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“Sundance Center for Conscious Living” … affirming and respecting our uniqueness, our interconnectedness, and our Oneness... As we continue to awaken in the present moment, our intention remains to stay awake to the Oneness that is Life... and respond in Loving Service during the conscious moments we have here on earth... We seek to help one another heal and remember… moving toward greater awareness, wellness, balance, synthesis, and loving action… We invite you to listen to that which mostly deeply calls to you ... Love and Blessings to All!


Lunar Life Cycle Report (LLC)

[ Note: I first met Phillip when we were grad students in San Francisco in 1979... I knew he was a brilliant astrologer and one of 'the good guys'... after all we did pick the same graduate emphasis! I was excited to see his work show up on Caroline Myss's website and immediately ordered a copy ... I found the report confirming the transitions I was going through and it helped to make sense of the various transitions on the past as well... I highly recommend Phillip Levine's Lunar Life Cycle Report! - John Hutchinson, Sundance Wellness Center]

LLC ...The Timing of Your Life
Phillip Levine, Astrologer and LLC Report creator, describes the report:

"Perspective -- the "Big Picture." It tells you where you've been and where you are. It shows you what's likely in your next phase in life. The more uncertain or unclear your situation is, the more valuable will be perspective. In your own life, right now, do you have perspective? Do you have a method for determining the place or the context for where you find yourself at this point in your life? Would you like to be able to see how another earlier time fits into the overall process you are living? To clarify your purpose by discovering deeper meaning in your past experiences and your present situation?

"The Lunar Life Cycle is prepared just for you, based upon your own time and place of birth, and offers you just such a view, a way of seeing, as if you were able to ascend to a mountain top and to view your surroundings and see where everything is. Using the lunar cycle from New Moon to Full Moon and then back to New Moon, can help you to understand the ebbs and flows in the unfolding of your life (and many other cycles as well). It allows you to know when it is the time to push, to act, or decide; or when it is time to let yourself empty, to be still."  - Philip Levine

Recent endorsement by Caroline Myss:

"... I am happy to introduce a new creation by Philip Levine, creator of the Cosmic Window and co-creator with Richard Tarnas of the Calendar of Archetypal Influences. Using the lunar cycle as a model, the new Lunar Life Cycle report can illuminate the structure and the timing of your own individual life's unfoldment in a completely readable and non-technical way... I cannot imagine a more effective and timely gift during these times of uncertainty. It will light your way... CMED is so very proud to be able to present the work of Philip Levine to you."

- from the Caroline Myss website

Richard Tarnas says this about Phillip's Lunar Life Cycle Report:

"It's fantastic, a very effective way of conveying that information. The many nuances and intervening stages, with the interpretive elaboration, were illuminating for me. I am really impressed with the extraordinary clarity of your text, and how well you employed and developed the metaphors of organic growth and building structures. It's all very well written, [with] a certain economy and solidity in the prose that I really admire, and that is reflected as well in the life perspective you articulate."  - Richard Tarnas

Click Here to Read More or Order the LLC Report

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