Welcome... and Thank You for visiting...

“Sundance Center for Conscious Living” … affirming and respecting our uniqueness, our interconnectedness, and our Oneness... As we continue to awaken in the present moment, our intention remains to stay awake to the Oneness that is Life... and respond in Loving Service during the conscious moments we have here on earth... We seek to help one another heal and remember… moving toward greater awareness, wellness, balance, synthesis, and loving action… We invite you to listen to that which mostly deeply calls to you ... Love and Blessings to All!


Waking to a new name...

I believe it was Rumi who said: " When you wake, do not go back to sleep."

We are meeting folks along the path who are waking up to an expanded and inclusive reality ... and committing to staying awake...

Sundance Center continues transitioning and holding the vision of conscious living in the moment...

We are not who we and others may think we are....we are much more than the label parents gave to us... or the projections people place upon us as they are trapped in the timeline memories of past actions or identities... let go into the present moment...

This morning as I meditated and meet a wise native 'grandfather' he called me H'tuchi... I later came up with the spelling... he pronounced it: Hah-tooch-ee ...

What is your name... before you were labeled? Listen for the voice within who calls you by your Spirit name... You may call if you wish to do a special guided imagery to discover your name... or you can just make one up that feels right and matches your essence...

Blessing to you...