Welcome... and Thank You for visiting...

“Sundance Center for Conscious Living” … affirming and respecting our uniqueness, our interconnectedness, and our Oneness... As we continue to awaken in the present moment, our intention remains to stay awake to the Oneness that is Life... and respond in Loving Service during the conscious moments we have here on earth... We seek to help one another heal and remember… moving toward greater awareness, wellness, balance, synthesis, and loving action… We invite you to listen to that which mostly deeply calls to you ... Love and Blessings to All!


Anger, Depression, Power, and LIFE

Spirit of Frankness ... Feb 29, 2012
The following is a dreamtime experience that brings a few things to awareness... it reflects the current state of affairs of Life in several areas of consciousness...
I am with a group of others and we are in spring training of sorts... practicing... not sure exactly what the game is but we are coming together as a team... then I see one guy head a soccer ball and it goes a really long way and I am amazed at far the ball goes off his head... seemed super-natural in a sense...
We are in a team meeting of sorts or at least in the same room. I go off to the bathroom and am standing at the urinal relieving myself. One of the leaders, Frank Geist, comes in and is saying I need to get fired up more... he takes his penis, which is quite large like a hose and aims it at me and urinates on me... getting pissed on pisses me off and I point my smaller penis at him and urinate on him as well... the conflict does the trick of getting me fired up and the energy flowing... I know that he was doing it for that exact reason, not because he was angry at me...
So what is the message from my Higher Self and team leader, Frank Geist ...?
  • We are in prep mode... still in training... always practicing...
  • We have extraordinary power that goes beyond old ways of seeing what is possible...
  • We need to be "frank" with ourselves and others even if it is not what their or our ego wants to hear...
  • Honest "frankness" and conflict can fire up our energy and passion... motivating us and others... it can keep us in touch with Spirit... [Note: "Geist" is a German word meaning "spirit, mind, or soul"]...
  • Sometimes leaders just need to be aggressive and fire up the team for action...
A Look at Anger and Power
Life Energy is power... powerful... full of power... As humans, our ego sometimes uses that power as anger when the ego does not get what it wants. We see this in acting out behavior of children of all ages... and within ourselves... We also may have been domesticated to suppress our life energy, power, and anger... this most often can lead to passivity and also to depression.
Do your easily express your power and are you able to feel the power, even if it comes through as anger... or being pissed off? Injustice when we or others are mistreated can bring up sympathy and sadness as we identify with the "victim" of a situation. And there is also anger that drives and fires us up to take action.
If you are feeling depressed, it could be that you are reacting to a situation and feel powerless... then at times our tendency can be to give up and so we generalize and get pissed off at "God"...the Universe...and Life ... it is as if a part of us decides to turn our power and life energy back on itself... resisting and refusing to let the Life Energy flow through our being.
A few options:
  • Recognize 'what is' and see if a part of you is actually sabotaging your Life Energy.
  • If you go back to where the energy became low, identify the situation or person.
  • Deal with the situation or person through direct communication if that is possible, sharing the facts and your feelings.
  • If you cannot get back to the point where you first lost your energy, you can do an energetic exercise such as screaming into a pillow... pounding a pillow... saying whatever comes up... and it is good to bend you lower back when pounding the bed or pillow... simply to release and unblock some of the blocked areas often in the lower back.
  • Know what situations over which you have little or no influence and may not be able to impact change... Acceptance is a key once you recognize the situation.
There are several things here as we recognize an unresolved conflict and find ourselves in a 'victim' state in which life is seen as being against us in some way.
The ego part of us is a domesticated aspect that has developed certain ideas, wants, desires, and other aspects that produces a certain identity. We are so identified with who we think we are and what life is that a conflict or psychic pain is created whenever there is some difference between our "false" or domesticated self and who we are in our essence. Spiritual teachers have often pointed to the path of liberation is to let go of the "false" self... the ego self... the wants and wishes... the expectations of what should be...
We are going through times of transition as always and it may or may not be more intensified now. It is my sense that many of us are going through a much bigger process than we can see right now... it is a period of dealing directly with ego and personality issues as we are being drawn to transformation... and expanding consciousness... becoming open to loving service in new ways. In the Native American and indigenous teaching of many places, this can be seen as the period of the Shaman's Death... in order for us to serve for the good of all... there is a profound death to ego... a letting go of old ways of thinking and seeing the world... it is a time of death to the "false" selves that have been created through the domestication process and various cultural world views... and also our specific experience... and it is part of the natural and spiritual journey.
We are being asked to let go... to endure the natural disorientation that accompanies change... to call our deepest Life Energy back... to call Spirit back to our life... at least to our consciousness, since Spirit never actually leaves...
Sometimes it seems that our life gets tougher or seems to get worse in some way... this can be the storm before the new pattern emerges... the Shaman's Death of dying to the old self so that the new can continue to emerge into this moment...
"God"... "Source" ... "Great Spirit"... "Energy of Life" ... whatever we chose to call the mysterious source of Being and Life... is always present... there are  guides, guardians, angels, Higher Selves, and the interconnected web of everything that we are a miraculous participant in. We can shift our perspective from an ego-centered world view... "there is no 'I' in 'team'"... to at least opening to realizing we part of an amazing adventure without end... A Love story outside, within, and beyond time! The egoic energy often just wants some company in the illusion and feelings of 'misery'..."misery love company"... We are called to experience our life and learn so that we may  be a contributing team member to the greatest game of ALL! We are all members of the same team... some realize it now... and others will realize it in some other now! In the Spirit of "frank"-ness... let's get our butts in gear!


Low energy?

Feeling low energy?

It is the end of February 2012. A number of friends with a conscious spiritual perspective are going through some really heavy vibrational energy frequencies... I have also notice a rather heavy intensity in the past day or so...
Let me suggest a few things.
There are bound to be some times this year that will be tough times that may be part of readying us to let go of more of the emotional 'baggage' we are carrying... ad letting go of personal identity...
As we are letting go of what we wanted or perhaps our view of the way we thought the world worked and how it should work, there will be some personal reactions of the losses.
There are ways to raise our energy vibrational levels through meditation or imagery. These methods can be used as temporary shifts and it is also important that we let the feelings release so the emotional body can cleanse and heal, otherwise we find ourselves repeating the same dynamics. Breathe into the emerging feelings and go to the bottom of them... If we run from them they will both return again and again and create myths and stories in our mind... If we run from them they will unconsciously control our actions...
Affirm yourself as a child of Universal Love...we are loved and loving... accept what is and has been... even if you don't like what happened... let go often involves acceptance... trust the universe, even if you think you should be in control... that is our ego who will always want us to feel trapped inside the false ego boundaries that the false ego tries to defend at all costs... sometimes the major spiritual battle is waged right inside our psyche...
The God of All is moving with unconditional love... part of us knows this and part does not want to think this is what is happening. There will continue to be breakthroughs in consciousness... perhaps it will get more intense before it gets better, and it is all moving and at another level seems to already be a done deal... we are just catching up, so to speak... It is difficult to convey this since we are still thinking in terms of time and space concepts... Unconditional Love is present even when we are not feeling it at any particular moment... our ego keeps us busy in dealing with tomorrow and yesterday...
Be in this Moment... with the sensation your body is experiencing... allow the sensation to breathe without analyzing it... you can do that later...
Honor your experience. Know you are loved, even if those who you wished would love you unconditionally, cannot or did not do so. Please know you are loved, always.
Expect the unexpected ...
May Love and Joy be with us....John

 ... and welcome to this Present Moment!
Smile ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 John Hutchinson - Denver, CO
Sundance Center Webpage: www.sunhutch.com 

Coincidence... Miracle!?

Hi from Sundancing John ...
Today I decided go to the Dept of Motor Vehicles and get my Colorado registration, title transfer, and plates... The line extended past the entrance doors and all the seats were filled...standing room only... I turned and started out... then something clicked and I thought, now is as good a day as any to sit and meditate in the DVM for hours!!
I put my things down on a counter for a moment and then noticed an empty chair where someone had just got up to take their turn... or maybe just leave... I sat beside a friendly looking young woman and we exchanged a brief greeting... within minutes she got up to take her turn at the counter and handed me a ticket with a number on it that was 30 less than the one I was holding...

So within 5 minutes, barely enough time to get my stuff together, my number was called and I was out of there in what seemed like less that 15 minutes... to me that was a miracle and the way things have been happening, it seems our guardians were helping out... whatever it was and is... I'll take it...I love when the universe works in some extraordinary ways like it did today... with apologies to all who had to continue to wait...

Expect the unexpected ... John

 ... and welcome to this Present Moment!
Smile ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 John Hutchinson - Denver, CO
Sundance Center Webpage: www.sunhutch.com 
"And as I've gotten older, I've had more of a tendency to look for people who live by kindness, tolerance, compassion, a gentler way of looking at things." - Martin Scorsese
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Essence of Peace - Monday Evening Meditation

Monday Evening Meditation - Peace Energy [The Angel of Peace]
The following meditation is based upon the Essenes' teachings... the daily meditations or communions are designed to be used morning and evening in addition to the noon practice called the Sevenfold Peace. At the beginning of each meditation, the following prologue is recited:
"I enter the spaciousness of this timeless and infinite Garden with reverence to the Source and Energy of Life, to the Earth and all its fullness, to the spiritual teachers of all traditions, to the liberating purity of truth, and with reverence to all who courageously walk the Path of Spirit..."
You are encouraged to spend time sitting with the following statement before continuing to read.
"Peace, Peace, Peace, Spirit of Peace, Be All-ways everywhere."
My soul finds rest only in the Living and Loving Source of Peace...
The calm waters restores my balance... the silence amid the hustle and bustle sooths my soul...
Dear Spirit of Peace, you provide openness to my Life that only the Source of all Life can bring to my soul...
In Oneness, we sit in the center of it All...
This meditation with the "Angel of Peace" is dedicated to our deep inner intuition of peace within oneself and within the infinite universe. In the Essene concept peace is one of the most valuable treasures of humanity and, unless we realize its true meaning, we cannot have spiritual serenity, without which our life can have less meaning. It was held that an individual's most immediate duty is to create peace within ourselves and with everything around us; and that the work of peace begins within... acceptance of 'what is' in this present moment provides the space for change...
The Essenes utilized all sources of peace in the universe and transmitted them to the world, one manifestation of which was in their universal greeting, "Peace be with you."
"Peace... Peace... Peace... Spirit of Peace, Be All-ways Everywhere."
Peace be with you!

Culture - Monday Noon Meditation

Monday Noon Meditation - Culture
The noon practice of the Essenes called the Sevenfold Peace is designed to take the expanding consciousness of the morning and evening communions and apply them to areas of everyday living in practical ways.
"Source of Life, who is everywhere, send to all your Spirit of Peace; to our knowledge, the Spirit of Wisdom..."
The Essenes brought their spirituality into every aspect of their lives...
We live in a social world... more interactive than ever and we see both the clash and the merging of various cultures...
Let us be mindful that differences are the magic of life that creates rainbows of creative discovery...
Let us invoke the Spirit of Wisdom as we go about our daily lives in our ever-changing culture... respecting and accepting difference as a natural part of Life...
"Source of Life, who is everywhere, send to all your Spirit of Peace; to our knowledge, the Spirit of Wisdom..."
Peace be with you!

Special message and invitation... from John and ?

This is intended as an invitation to an adventure with the intent of providing focal points of positive energy.
As with many of you, we are receiving information from the realms of the unseen... for now we shall call them guides, teachers, and guardians... they are here now, even though most of us cannot see them...
I was provided the following information and was also shown I would be an "Air Traffic Controller" since I am getting toward the end of my 'training.' Sometimes our conscious mind does not know what things mean until the meaning pops into our awareness. I was told of a guiding point, a lodestar, that is connected with energy fusion... and then a flash of a expansive energy field around and through our earth like an energy disc of a different plane or dimension... then the number 13 flashed into awareness... then the image of 12 around a center point of focalization... and I imagine each one of the 12 in the circle will be a focal leader with 12 or more around them...and so on and so an....
We are all connected anyway... this format seems designed to fuse and focus energy...my best guess it has to do with ongoing transitions as we move toward expanded awareness and living from unconditional Love, Peace, and Unity... the transcendence of duality... as far as I see now, these are some of the affirmations we live through...
  • We affirm we are one Life Force and One with Source... sometimes referred to as 'God'... "All That IS"
  • We intent to align as best as possible with the direction of Source energy...
  • We call back our life spirit and full Life energy in healing any personality issues so we may be more fully open to the dimension of guardians and teachers who are helping us constantly including in the hours we sleep...
  • We intent to continue to focus Love and Peace within our individual expression and outward in our transitioning world...
  • We are open to seeing the world in new ways according the the 'knowledge' that comes in to our awareness...
  • We are open to Life in various forms and in various dimensions both within and beyond our mental concepts of time and space.
  • We affirm the sanctity of the body, the earth, and honor the oneness with Love's Source.
  • We affirm we are Loved and we are Love within this Oneness of Life in motion....and we are part of a tremendous adventure... without end...
We can be seen as ambassadors or agents of Divine Love... If this short message touches something within you, let me know you are interested in continuing to receive and share information back and forth.
I imagine there may be occasions when we are asked to focus our energy on specific areas, but that is just a guess at this point...
If this is something that you do not connect with at this time, that is fine... let me know or If I don't hear from you, I will not send you future messages for this focalizing group... I will only send info as I feel directed and I'm not sure how often that will be...
May the Source of all continue to bless us with the Love and Peace that is always here.... John

added March 5, 2012
Fusion13 – Intro Links

If you have an interest in the concept of our Higher Selves and soul clusters joining forces to help usher in Loving Kindness, you are invited to check out any or all of the following links on the Fusion13 Adventure Blog:

Expect the unexpected and ...

May Loving Kindness be our Guide... John

Essence of Vitality - Monday Morning Meditation

Monday Morning Meditation -
Essence of Vitality [The Angel of Life]

The following meditation is based upon the Essenes' teachings... the daily meditations or communions are designed to be used morning and evening in addition to the noon practice called the Sevenfold Peace. At the beginning of each meditation, the following prologue is recited:
"I enter the spaciousness of this timeless and infinite Garden with reverence to the Source and Energy of Life, to the Earth and all its fullness, to the spiritual teachers of all traditions, to the liberating purity of truth, and with reverence to all who courageously walk the Path of Spirit..."
You are encouraged to spend time sitting with the following statement before continuing to read.
"Essence of Life, enter my limbs and give strength to my whole body."
Flower and fauna, kiss me with your sweet energies of Life...
Spread your energies around and through me that I may feel your Life and mine as one...
Living force, charge me with the aliveness that is Life...
Angel of the morning dew, wash me with your freshness that I may truly see this new birth...this new day... in the fullness you present it...
This Communion is dedicated to the life, health and vitality of the human organism and that of the whole planet and brings about a dynamic unity between them.
It teaches us the role of vitality in our well-being and makes us more conscious of all the innumerable activities of the life force in and around us, enabling us to direct it to any part of our body in the intensity required.
It gave the Essenes and gives us the astonishing ability to absorb life force especially from trees and forests... When is the last time you hugged a tree?
"Essence of Life, enter my limbs and give strength to my whole body."
Peace be with you!


Creative Energy - Sunday Evening Meditation

Sunday Evening Meditation - Creative Energy
The following meditation is based upon the Essenes' teachings... the daily meditations or communions are designed to be used morning and evening in addition to the noon practice called the Sevenfold Peace. At the beginning of each meditation, the following prologue is recited:
"I enter the spaciousness of this timeless and infinite Garden with reverence to the Source and Energy of Life, to the Earth and all its fullness, to the spiritual teachers of all traditions, to the liberating purity of truth, and with reverence to all who courageously walk the Path of Spirit..."
You are encouraged to spend time sitting with the following statement before continuing to read.
"Essence of Creative Energy, descend upon humanity and give abundance to all."
I am made to express the Life Energy coming through me...
Creative expression provides me a natural path of opening and allowing the Essence of Creativity to flow...
You provide this vehicle and with gratitude I pray I honor this gift to show the open acceptance and love to others...
The abundance of spirit liberates my soul in creative efforts and play...
This meditation was dedicated to all the great things which have been created by human labor, the great masterpieces of literature, art, science, philosophy and everything that is or has been created as a superstructure on nature, the great values brought forth by previous generations and inherited by the present one.
The purpose of the Communion is to teach the importance of expressing our creative energy and its paramount role in our personal and spiritual evolution. It was also to enable us to absorb energies and power from the creative works of others, all of the masterpieces, and to use this power in all manifestations of his consciousness.
In the Essene Community everyone carried on creative work of some kind, whether in the improvement of oneself, the Community, or in the larger world. The Essenes considered creative work the most adequate and fulfilling expression of Love.
"Essence of Creative Energy, descend upon humanity and give abundance to all."
Peace be with you!

Joy to the World - Sunday Noon Meditation

Sunday Noon Meditation - Joy to the World
The noon practice of the Essenes called the Sevenfold Peace is designed to take the expanding consciousness of the morning and evening communions and apply them to areas of everyday living in practical ways.
"Source of Life, who is everywhere, send to all your Spirit of Peace; to the Realm of Mother earth, The Essence of Joy..."
Let there be Joy to the world... with gratitude for our Earthly Mother, who continues to regenerate despite the folly of some of her misguided inhabitants...
Let there be Joy in our hearts with gratitude as we walk upon this Earth, our physical home...
Let there be Joy with gratitude in the deep knowing beneath other temporary feelings and thoughts...
Let us bring Joy and gratitude to the world as our unseen connections for light and love manifest in our daily walk and expression...
Peace be with you!