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“Sundance Center for Conscious Living” … affirming and respecting our uniqueness, our interconnectedness, and our Oneness... As we continue to awaken in the present moment, our intention remains to stay awake to the Oneness that is Life... and respond in Loving Service during the conscious moments we have here on earth... We seek to help one another heal and remember… moving toward greater awareness, wellness, balance, synthesis, and loving action… We invite you to listen to that which mostly deeply calls to you ... Love and Blessings to All!


Dreams... Fears... and New Life

Dreams... Fears... and New Life
The turning of the calendar page can be a time to reflect on what has gone before and what we would like to see emerge in the new days ahead.
Now I don't know if you consider yourself to be on a spiritual journey or not, and if you are on path of spiritual and personal growth, it may be useful to face the fears that might seem to jump into our paths and keep us from moving to our highest potential.
Last night I read a portion on the "Shaman's Death" and it described the process in which before becoming the fullest we are becoming, the journeyer will face his or her fears... and will be letting go of those fears...
It is a time when we celebrate the new...and the letting go of what no longer serves our highest and deepest ideals and mission in life...
Before I entered the dream-time, I planted the seed that perhaps I might be given some insight into my deeper fears... and in the midst of sleep found myself in a place of fear. I was in an elevator that I knew was rising up the exterior of a very tall building. My traveling companions were two women and a man... all related... two couples...
I faced the rear of the elevator and would not look outside since I felt a fear of heights. I moved to the place inside the elevator that was the most removed from the windows.
When we reached a floor near the top, I exited the elevator while holding my gaze down to the floor, so I would not be so aware of the height. The spouse of the other man spoke about her fear that the weight of so many people might tear apart a stairway and all of us would go crashing down.
Now, this is an example of how dreams can aid us in our daily walk. It has shown me that one of my fears is a fear of going to higher places in consciousness and seeing more... There is also an accompanying fear of plummeting down in a crash of the psyche as expressed by a related feminine aspect within...
[Note: For those not familiar with Carl Jung and his work with the dream-world, he described the two couples within our psyche. One couple represents the more dominant and outward male-female aspects of consciousness, while the other couple represents the more subtle or less conscious aspect of our psyche. This dream image represents that classic picture. Two couples, traveling together inside one vehicle, the elevator in this case, one that I clearly identified with as 'my' personal partnership, the other coupled partners are related since my partner and the other woman are sisters.]
So I will now face those fears as they arise of "seeing too much"... of going or becoming "too high"... and the fear of "crashing" to the ground...
It seems as we are doing our best to walk according to the highest and deepest within, we are brought face to face with those aspects of which we need to let go in order to fully surrender to this Present Moment of Life.
Part of this message is to share with you my deepest wish for you to also meet your fears, your teachers, and to go through those illusions that might have been keeping you from fully expressing the Life Energy you have been gifted. Let us together hold the intention to walk as "One Tribe" and surrender to that which is 'highest' and 'deepest' within... the Flame of Life...
Love and Blessings on the path... John

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