The Gate to the Great “WEYOND”
The word “WEYOND” presented itself to consciousness in what might be labeled a “pop”… a bit of creative content or awareness that pops into the spaces between thinking… from the spacious silence behind the noise… sometimes labeled ‘intuition’…or ‘hunch’… or ‘gut feeling’… or ‘pop.’
To the conscious mind “Weyond” suggests a “WE-ness” or together-ness of Being that is… and is also on the farther or opposite side of what our conscious or ordinary egoic mind can rationally and reasonably ‘see’ or ‘deduce’…
The Present Moment of pure consciousness is a “WE-ness” and a “Weyond” in which ALL is ONE LIFE…. the intricately and organically interwoven tapestry of Life… Energy… Spirit… The Great “WEYOND” is BEING that has moved from beyond “my” personal consciousness into awareness in the moment…
“Weyond” represents that which is “Already and Not-Yet”… We walk on Earth in the spaciousness of consciousness that expands into the “Already” present “Kingdom of God”… the silent realm of love and peace…. and we expand the “Not-Yetness” through our awareness, alertness, and reawakening into the present moment. God give us grace and reminders to remain awake!
Some have labeled this by various names… Ascension Consciousness… Cosmic Consciousness… Unitive Consciousness… Tao… Chi… Buddha Nature… Zen… Superconscious… Atman… Christ Consciousness… God… Goddess… Expanded Awareness… Salvation… Illumination… Great and Holy Spirit… Life Energy… and there will also always be new names for the Nameless Mystery as we strive to communicate to others in a spirit of love!
Where is the gate to the Great WEYOND?
It is where ever you are… Here… Now… right where you are… this is the only place from which you can enter to ‘gate’… The gate allows you to drop years and millennia of personal and collective conditioned content in an instant…
Letting go of what was… letting go of what may be… forgiving others, forgiving yourself, forgiving Life… letting go… being with what is…right now… without judgment or thought… what was…was… and what is…is… this is the only moment that is and it is always timeless…. The egoic mind will never understand this since it is locked into protecting its realm… in time… but it will continue to try… it is ruled by fantasy and fear masquerading as logic and reason and rationality… while it is mostly just rationalizing….
The egoic mind or ordinary concrete mind of conditioned thought forms, content, tapes, and memory traces always try to know ‘the’ answer or reason… when in fact we cannot really know… only theorize…
Find the silence between the thought-forms and content that race around and around…
Be aware of this moment… the sensations within your body… the spaciousness of your being… here you find the gate to the Present Eternal Moment… Life…
Enter the “Weyond” of Life where being is and the “me-ness” dissolves into the “we-one-ness” of ALL!
If you need help returning to the “home” that always resides within you… simply ask the “universe”… the unseen mystery that connects all… and you will be guided…
Here is one simple exercise that can help…
Letting Go of the Past and Future
You can of course do your own version of this exercise...
If you do this in your imagination you can do it anywhere… If you use a physical object, then I recommend you do it outside or over a coach or bed if inside…
Part I: Letting Go of ‘The Past’… with all the negative memories, abuses, wrongs, and regrets that have been done to you, to others, and by you to others…
1. Begin with an affirmation similar to this: “ Even though I have memory traces of negatives from the past, I deeply and completely forgive and accept myself and others.” Repeat aloud the affirmation 3 times while patting or tapping the top of your head or above your heart area…
2. Now, pick up or imagine holding a brick, boulder or other object that has some significant weight… anything thing will do…
3. Hold it out in front of you with extended arms… and continue to hold it until you feel its weight becoming almost impossible to bear… be careful not to hurt yourself…
4. Let this represent your PAST… the weight of all the negatives you carry with you into the present…
5. Really be aware of the sensation of holding on to this weight from the object that represents your PAST …
6. Then decide if you want to let go of that weight… and discover how you might want to let the object and your negative PAST go … Please, no bricks through the neighbors’ windows!
7. After you are no longer hanging on to the weight… notice how you feel… be aware of the sensation in you hands and muscles as you released the weighty symbol of the negatives from the past… be aware of the sensations in your body…
Alternative Version:
1. Light a candle and have a fireproof bowl or container nearby…
2. Write the following on a small piece of paper: ”Negative memory traces and emotions from the PAST”…
3. Repeat aloud the affirmation from above 3 times while patting or tapping the top of your head.
4. Light the piece of paper in the candle’s flame and place in a safe container… letting go of the past as the flame transmutes the paper into ash…
5. Be aware of the present moment…the energy of life within your body… the sounds you hear… look around the room with eyes that see without labeling…
6. Be here in the present as long as you choose…
Part II: Letting Go of ‘The Future’… with all the expectations, fantasies, and fears that may be driving your thoughts about the future… The reality is, we can only live in the present and negative energy such as fear and anxiety only keeps us trapped in fantasies and egoic mental gymnastics … Now repeat the exercise present above with these changes:
1. Begin with an affirmation similar to this: “ Even though I have concerns, fears, and expectations about the future, I deeply and completely accept and trust myself and Life.” Repeat aloud the affirmation 3 times while patting or tapping the top of your head or above your heart area…
2. Now, pick up or imagine holding a brick, boulder or other object that has some significant weight… anything thing will do…
3. Hold it out in front of you with extended arms… and continue to hold it until you feel its weight becoming almost impossible to bear… be careful not to hurt yourself…
4. Let this represent your FUTURE… the weight of any concerns and fears you may be carrying with you now…
5. Really be aware of the sensation of holding on to this weight from the object that represents your FUTURE …
6. Then decide if you want to let go of that weight… and discover how you might want to let go of the object and your concerns and fears about the future … Again, please, no bricks through the neighbors’ windows!
7. After you are no longer hanging on to the weight about your future … notice how you feel… be aware of the sensation in you hands and muscles as you released the weighty symbol of the fears and concerns about the future… be aware of the sensations in your body…
Alternative Version:
1. Light a candle and have a fireproof bowl or container nearby…
2. Write the following on a small piece of paper: ”Fears and concerns about the FUTURE”…
3. Repeat aloud the affirmation from above 3 times while patting or tapping the top of your head.
4. Light the piece of paper in the candle’s flame and place in a safe container… letting go of future concerns and fears as the flame transmutes the paper into ash…
5. Be aware of the present moment…the energy of life within your body… the sounds you hear… look around the room with eyes that see without labeling…
6. Be here in the present as long as you choose…
Various aspects can arise from any exercise… you can repeat any portion of any exercise for any aspect that arises. Releasing both past and future into a state of awareness of what is right now….
If you have questions and need assistance processing any of this, feel free to contact John at Sundance Center… or +1 484-685-0549 (US: EDT; GMT -5).