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“Sundance Center for Conscious Living” … affirming and respecting our uniqueness, our interconnectedness, and our Oneness... As we continue to awaken in the present moment, our intention remains to stay awake to the Oneness that is Life... and respond in Loving Service during the conscious moments we have here on earth... We seek to help one another heal and remember… moving toward greater awareness, wellness, balance, synthesis, and loving action… We invite you to listen to that which mostly deeply calls to you ... Love and Blessings to All!


Connecting to Source-Love [Relationshipping Series - Part III]

"Connecting to Source-Love"
[Relationshipping - Part III]
It is my sense and also my experience that the primary key to any and all positive and enduring "Relationshipping" is how consciously aware and connected to "Source" we are at any particular moment. Most spiritual teachings will offer a mode or method of connection and in reality we are connected at all times or we would not be reading this...or breathing for that matter. The question is not so much if we are connected, but perhaps how consciously aware we are of this connection? ... And how is this connection most useful in our daily relationships and actions?
A long time ago... some 'now' before this 'now'... before this day... I had a powerful dream in which I was asked the question by a messenger of Melchizedek, "Whose Life is it anyway?"
It is now apparent in my experience that there is only One Life... and the fact is that Life itself is a miracle... Life is living itself through this being and form called "John"... or 'Jane'... or 'Suzy' or whatever name we have been given... and we are all "miracles of participation" in the great Singular Miracle and Mystery called "Life." I recall reading an article and when Eleanor Roosevelt was asked if she 'believed' in reincarnation, she answered, "Reincarnation is no more improbable than the fact that life exists at all." [jh paraphrase]...  Life itself is an improbable mystery and miracle... and we are witnesses and participants in the miracle! We are mostly so immersed in the soup of daily living; we take Life for granted... We forget to be Grateful at times for Life and for Source-Love that holds it all together...
 What is "Source" and how are we connected?
"Source" is referring to that nameless Mystery of Oneness... Source of Life Energy... of Sacred Spirit... Great Spirit... Some call the Mystery "God"... I prefer the term "Source" since the term "God" has too many concepts and institutional doctrines attached to the term.
If we are to truly find a center of stability, harmony, and integrity for individual growth and action, and likewise in Relationshipping, we must also connect in awareness and daily living to the "miracle of participation" with Source energy... It seems preferable that partners equally share this awareness and practical open connection to Source Energy... of Spirit... of the Essence of unconditioned Love... a conscious practical and daily involvement with our true Essence...
When we feel love for another being, even if through the needs and desires of personality dynamics, we also sense the timelessness of Source energy...  Love feels like "forever" due to its timeless quality. In actuality, and almost as a default due to the miracle of our participation, you and I are at One with Source... we are One with Unconditioned Love... we are the divine mystery... even though we are so often lost in varying aspects of personality dynamics, the tasks of the day, and the drama of the moment.
Entering the sacred space of Source there will be varying energies felt or sensed. It seems the essence of Source is Oneness... an all-inclusive cohesion of Love... in the stillness of Love we embrace its Peace... in the flow of Love's energy, we feel the current of Joy... in the knowing that Love relates, we find true wisdom...
The Source and re-Sourcing of Love is the most important aspect, in my opinion, that leads to right action, satisfying living, and evolving relating. While we are all all-ways connected and connecting to "Source," the question remains how do we re-Source our conscious awareness to the positive energies of Source-Love?
You may already have your favorite "method" through meditation, contemplation, visualization, prayer, dance, singing, music, art, etc...
Before looking at methods, it is important that we state our intention. This can be done directly by addressing Source with a prayer or affirmation such as:
"My intention is to connect as fully as possible to Source-Love and Life Energy. I ask that I may be assisted in any way possible to allow Source-Love to flow to and through this vehicle called [state name] for the highest good of all."
Here are several brief imagery exercises that may help you consciously be reconnecting with who you are, followed by a video from YouTube that will lead you through a guided imagery to consciously bring the frequency of love and light into our body...
Imagery 1:
  1. Find a quiet place to sit with your feet flat on the floor, perhaps with soft instrumental music playing;
  2. Breathe and relax your body, emotions and mind for a few minutes, releasing any tension or stress you sense;
  3. Imagine you have climbed to the top of a mountain on a bright and beautiful day;
  4. Allow the gentle breezes and warmth of the sun to flow to and through your entire body and to every cell;
  5. Imagine a special sunbeam coming through the top of your head, cleansing and energizing every cell from you head to your feet... and imagine the sunbeam continues into the earth and goes the whole way to the center of the earth...
  6. At the center of the earth there is also a ball of fiery transforming energy that purifies all  negative or toxic waste that has been washed from your being;
  7. Now see this beam of light continue and as it exits the fireball of energy it is actually coming right out of the sun again and back down through the top of your head.
  8. Repeat this imagery of transforming energy for as long as you choose;
  9. Now, with the fullness of the energy from Source filling your every cell, see your life this day and imagine taking this Source-Love energy into the situations that await you.
  10. Repeat this exercise, modified in any way that seems right for you, each day to consciously connect to Source-Love...
Imagery 2:
  1. Find a quiet place to sit with your feet flat on the floor, perhaps with soft instrumental music playing;
  2. Breathe and relax your body, emotions and mind for a few minutes, releasing any tension or stress you sense;
  3. Imagine you are comfortable seated with a blank screen in front of you;
  4. Ask your deepest and highest aspects of your unconscious mind to show you an image of "Unconditional Love" from Life's Source.
  5. Allow an image to come and use the first image that emerges. The conscious mind often likes to censor or judge the image... simply go with the image that appears;
  6. Allow the image to become 3 dimensional on the stage in front of you... notice the qualities and feel the energy from this image of unconditional love...
  7. Become the image...simply imagine you are now one with the image... and a solar spotlight shines upon you and the image as one... the light helps to intensify the merging energetic qualities of unconditional Love... I'm not sure what has change or if the image has changed since you merged with it, but you can no look out on anyone and any situation in your life from this energy of Unconditional Love and notice how they or it may have changed in your observation...
  8. Return your awareness to room you are in and to the present moment bringing with you all the qualities and energies you wish to retain...
  9. Note: when a spontaneous image is called for, it is often in the presence of a guide who is available to assist in the process. If for any reason you try this and get to a point where you are not sure what to do or have questions, please feel free to contact me and we can discuss it or go back to the image...
Video: If you google "connecting to Source" you will get hundreds of millions of responses in less than a second. There are many who are trying to help us in this process. The following is a video from YouTube which allows you to simply follow along without having to read or even watch... with credit to Caroline Cory:
Blessings and Love on your journey's Path,

1 comment:

  1. This is absolutely beautiful, John. I resonate deeply with what you've written. Really beautiful. Thank you for offering it to the world!!


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