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“Sundance Center for Conscious Living” … affirming and respecting our uniqueness, our interconnectedness, and our Oneness... As we continue to awaken in the present moment, our intention remains to stay awake to the Oneness that is Life... and respond in Loving Service during the conscious moments we have here on earth... We seek to help one another heal and remember… moving toward greater awareness, wellness, balance, synthesis, and loving action… We invite you to listen to that which mostly deeply calls to you ... Love and Blessings to All!


Relationshipping - Part I [Soul-mates]

Soul-mates... Yes we are!
So, I'm not sure if you agree with this or don't agree, but if you don't think about it and travel to the deeper more inclusive aspects of Being... beyond concepts of time and space... then perhaps we are One Soul manifesting in varying energy expressions... assumed to be individuals... so, it seems almost reasonable that we would by default be soul-mates...
We often hear or think of soul-mates in terms of love relationships... or as related to a degree of affinity, similar goals and interests...or a deep connection we sense or project onto the other person out of a deep wish to connect to those deeper aspects within which provide a sense of being at home and loved... a more real connection to our core essence...
So one aspect of relating may be to understand that we all may be soul mates... and mated to the same soul... the outward manifestation of individualized energies may make us seem like:
  • soulmating family & friends or
  • soulmating lovers or
  • soulmating foes or
  • soulmating victims or
  • soulmating partners or
  • soulmating leaders or
  • soulmating players or
  • soulmating combatants ...and the list goes on...
Each individual entity of being we encounter can be seen as a soul-mate. But due to the concept and reality of living in a world with some time limitations, we cannot make the investment to discover exactly how each person is a soul-mate... and if we tried, it could make life a bit intense and serious.
One thing I try to do, and am guessing you probably do as well at some level, is to notice the internal reactions and responses we have to certain people and situations... and this helps us understand our own values and attachments ...and from here we can decide what to do about the awareness.
What is your sense of soulmating? ... or soul-mate? How can a friend be a soul-mate? How might someone you dislike be a soul-mate?

You may publish comments here or submit to john@sunhutch.com
With Blessings and Love,
 ... and welcome to the Present Moment!
Smile ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  John Hutchinson - Denver, CO 
Sundance Center Webpage: www.sunhutch.com 
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^  Smile 
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  1. Fabulous sharing on this, John!

  2. In thinking of "soul mate", I've only thought of it as a "love" soul mate. In reality, after reading your thoughts I've had or have dear friends that I will now think of as soul mates...for we truly connect,share,love and participate in life much the same and appreciate and cherish our sense of friendship. My syblings and I as well share a closeness I do not see in others so much and it has developed a great deal over the years with life events etc. Thank you John.

  3. Hi John: To your list of soul mates I woul add children, grandchildren and any child to whom we stand in loco parentis for any period of time, no matter how short. This is I htink one of the most prvileged areas to be a soul mate.


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