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“Sundance Center for Conscious Living” … affirming and respecting our uniqueness, our interconnectedness, and our Oneness... As we continue to awaken in the present moment, our intention remains to stay awake to the Oneness that is Life... and respond in Loving Service during the conscious moments we have here on earth... We seek to help one another heal and remember… moving toward greater awareness, wellness, balance, synthesis, and loving action… We invite you to listen to that which mostly deeply calls to you ... Love and Blessings to All!


A 4-Step Pattern for Change

A 4-Step Pattern of Change
The Structure of Transformation
I recently listened to a recording of an acquaintance who also happens to be an excellent NLP trainer and teacher. He presented a four part "Meta-pattern" that is the basis of all NLP change patterns. So credit goes out to John Overdurf.
Have you ever wondered if there is an easy way to get a handle of the dynamics of transformation and change? Many of us are going through change and helping others in their transitions. If you are interested, we are sharing this often kept "secret" so you know it and might be seeing how it works in your life and other transforming situations. [John O. provided the basic steps and I did the explanatory sections of each step, trying my best to translate into everday English.]
Step 1 - Associate the person with the problem state... "Associate" means that the person needs to first be identified in a particular feeling and subpersonality pattern that is considered in some way a concern or problem. For those who counsel others, the person usually walks in already "associated" in the "problem" state... as a matter of fact, most people go through their daily lives associated in a particular subpersonality or identification or role that may not bring about optimal results for a satisfying life. To intensify an associated state, you can ask the person to get deeper into the feelings and sensation in their body... What do they wish would happen? What is the main problem?
Step 2 - Disassociate the person from the problem state ... "Disassociate" means that the person is removed from the original state and is in some other state. It may be a neutral state of observer. It may be teaching the person to step outside the associated state. Most of us have our ways to do this and each discipline and approach has some way of dis-identification or disassociate from the 'problem' state or identity. Using parts and chairs... using visualization to allow an image to come for this aspect helps the person "chunk up" to a different perspective...  For others, taking some breaths and relaxing into a more meditative state can help the person find that place of observation and awareness.
Step 3 - Associate the person to re-source state ...  this brings into play inner resources which may simply defined as "the wisest part of you unconscious mind that only has your deepest good as a goal" or however you might frame it...  it of course assumes the person has some trust in you and their unconscious mind... some people may have a symbol for this resource such as a spiritual figure... the ocean... a star...the sun... a wise old man or woman... light... whatever works for them... this pattern works because there actually is that inner resource or Source... whatever we may call it... that has transforming and transcending energy... At least this is my experience and sense of knowing... At least a person may in mind some wise mentor or teacher they can use as an inner resource... You may need to help them identify a resource.
Step 4 - Associate the inner "resources" to the problem state ... this process reconfigures the patterning in the mind... so now the person sees the issue or problem from a different perspective... and the original "problem" area or energy is now both transformed or changes and also anchored to a positive source within. And the circle of transformation is complete.
I will use an abbreviated example to illustrate the process of change:
Jim was feeling unloved with low self esteem. He was already in the "associated with the problem state" [Step 1] ... As we went deeper into the unloved feelings I ask him to allow an image to emerge for this part of him... now by suggesting this is a part of him and not who he is in his entirety also helps to bring about the shift of disassociating from the problem state... He saw little Jimmy at about age 8 whose dad was never around or not paying attention to him in any way. [Step 2] ...His father was an alcoholic with issues of his own like many parents. In a longer process than I will write about here, we explored was in which Jim could nurture and be a parent to the inner Jimmy. Of course there was some grief work during the process to mourn the loss or lack of the father-son relationship that he had missed... There was also the introduction of the sun shining upon Jimmy and Jim and so there were 2 inner resources... the adult Jim and also the transforming energy of the sun... which also brought in a sense of being loved and protected [Step 3]... The sun image is often quite powerful in integration and synthesis work and it is always a "surprise" of sorts as to what particular energies the sun... or spiritual Source... will present... Now, [as Step 4], we ask Jim to get an image of Jimmy and he sees the 8 year old playing happily and interacting with others on a playground.
So, this is an abbreviated version to illustrate the steps involved. This particular approach uses techniques learned in Psychosynthesis training and practice, but is commonly used in other approaches. There is no way to know how helpful this understanding is and whether your conscious or unconscious mind understands it best... but in any case, I hope it helps you in the best possible way to make changes you are making now and also helps you help others as they transition more fully to the present moment...
Please feel free to ask questions or make comments. There is a comment link at the bottom of the blog post or you may write directly to John@sunhutch.com.
As a disclaimer I am not a certified NLP practitioner and am thankful for this Meta-pattern info shared by John Overdurf, who like me has recently changed states for the better!

With Blessings and Love,
 ... and welcome to the Present Moment!
Smile ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

 John Hutchinson - Denver, CO
Sundance Center Webpage: www.sunhutch.com 
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^  Smile 
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"Good Relationships" - Relationshipping Series - Part II

Relationshipping Series - Part II
"Good Relationships"
If you 'google' "good relationships" you will receive over 450,000,000 search hits in less than half a second... that is nearly a half a billion pieces of information in almost no time flat!
 I decided not to research all of them since it might take a staff of 100,000 to get it synthesized by the time this article goes out today. And, I did choose a few, maybe 6-8 articles, to produce the following list of qualities and characteristics or 'keys' to "good relationships"...
  • Trust
  • Self confidence
  • Personal Power
  • Integrity
  • Openness
  • Compromise
  • Openness to change
  • Communication
  • Conflict resolving ability
  • Honesty
  • Respect
  • Listening
  • Being supportive
  • Dependability
  • Forgiving
  • Admitting mistakes
  • Work
  • Time
  • Giving
  • Kindness
  • Humor
  • Outside interests
  • Other relationships
Most of the articles listed a few of the above characteristics or qualities as: "3 Keys to..." or "7 Keys to...", etc... Of course, who can argue with such a list... all can be seen as positive in nature... and most of us like to think that we are master of all of them, right?
So, what I'd like to suggest is that one of the main keys in good relationships is to the acceptance and understanding that there are only relationships... and sometimes they may feel good and sometimes they may feel bad... it probably will not surprise most of you who know me to see me write that one of the keys, in my opinion, is the level of awareness to the present moment that each partner brings... realizing that there are always times of reacting and responding from less than pure awareness and presence... We all have egos and personalities of course... And, openness in the present moment provides both 'space' and 'awareness' of the dynamics we are experiencing.
So, we might look at this from a personal growth perspective as a certain level of learned skills and the mature attitude that comes from actualizing the positive potentials of personal development. From the perspective acknowledging the spiritual dimension, we can call this a centered awareness that observes the personal reactions and interactions along with the varying contents of consciousness such as feelings, thoughts, sensations, body stress or relaxation, etc.
"Good relationships" are in the mind of 'the beholder,' as are most of our judgments and ideas.  I'd like to suggest that, and I don't know if this is true or not, when we have achieved the ability to be the observing awareness, we are also in a better position to see the personal connections and possible dependent or needy negative hooks that can take us off center. Of course all interactions are grist for the mill of self discovery, relationship discovery, and continuing growth. As we all know, the positive feelings of happiness and love can also change to something else... Being open and present... then feeling lost in some "out of sync" energy... brings us to that learning place once again...
It seems important that two people have a certain level of equality in the areas of both personal development and also what we might call "soul development"... and there are always reasons, even if we never know them, why two people connect and make the choice to partner in some way.
It seems as we continue into this year of 2012, there is the need to be open to the co-creation of relationships with integrity and clarity. In this sense there is both adventure and also some possible feeling that accompany the adventure into the unknown. Paths come together and sometimes go apart... Trying to lock the future into some set of rules and expectations will limit the openness that this time calls forth.
Changes continue... I you ask me what is most important at this time, it seems that the deep listening to Spirit... and to the currents and rhythms that are present in the depths of Soul will be our best approach. Trusting the integrity of our own life path will bring us in to connections with others on a similar path... and so "good relationships" will follow in the always present moment.
Of course there are always relationships that are committed to in time for purposes of family structure, business and financial security, exercise, hobbies, sports, and other common interests. These are social contracts that last for varying lengths of time and can be seen as "good" or "not good" often only in retrospection. And the observations or judgments can be useful for learning and they can also be inhibiting if we are not willing to let go of what was...
Which, again, brings us to this present moment... I'm not sure if you have let go of the past... or have not let go of the past... or whether you let go of fantasizing about the future or let go of fear and worry about the future... Either way... we are here now...again....and again... in this all-ways present Now...
With Blessings and Love on your journey,

Soul Hunger...

After listening to a fellow journeyer... the heart produced the following flow...

Soul Hunger

Energies shifting
heart aches of loss
empty with hands reaching
with folded arms

Hungry for the soul meat of Life
for love that reaches to places unknown
aching hunger

All around are the spoils of yesterday
dead and gone... empty

In the search... in the reaching
a flicker of light and day
finding the sadness of saying goodbye
so tomorrow may give birth

Renewing energies
renewing the substance
to which hope points

Alone and One

Hope dies in the reality of now
and carries fantasy to depth of darkened earth

So we reach out to comfort...
To say, you are never alone
To say, you are loved
to offer a hand to hold
to ride beside you through the spaces
in time where nourishment can't be found...

There in the deepest recess of pain
there is release ...
someplace in time
and out of the tides
in rhyme with the ocean of Soul

Energies shifting
heart aches of loss
empty with hands open
with arms unfolding
to this moment of breath and birth...

~ January 29, 2012

With Blessings and Love,
 ... and welcome to the Present Moment!
Smile ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

 John Hutchinson - Denver, CO
Sundance Center Webpage: www.sunhutch.com 
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^  Smile 
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Relationshipping - Part I [Soul-mates]

Soul-mates... Yes we are!
So, I'm not sure if you agree with this or don't agree, but if you don't think about it and travel to the deeper more inclusive aspects of Being... beyond concepts of time and space... then perhaps we are One Soul manifesting in varying energy expressions... assumed to be individuals... so, it seems almost reasonable that we would by default be soul-mates...
We often hear or think of soul-mates in terms of love relationships... or as related to a degree of affinity, similar goals and interests...or a deep connection we sense or project onto the other person out of a deep wish to connect to those deeper aspects within which provide a sense of being at home and loved... a more real connection to our core essence...
So one aspect of relating may be to understand that we all may be soul mates... and mated to the same soul... the outward manifestation of individualized energies may make us seem like:
  • soulmating family & friends or
  • soulmating lovers or
  • soulmating foes or
  • soulmating victims or
  • soulmating partners or
  • soulmating leaders or
  • soulmating players or
  • soulmating combatants ...and the list goes on...
Each individual entity of being we encounter can be seen as a soul-mate. But due to the concept and reality of living in a world with some time limitations, we cannot make the investment to discover exactly how each person is a soul-mate... and if we tried, it could make life a bit intense and serious.
One thing I try to do, and am guessing you probably do as well at some level, is to notice the internal reactions and responses we have to certain people and situations... and this helps us understand our own values and attachments ...and from here we can decide what to do about the awareness.
What is your sense of soulmating? ... or soul-mate? How can a friend be a soul-mate? How might someone you dislike be a soul-mate?

You may publish comments here or submit to john@sunhutch.com
With Blessings and Love,
 ... and welcome to the Present Moment!
Smile ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  John Hutchinson - Denver, CO 
Sundance Center Webpage: www.sunhutch.com 
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^  Smile 
.www.Maxhutch.com - Max Cellgevity, Max Skin Care, MaxATP,Max N Fuze
www.WizWebWorks.com - Explore your website names with free email 
www.BMP888.com - #1 Generic Pharmacy Online