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“Sundance Center for Conscious Living” … affirming and respecting our uniqueness, our interconnectedness, and our Oneness... As we continue to awaken in the present moment, our intention remains to stay awake to the Oneness that is Life... and respond in Loving Service during the conscious moments we have here on earth... We seek to help one another heal and remember… moving toward greater awareness, wellness, balance, synthesis, and loving action… We invite you to listen to that which mostly deeply calls to you ... Love and Blessings to All!


Dreaming to Awareness

"Dreamus Aliveus"

Ever wonder what is going on in your unconscious consciousness?... or is it really unconscious? ...or is our awareness switched to a different channel?
Having facilitated some dream groups and in just talking with folks, I have often heard, "I don't dream" or "I never remember my dreams."
We can be fairly certain that everyone dreams. Dream and sleep studies have shown that people who do not believe they dream actually do dream and recall the dream when their sleep is interrupted during dream wave sleep.
It seems that the reason most people don't recall their dreamscapes is because he or she has no real way to make use of their dreams. I say this because once they are in a dream group or counseling, people do remember their dreams.
"Dreamus Aliveus" is the name I gave to the book I put together to integrate some of my knowledge and experience back in 1999... and also the title to the dream workshops I have facilitated.
The value of the dreamscape is that it can provide a snapshot of what is occurring in our soul ...dynamics of which we may not be aware. It is my experience that the 'deeper unconscious mind' has purpose and wishes to make things known to us for our own growth and development.
Our everyday personal egoic structure works to maintain its control and boundaries. Often, when we experience fear in dreams, especially in the case of what are called "nightmares," it is due to the ego's resistance to letting some information pass through to consciousness. The deeper the repressed or suppressed energies, the more fear may be present. As I was going through Jungian training and dream analysis in the 70's, I would tell my partner not to wake me if she thought I was having a nightmare since I needed to face what was trying to emerge... and emerge it did!
Over the years, I have assisted others in groups and individually in working with their dreams.  And these days I do share dreams with a friend or two as we help each other in this process.
Now, I am offering to help others who may have a dream with which they wish to gather some possible clarity. I am not the authority on the meaning of your dream. Only you, the dreamer, can be the final authority as to whether any projections and suggestions make sense. I can guide you in the process of exploring your dream and will from time to time offer some articles or suggestions through the Sundance Center blog. I no longer have my book in an electronic file. It was originally on floppy disks (what?) and in the moves and transitions along the way, only a hard copy is left. So until I get the hardcopy transferred to an electronic file, I'll be sharing bits and pieces along the way.
Being here now is always the main goal. A snapshot of what is happening in the psyche can assist in unblocking the paths to the present... with a warning that any over analysis can be a distraction from the present...
This brief introduction is posted on the Sundance Center website. If you wish to engage my services to learn more about your dreams, submit your dream to me at john@sunhutch.com... While I have no set fee at this time for providing this service it does take some time, I enjoy doing it, and there are also donation instructions on the Blog right sidebar.
We are all-ways more than we think... so whatever it takes to help us heal and move toward fuller awareness, peace, and loving service... I'm all for it.
Love and Peace... John


  1. im into dreams also.im part native american(cherokee) and was told thru-dream at age of 12yrs to listen to my dreams because they would guide me..and i do !! next time i get a dream dont understand i will send to you to figure out!! what do you charge for interpation?? marylen kincer from michigan usa have a great day !!

    1. Hello Marylen... I would be glad to share my thoughts and intuitions regarding your dreams. I am not charging a set fee at this time and you can make a donation if you choose to do so... there is a donation instruction link in the rightside menu... Blessings to you, John

  2. thanks for replying so quickly ! i haven't had any significant dreams lately but when i do i will donate for you to figure out..i get precognitive dreams at times and i keep dream journal's..to me dreams are ways for spirit to communicate with us humans.also believe that spiritual awareness comes from within,because you cant get it from a church..spiritual awareness is in our DNA !!enough for today will get back to you soon with a dream in hand LOL.takecare marylen

    1. I get the comments to my email, so I can publish them... Feel free to write directly to john@sunhutch.com... which is more private for dream content...jh

    2. ok will get back to you.have good day !!


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