Welcome... and Thank You for visiting...

“Sundance Center for Conscious Living” … affirming and respecting our uniqueness, our interconnectedness, and our Oneness... As we continue to awaken in the present moment, our intention remains to stay awake to the Oneness that is Life... and respond in Loving Service during the conscious moments we have here on earth... We seek to help one another heal and remember… moving toward greater awareness, wellness, balance, synthesis, and loving action… We invite you to listen to that which mostly deeply calls to you ... Love and Blessings to All!


"Now is a good time..." [H'tuchi]

Spiritual teachers speak of the "present moment" and "we are all one."

We hear many speak of the interconnection of all of life... the unified field theory...or the organic and dynamic systems theories of various disciplines of science and education, philosophy and psychology...

Information comes from various sources...

In our survival personality or egoic state, we must look closely to observe with the senses and we discover new observations.
We hold tightly to beliefs and mindset thought forms and are sometimes forced to changed because the time is right or the evidence is too great.

This has been labeled a paradigm shift when it happens at a collective level... "the Earth is round" replaced the thought form that the earth was flat.

Once in a while, a new way of perceiving enters our experience...

Mystics have longed spoken of a cosmic or unitive consciousness...

The new way of seeing sometimes comes quickly with immediate transformation as when Saul saw a bright light while traveling along and his consciousness was expanded... and he became the Paul of the new Christian era...

Eckhart Tolle, in the midst of a depression, broke into the realm of this new/old world of unitive consciousness... and went on to be a spiritual teacher...

For others, it happens in fits and starts and is more of a continuous journey of awakening...

We are all one is more than a theory... when one enters the portal to the present moment of being, the experience of oneness... of no separation... is an experience of deep knowing...

Until a person finds his or her way home, we are lost in the "normal" egoic and survival personality with this or that identity... a role...a name... an emotion... a mindset... and we are lost in the illusion of separateness... in the reactions of ego... me and you... us and them... the good guys and the bad guys...

There really is only "us"... We are one with all of LIFE... whatever we do to another, we do it to ourself... there is no separation...

We all are one cosmic soup...

There is no real 'my' or 'yours' except in the illusory world of separation and legal games we set up to pretend we have control over Life...

We are brothers and sisters on a journey... co-creators together... and as we enter the portal to now, we find ourselves right here...right now...in this present moment... nothing has changed...and everything has changed...

The new Heaven and new Earth we enter is now...

What has changed is our perception... our conscious awareness... we have moved from identifying and separating this and that... to being here now in the presence of what is...

And we find our way home to the consciousness that Life Is...

Letting go of what was... and what might be... we walk through the gateway to Now... and what is...IS...

From this point of pure consciousness, we act... rather than simply reacting from the identities of our survival personality or egoic state...

Sometimes, we go back to sleep... we become less conscious again... but are drawn by what we know to return to to portal of Now... to wake up again and again to this moment... The moment we notice we are asleep... we are awake again...

Time loses it's impact and becomes but a spiraling-cycling into the present space and energy of Now...

Becoming aware and watching our thoughts or feelings... noticing our body... noticing our environment... letting go of past and future...of this and that... we find the point of consciousness that reflects upon itself ...awareness being aware of being aware...

It is here in this spaciousness of Now that peace enters... love flows... joy dances...

There are no shoulds... there is only what is... there are no expectations... there is only what is... thereare no regrets... there is only what is...

Awareness and response... consciousness and willing action... based in Oneness.... Now
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

Love and Blessings to All!
