "Dreamus Aliveus" as an eBook in 24 brief sections and over 120 pages...
Read more details and info >>>

Expect the unexpected... may Loving Kindness be our Guide... and welcome to NOW!
John Hutchinson - Denver, CO

Sundance Dream Hutch (blog): www.dreamhutch.blogspot.com  
Sundance Center for Conscious Living Blog: www.sunhutch.com 
Fusion13 Adventure Blog: http://f13dna.blogspot.com
Sundance Wellness Hutch Blog: www.wellhutch.blogspot.com
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"Our task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within ourselves that we have built against it." 
~ Rumi


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Life Challenges... Be Here Now....

Life comes with challenges.... as well as times of peace.
Some times we consider challengess and problems as something that has gone wrong with "Life."

If we expect a life without bumps in the road...without issues, problems, challenges, rough times... then we will live a life of frustration that Life isn't what we want it to be...

Is there a way to embrace and accept the rough times along with the easy times?

It is through the rough patches that we are given the opportunity to respond in creative and loving ways.

Today as I talked with a dear friend, she shared the following story, which I repeat here with my intrepretations of course...

A woman was talking with my friend and had come to conclusion that so much was coming up in her life and she was simply overwhelmed with feelings. We will call her Sue. Sue decided to visit a former dance teacher who was in the hospital and was 92 years young. When sue arrived, the teacher's daughter was there and infomed her that her mother was in a semi-coma and hadn't been able to speak in days. Her health was failing quickly and she really was awake to visite with Sue. Well, Sue said that was okay and that would just talk to her and spend a short time.

So, Sue sat with her former teacher and taking her hand, began to share all that she appreciated about their times together over the years. About the time Sue was ready to go, she felt a squeeze in her hand and her teacher opened her eyes and said, "Have fun!"  ... then went back into her rest...

This so affected Sue and she began to cry and release all the emotions that had building up... she could not control and emotional release that continued throughout the day... with those two words, "Have fun," Sue was able to let go all of the weight of emotional baggege she had been carrying with her and indeed began to find the fun in life.

I wish each one of us the openness to accept life's challenges as they are and simply do what we need to to deal with them... and in the process of always being present, may we enjoy Life and "Have fun!"

Sue's former teacher is still her teacher, even as she faces the challenge of releasing this life!

Unconditional Love - David Karchere


Unconditional Love
Christmas 2012

In this Christmas Season, I celebrate with you the teaching of unconditional love brought by one of the greatest spiritual teachers to walk the earth. With all the attention that Christianity has given to Jesus’ birth and his crucifixion, and with all the meaning that has been attributed to Jesus by others, his own message has yet to fully penetrate the heart of humanity. This Christmas, let us give and receive unconditional love as we never have before.

Here, in these few words, is Jesus’ invitation as it has come down to us through the ages. It is, as much as possible, in his own words, understanding all the issues of translation. Despite those issues, this profound message is still hidden in plain sight in the best-selling book of all time, the Bible.

This is my commandment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you.
Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you.
Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all.
Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.
Whosoever shall compel thee to go a mile, go with him twain.
Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.
Love, in its pure form, is universal. It is the ultimate power of the cosmos. That power cannot be undone and it never stops. When a person opens themselves to that power and lets it move through them, refusing to stop doing so for any reason, they have embraced that ultimate power as their own reality. They have taken the same stance as a human being that universal love takes all the time—“I never stop radiating myself.”

When you and I love unconditionally, we are embracing what is most true of who we are. We are love. To love unconditionally, we have to face the greatest lie that has ever been foisted on a human being—that we are weak when we express love and we are strong when we act from fear and hate. Exactly the opposite is true. We are powerful when we love unconditionally.

Unconditional love is the beginning of the spiritual journey. The spiritual journey is all about what happens when a person chooses a life of unconditional love. It is about how that person is transformed and transmuted by their choice, which one day ceases to be a choice and becomes who they are, known through and through.

I have many heroes in my life; people who have inspired me, people I have admired and aspired to be like in some way. Above them all is the life and teaching of this courageous, passionate, loving man who showed us what universal love looks like in human form. May we receive his message in this day and let it be our own.

David Karchere

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Reflections of the 2nd Amendment

A few thoughts on the Second Amendment

2nd Amendment Text:
"A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."

Now, I’m not a trained historian or lawyer, and yet a cursory reading of the intention behind the 2nd Amendment to the Bill of Rights seems that it was for the purpose of addressing concerns that the Congress with the power to arm an army and the militias might also have the power to dis-arm the militias. This was a big concern from many states.
As a part of Article 1 Section 8 of the Constitution, Congress is given the power:

"To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions”… and… “To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the Militia, and for governing such Part of them as may be employed in the Service of the United States, reserving to the States respectively, the Appointment of the Officers, and the Authority of training the Militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress.”

When Madison was given the job of getting all the suggestions and crafting the 2nd Amendment, he was mainly concerned with assuring that the militias would not be dis-armed. The States were concerned about the power of a centralized government and a standing army, since they had just fought a war of independence from an oppressive government with a standing army. The militias of various states were part of that effort. We even hear some firearms advocates today suggesting this is a fear that is still relevant.
While Madison received many suggestions from the various state representatives about including clauses for self-defense, defense or property, hunting, conscientious religious objector exemptions, and other non-militia concerns, his refusal to include these ideas which became parts of some state constitutions and bills of rights, again shows his likely intent was to address the fear states had of their militias being dis-armed. The fact that other state constitutions included such clauses does not infer anything about the actual meaning or intention of why Madison excluded such clauses in the ratified version of the 2nd Amendment.

The main intention was to insure that “males” would be able to ‘store’ and have ready for use the equipment of war in case the “well-regulated” militias were needed for the protection and security of the ‘state,’ or to “suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions” as stated in Article 1, Section 8.

There was no intention in the 2nd Amendment to limit Congress or the states in creating any laws regarding the non-military use of firearms or other items that could be used as weapons.

Most proponents of individual rights to own and carry firearms, usually dismiss the prefatory clause and focus only on what is defined as the operative clause of the 2nd Amendment which states, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."  However, if this was the main intent and meant to apply to everyone and to all circumstances, why even include the prefatory clause: "A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state”…?

What’s my point? I guess it is if anyone is going to use the 2nd Amendment as a justification to own and carry weapons, then perhaps it is important to take into consideration the actual intent and meaning of the amendment within the historical context of when and why it was created. Otherwise let’s just have a reasonable discussion about guidelines for use of weapons and their purpose in our modern society and leave the Bill of Rights out of it.

While I personally have owned and used firearms and am a USAF Veteran of the Vietnam Era, I do not currently own or have access to guns. I can understand the use of guns by those who hunt wild game for food and for protection of property and family. I can understand the use of some form of weapons by our paid public servants who are assigned the tasks of keeping law and order in society.

And I do not understand why citizens are allowed to buy, store, and use weapons of mass destruction that are usually reserved for battlefield engagements. I ask: who is it that needs assault rifles, semi-automatic guns of any type, bullets that explode through protective vests, or high capacity clips that allow the firing of 30 shots in a few seconds? What is to limit the weapons that are allowed? Why not have bazookas or drones or nuclear warheads stored in the garage… and perhaps a tomahawk missile in the back yard just in case?
If a ban on assault weapons of mass destruction is a slippery slope that leads to further gun control and fewer gun-inflicted deaths… or ammunition control, then I think that it is a slide worth riding.

One practical action that seems to be getting some guns off the streets and out of homes is the gun buyback program conducted in many cities and states. Let us support these practical measures and also provide a bit of loving-kindness to others in need. And that is a topic for another time.

John Hutchinson


Lost Souls…

Depressed children often become lost souls as they age and remain at the mercy of the negative thoughts and energies that invaded their lives and become their normal state.
There are no perfect family situations. So we can say all families have elements of health and elements of dysfunction. There are times of love and care as well as times of negativity, conflict, and non-communication.
As a bit of self disclosure, I, as many others, grew up in a family in which alcohol and depression played a significant part in the home environment.  I retrospect, I can say that some of my childhood was spent as a scared and depressed lost child. My father and uncles were hunters and guns were around the house. As I grew older, I looked forward to using the guns and taking my place among the ‘men’ hunters in the family.
I also found power in having a gun when I received a ‘BB’ air rifle. I learned to play with shotgun shells and build mini rockets using the gunpowder from the ammunition which was always accessible to me since they were stored with the guns in the pantry closet.
As a young teenager I felt the need to shoot something... a bit of repressed anger I suppose. I loaded a 4-10 shotgun and went out in the backyard and found a small bird as my anger’s victim. I later felt remorse for that act and also changed my own view of hunting for me. I did enter the killing forces of the US when I volunteered for the US Air Force. Although I was in the air defense command working with electronic and computer repair, I was also taught to use a military rifle and how to take care of the rifle.
By the time I was stationed in Wyoming, I own a ‘hunting’ rifle. I went hunting during the fall after high school and had a beautiful antlered buck in my sights. I squeezed the trigger to discover the lock was on. When I clicked the lock to the ‘off’ position, the deer bolted and saved me from shooting it. I never shot at another animal. I know that many do hunt and respect wildlife and use the meat for food. I find that I do not enjoy the stories of sport hunting where the trophy is to boost the egos of the shooter, to somehow enhance someone’s ‘manhood’ and in some cases, ‘womanhood.’
There are many complex issues that are involved with guns, mental health, childhood depression, suicidal ideation, and family dynamics. Even when I felt anger toward and about my father as a child and teenager, I may have wished he was gone from our family, but I never thought about taking matters into my own hands.  Depression sometimes led to suicidal thoughts for me, but I never seriously planned it for myself or thought of doing harm directly to others.
But there were times in my life where I could have used some help along the way, especially during childhood. I missed a lot of school, especially after elementary school days. I was never approached about any of this and if I would have been, I most likely would have said I didn’t need any help or nothing was wrong.
It took a while, but I learned through life experience and personal and spiritual growth that there is really nothing fundamentally ‘wrong’ with me or us, even when it feels that way. We may feel out of sync or lost in some negative or “stinkin’ thinkin’” but that is not who we are.  I was fortunate to have some guide posts along the way, a few epiphanies, and lots of searching. I hope we can take all we have learned in this life’s experience and use it to spread loving kindness to those around us. Loving one another sometimes means reaching out to those who are as lost as we once were… helping them to find their way home to the present, free of the enslavement of negativity within.
I had my moments of conversation with the little bird whose life I ended and found some acceptance in that, even though I still feel sad that I was so out of touch to want to do that as a child. 
And I have made my peace with my father as well, who was probably more lost than I ever was.
The point of this ramble is to say, there are moments, perhaps, that we may notice something in the energies and actions of others that cry out for help and attention. Let us do our part to show loving kindness to them and let them know they are not alone and we will listen to their story and their pain.
~ John Hutchinson - Decmeber 15, 2012


Reflections on Sandy Hook Tragedy

Today, another mass shooting killed 20 innocent children and adults in an elementary school in Newtown, CT.

Now, our hearts are opened to those dear children especially, and to their parents and all who are impacted by this needless tragedy.

I’m not sure we ever really know why things happen as they do. And I am sure there will be countless theories about motive and diagnoses of the man who pulled the triggers.

Since there are statistics that show how the US leads most of the countries in the world by a wide margin with the most deaths by gun, it seems time to address this issue once again. I agree that guns do not kill people, people kill people. Yet when the options of choice include the availability of guns, it seems this screams out for a new look at accessibility.

Of course we will never be able to profile every person who will become a mass killer or criminal. But there must be some regulations that can be implemented and enforced that will limit people with known background issues from purchasing guns.

Another real issue is the troubled soul and misguided energies involved in situations like these. This is clearly a spiritual and mental health issue. A troubled soul or souls can lash out toward others when they do not have the skills or abilities to communicate or deal with deep personal conflicts.

 This is a societal issue as well as we look at the US military-industrial complex that glamorizes weapons, power, and killing in “sanctioned” actions of international conflicts and black operations through the intelligence agencies, often with intended or unintended “collateral damage resulting in the deaths of civilians, both adults and children. 

Loving-kindness needs to be taught to our children and to all the adults who dare listen. Conflict resolution and communication skills are learned and can and should be taught in every level of our society.  The area of aiding people with overwhelming stress and personal issues is an area that calls out to me and I think to each one of us who is concerned about the troubled souls walking around among us.

It takes courage to walk beyond denial and to help those we may know in our group of friends or family who may show symptoms of depression, secretive behavior, speaking of violent resolutions to problems, or self destruction… even if it is a joking way. Some may show an unusual interest in weapons and look for ways to purchase one or more guns. What is the purpose of an obsession with guns? Guns do provide one of the easiest options for both self-destruction and murdering or trying to eliminate outside objects of hostility.

Today, another mass shooting killed 20 innocent children and 7 adults in an elementary school in Newtown, CT… Now, our hearts are opened to those dear children especially, and to their parents and all who are impacted by this needless tragedy. Let us do what we can, each one of us, to make the world a safer space for all of us. Love demands no less.
John Hutchinson





by Eckhart Tolle ...Reprinted from Eckhart Tolle's Findhorn Retreat: Stillness Amidst the World, © 2006 by Eckhart Tolle, Eckhart Teachings Inc.
We're here to find that dimension within ourselves that is deeper than thought.
This teaching isn't based on knowledge, on new interesting facts, new information. The world is full of that already. You can push any button on the many devices you have and get information. You're drowning in information.
And ultimately, what is the point of it all? More information, more things, more of this, more of that. Are we going to find the fullness of life through more things and greater and bigger shopping malls?
Are we going to find ourselves through improving our ability to think and analyze, and accumulate more information, more stuff? Is "more" going to save the world? It's all form.
You can never make it on the level of form. You can never quite arrange and accumulate all the forms that you think you need so that you can be yourself fully. Sometimes you can do it for a brief time span. You can suddenly find everything working in your life: your health is good; your relationship is great; you have money, possessions, love, and respect from other people.
But before long, something starts to crumble here or there, either the finances or the relationship, your health or your work or living situation. It is the nature of the world of form that nothing stays fixed for very long - and so it starts to fall apart again.
The voice in the head that never stops speaking becomes a civilization that is obsessed with form, and therefore knows nothing of the most important dimension of human existence: the sacred, the stillness, the formless, the divine. "What does it profit you if you gain the whole world and lose yourself?"
It has been said that there are two ways of being unhappy: not getting what you want, and getting what you want. When people attain what the world tells us is desirable - wealth, recognition, property, achievement - they're still not happy, at least not for long. They're not at peace with themselves. They don't have a true sense of security, a sense of finally having arrived.
Their achievements have not provided them with what they were really looking for - themselves. They have not given them the sense of being rooted in life, or as Jesus calls it, the fullness of life. The form of this moment is the portal into the formless dimension. It is the narrow gate that Jesus talks about that leads to life. Yes, it's very narrow: it's only this moment.
To find it, you need to roll up the scroll of your life on which your story is written, past and future. Before there were books, there were scrolls, and you rolled them up when you were done with them.
So put your story away. It is not who you are. People usually live carrying a burden of past and future, a burden of their personal history, which they hope will fulfill itself in the future. It won't, so roll up that old scroll. Be done with it.
You don't solve problems by thinking; you create problems by thinking. The solution always appearswhen you step out of thinking and become still and absolutely present, even if only for a moment. Then, a little later when thought comes back, you suddenly have a creative insight that wasn't there before.
Let go of excessive thinking and see how everything changes. Your relationships change because you don't demand that the other person should do something for you to enhance your sense of self. You don't compare yourself to others or try to be more than someone else to strengthen your sense of identity.
You allow everyone to be as they are. You don't need to change them; you don't need them to behave differently so that you can be happy.
There's nothing wrong with doing new things, pursuing activities, exploring new countries, meeting new people, acquiring knowledge and expertise, developing your physical or mental abilities, and creating whatever you're called upon to create in this world. It is beautiful to create in this world, and there is always more that you can do.
Now the question is, Are you looking for yourself in what you do? Are you attempting to add more to who you think you are? Are you compulsively striving toward the next moment and the next and the next, hoping to find some sense of completion and fulfillment?
The preciousness of Being is your true specialness. What the egoic self had been looking for on the level of the story - I want to be special - obscured the fact that you could not be more special than you already are now. Not special because you are better or more wretched than someone else, but because you can sense a beauty, a preciousness, an aliveness deep within.
When you are present in this moment, you break the continuity of your story, of past and future. Then true intelligence arises, and also love. The only way love can come into your life is not through form, but through that inner spaciousness that is Presence. Love has no form.