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“Sundance Center for Conscious Living” … affirming and respecting our uniqueness, our interconnectedness, and our Oneness... As we continue to awaken in the present moment, our intention remains to stay awake to the Oneness that is Life... and respond in Loving Service during the conscious moments we have here on earth... We seek to help one another heal and remember… moving toward greater awareness, wellness, balance, synthesis, and loving action… We invite you to listen to that which mostly deeply calls to you ... Love and Blessings to All!


2012 and Birthday Medicine Walk Reading

My 65th birthday is tomorrow January 15th... so, with the new year and birthday here, I decided to do a reading of Medicine Walk Runes that I received from a Seminole Medicine Man... I have already a sense from intuition and some astro-feedback that this is a letting go period and time of major transition on my path.... Moving into the year 2013 when a new birth will be set in motion... and in some ways is already happening...

The focus of my inquiry was for any guidance or advice for the 65th year and the 'NOWS' of 2012. I chose to use the "Circle of Life" layout which includes 12 rune chips in the form of a circle, like the face of a clock... and the 13 placed in the center as the focal point or theme of the reading...

I will simply summarize the reading to give an idea of what it is like. In this case it is quite realistic as the theme and focal point is Shaman's Death... which is a time of transitioning from who we thought we were or are to a new beginning as a emissary of Great Spirit...it is a time of death to the 'old' and birth of the new... letting go of ego attachments and the transition and transformation to the authentic Spiritual Path and purpose.... Which includes trust and following the intuitive listening to Spirit...

Runes 1, 2, and 3 deal with some negativity and possible hidden dangers around what seems like a safe place... could even be around my home or familiar surroundings.. then (4, 5) there is the injection of a wise man and some serene energies [lake]... then more conflict (6)... again a movement toward a power place (7) to recharge batteries...

(8) introduces again the symbol of change and moving into a new cycle of life (medicine wheel rune)... followed by the canoe (9) which supports travel and transition... from here to the new here... (10) involves an adult female or the development of a mature feminine perspective... a part of me sees this as possible mating and it may also refer to the intuitive seeing and nurturing maturation... Geese appear (11) which indicates a family atmosphere or someone just like family ...the same tribe... which may be a spiritual partnering... or sense of support and community of "like spirits"... (12) introduces the childlike attitude of trust in Great Spirit and being one with the Now with a sense of wonder and surprise... leading to the central theme of the Shaman's Death (13)... Someone else mentioned "becoming child-like" as I recall...

So that is the reading for me and my year... it fits and also warns of a few surprises along the way... there are always surprises it seems... all part of the learning, letting go, emergence process... moving into the newness of Now...

Blessings to you in your own transitioning Nows... with Love and Joy.... John
[ Note: I have been doing these readings for myself and others ever since I received them from Caocoohee of the Whirling Rainbow Lodge [Sam Thomas] in 1998. I will do reading for others as well, for which you may make a donation if you so choose and are able to do so. The reading involves what I receive intuitively as well and usually takes 30-60 minutes of time.]

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