Welcome... and Thank You for visiting...

“Sundance Center for Conscious Living” … affirming and respecting our uniqueness, our interconnectedness, and our Oneness... As we continue to awaken in the present moment, our intention remains to stay awake to the Oneness that is Life... and respond in Loving Service during the conscious moments we have here on earth... We seek to help one another heal and remember… moving toward greater awareness, wellness, balance, synthesis, and loving action… We invite you to listen to that which mostly deeply calls to you ... Love and Blessings to All!


Secret to Life...

The secret to life is… to not ‘mind’ what is happening...

The essential energy of Life is always present in the moment…

Moving into presence leaves no room for thinking about it… unless the ego needs to regain control… which it will always try to do… explaining to you that it in your best interest to spend time thinking about it…

It does not mean that we stay in a location no matter what…

In a state of awareness you will act and move without weighing all the options in your mind… you will know to leave, stay, interact, or something else… when in a calm state of presence, you will automatically affect your surrounding and the Life that we are all One with…

Being one with the eternal moment contains everything you need…

Acceptance in the Now aligns us with the only moment that truly exists.

Beyond Concepts

Beyond the concept of Sacredness...
Beyond the concept of Oneness...
Beyond the concept of Energy...
Beyond concepts and symbols...
Awareness Is

Desire and Fear

Desire and fear run many people's lives most of the time.

Desire is the energy to add something to our lives which we believe will make us more fully ourselves.

Fear is a dread or anxiety of losing something and thereby becoming diminished.... less than who we think we are.

Both fear and desire obscure the fact that Essential Being cannot be given or taken away.

Being, in its fullness, is already within us, Now...

Paraphrased from Eckhart Tolle, Stillness Speaks, pp. 58-9.


Embracing Uncertainty

Some time ago I read a book by Alan Watts entitled “The Wisdom of Insecurity” in which he pointed out the futility of trying to control the future. Perhaps the one constant in Life is transition… motion and change that is happening all the time. Our ego likes the illusion of structure, certainty, and stability. But of course we will not find that in the physical world… unless we find the still-point of the timeless moment…

In today’s world, perhaps more than any other time in our lifetime, the reality of “Uncertainty” is creating much chaos, confusion, and stress for many of our brothers and sisters around the world. Perhaps we need a new book entitled, “The Acceptance of Uncertainty”…

For those of us who have counseled others during transitions or have gone through major transitions ourselves, there may be an understanding of the transformational and transitioning process… much like the stages of death and rebirth into something new…

Some of us are going through the ‘death’ of a personal cycle of life and preparing to enter a new beginning ... Some may be going through loss of a partner, a job, a dream, a home, a pet, a pension… etc… Confusion, chaos, and uncertainty are normal emotions… any feeling is quite normal including fear, worry, anger, sadness, relief, or despair… It is normal for our ego to feel these as threats to our survival…threats to the survival of who we thought we were… of what we thought life was for us… now life in the guise of a corporation, a partner, or by our own choices has stripped us of our identity or our role in life…

We are not the emotions we experience… emotions too come and go…. Constantly changing… We are much more than our emotions… Who is aware of the emotion? Who is aware of the words you are reading?

As one with the consciousness of LIFE, we are basically here now… and aware … and we have a choice always about how we will respond… resisting LIFE and ‘what is’ will usually, if not always, create more stress and conflict… A part of us…our ego… may not like or want what is happening to us or around us… and this ego stance separates us from others and from LIFE…

To find peace in the midst of what may appear to be insanity, confusion, and chaos, we need to find a way to shift our thinking and consciousness to present moment awareness. This can be facilitated by accepting what is present now. Then we have choices or options about how we can respond… the key is to acknowledge and accept what is… and let go of past or future fantasies so we can actually be present now…

Looking to blame ourselves or others is more of an ego game that solidifies our ego stance in a kind of ‘victim’ identity… and we can easily become identified as Mr. or Mrs. Whiner…

It is only in the timeless moment of now that we are at peace with ‘what is’ and can choose a path of non-resistance and direction.

We never know what will happen tomorrow… or in the next second of time. A woman came in to the restaurant this morning and shared that yesterday while her husband was having a regular check-up, they found some wrong during a stress test; he was rushed to the hospital for a quadruple by-pass surgery… all totally unexpected.

Uncertainty is… and there is also the oneness of life that stands alone as the place of serenity within our consciousness… Waking up may appear difficult at times, but the wakefulness of NOW is always present and really is all there is… We can move through uncertainty through breathing into this present moment and still the thinking mind which the ego uses to keep us away from the present…

Can you embrace the uncertainty as a fact of Life? Can you find time to still the thinking mind in the present?

There are many who are predicting more changes to come… I don’t know if or in what form this will take place. Perhaps more of our social structures will breakdown, so new and hopefully more harmonious structures can emerge… There may be more changes to come in the economic, religious, corporate, and government structures … Economic melt-downs and oil spills have a way of expanding our awareness toward more just ways of bartering and cleaner and more harmonious energy usage… and industrial, individual, and collective greed become exposed for the ego game that it is…

Whatever changes may come, we are all one with the interconnected web of LIFE… we are all One with the Source Energy of Life… the ever-present Life Spirit.

In gratitude and respect… for what some have called “the good, the bad, and the ugly”…



Who am I? - A question of Identity

A question of Identity

Identity comes from the Latin meaning the same… or sameness over time…

Personal identity can be as distinct as fingerprints that point to individuality…

Theories of personality development focus on both nature and nurture factoring in to produce uniqueness, and differences from others…

Who are we?

Given the label of human being, we are distinct from other life forms and yet share the same basic DNA and molecular make-up of most life forms on the planet… to there is both sameness and distinction…

We become identified through our development and circumstances with many states, characteristics, roles, labels, groups, etc.

Are we our name?

Are we our family?

Are we our heritage…our DNA… our cultural past?

Are we our body?

Are we our sensations and emotions?

Are we our thinking?

Are we the roles we play?

Are we the relationships we have?

We can see that all of the above impact our development, our identity, and personality and become important factors in the “I” that has become our personal self…

And for many, we become lost or identified in various aspects of our personal experience and the form we are in at any particular time…

And we also can say that we have an essential identity, essential “I” that is timeless and the same since it is the realization that we are Life itself… the Who am I? question becomes the statement of “I am”…

The identification as the “Essential I” is the Being … the Life Source… the Oneness of all Life Energy…

From this perspective we know that we are not separate…we are not individuals cut off from others and life… we are one… and our personal identity melts into the oneness of Being…

This essential identity can and must be the basic foundation for all congruent and harmonious “Doing”…

Many will identify themselves by what they do or their name or roles… perhaps even with feelings or groups or beliefs and thought forms…

We are always more than our name… our roles…our feelings… our thoughts… our body and sensations… we experience all of these aspects and they are important for functioning in a “doing” world… and they are not who we essentially are…. We are pure awareness or consciousness which is Life or Being itself… and we have the potential and power to choose, which is the essential “Doing” of life…

It seems the more we act from the integrity of our essence, the more likely our actions are going to be in harmony with Life…

While all the aspects of our personality and body and circumstance continue to change, the core identity of Being Conscious in the present moment remains the centered still-point of identity.

This expanded arena of consciousness helps us to walk in both the plane of time and in the spaciousness of timelessness.

We find the timeless identity sometimes through letting go of thoughts of past and future and labeling and simply be in the present… sometimes in nature, sometimes in trauma, sometimes in rapturous music, sometime just in stilling out thoughts in a form of meditation… we cannot think our way to timeless Being! … we are always here… as we shift our focus… letting go of yesterday and tomorrow… we enter the Now…

The Essence of Being Life is always … in the timeless now!

Present Moment Reminder

from... Eckhart Tolle TV
"You are the light of the world. You are the consciousness that illuminates the world. Know yourself as that, and that's freedom, liberation, awakening, the end of suffering and madness. And it's happening right here."