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“Sundance Center for Conscious Living” … affirming and respecting our uniqueness, our interconnectedness, and our Oneness... As we continue to awaken in the present moment, our intention remains to stay awake to the Oneness that is Life... and respond in Loving Service during the conscious moments we have here on earth... We seek to help one another heal and remember… moving toward greater awareness, wellness, balance, synthesis, and loving action… We invite you to listen to that which mostly deeply calls to you ... Love and Blessings to All!


Low energy?

Feeling low energy?

It is the end of February 2012. A number of friends with a conscious spiritual perspective are going through some really heavy vibrational energy frequencies... I have also notice a rather heavy intensity in the past day or so...
Let me suggest a few things.
There are bound to be some times this year that will be tough times that may be part of readying us to let go of more of the emotional 'baggage' we are carrying... ad letting go of personal identity...
As we are letting go of what we wanted or perhaps our view of the way we thought the world worked and how it should work, there will be some personal reactions of the losses.
There are ways to raise our energy vibrational levels through meditation or imagery. These methods can be used as temporary shifts and it is also important that we let the feelings release so the emotional body can cleanse and heal, otherwise we find ourselves repeating the same dynamics. Breathe into the emerging feelings and go to the bottom of them... If we run from them they will both return again and again and create myths and stories in our mind... If we run from them they will unconsciously control our actions...
Affirm yourself as a child of Universal Love...we are loved and loving... accept what is and has been... even if you don't like what happened... let go often involves acceptance... trust the universe, even if you think you should be in control... that is our ego who will always want us to feel trapped inside the false ego boundaries that the false ego tries to defend at all costs... sometimes the major spiritual battle is waged right inside our psyche...
The God of All is moving with unconditional love... part of us knows this and part does not want to think this is what is happening. There will continue to be breakthroughs in consciousness... perhaps it will get more intense before it gets better, and it is all moving and at another level seems to already be a done deal... we are just catching up, so to speak... It is difficult to convey this since we are still thinking in terms of time and space concepts... Unconditional Love is present even when we are not feeling it at any particular moment... our ego keeps us busy in dealing with tomorrow and yesterday...
Be in this Moment... with the sensation your body is experiencing... allow the sensation to breathe without analyzing it... you can do that later...
Honor your experience. Know you are loved, even if those who you wished would love you unconditionally, cannot or did not do so. Please know you are loved, always.
Expect the unexpected ...
May Love and Joy be with us....John

 ... and welcome to this Present Moment!
Smile ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 John Hutchinson - Denver, CO
Sundance Center Webpage: www.sunhutch.com 

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