Begin now to fully accept the present moment... here now is the path to Peace... within yourself and in the world...
No matter what the question... what the issue... what the circumstance... now is where we begin... now is where we are...
You might say, "I don't want to be where I am or doing what I am doing." That is part of your Now...a state of war with what is... There are choices we can make as beings of pure awareness and decision-making...
Some form of acceptance of the present is the key to peace and being ease within...
If the life situation you find yourself in is dissatisfying, why are you in it? What choices do you have? Knowing what is... that is the beginning of freedom...
Do you have any control over the situation? If yes, what are the options? You can always make choices to improve the situation in areas where you have some power to do so...
If you have no direct influence over the external situation in your life... what choices do you have about your inner state of being?
A prisoner locked in a cell has few or no options about his or her life situation... but we always have the choice of how we will respond. There is a level of surrender to the situation that is not simply losing and giving in... Surrender has more to do with letting go of our resistance with an attitude of acceptance to what is.... The prisoner in the cell finds freedom as his or her deepest spirit is released into the present moment of Being...
Most of us are not in a physical prison cell, but may feel locked into a particular feeling state... such as depression... Years ago I worked as a mobile family therapist and the middle-aged woman I was visiting expressed her feelings as like being locked in a jail cell... accompanied by a long-standing sense of depression... She agreed to try an experiment in guided imagery... In a few minutes as we visualized the radiance of the sun coming down through the top of her head and surrounding her in a warm light, her whole body language and facial expression shifted and I could see a relaxation and light energy emanating from her... The darkness of the depressive energy was gone and her life spirit returned as she re-entered the present moment...
Be here fully in this moment ... Now is where acceptance, forgiveness, and letting go of the past pain and future illusory fears will provide renewal and free our Life Energy and the Spirit of our deepest and highest realms of consciousness... our True Being...
We are beings of consciousness and will... awareness and action... Today we can acknowledge our true identity and call our Spirit front and center into our awareness... finding the peace and contentment of oneness with Life... with Source... the timeless Presence of this Moment...
Love, Lust, and Like
‘Love’… ‘In Lust’…
‘In Love’… ‘Like’…
and ‘LOVE’
There are different kinds of ‘love’ and ‘liking’…
We can love our child… our sexual partner… our friend… our partner… our pet… our favorite desert… and others we have never met… These are most likely all different energies… some attached to wants or needs … and others more detached… some shallow… some as deep as Life itself…
A. ‘Familial love’
How easy is it to say to your child, “I love you”??
For most people, this is the easiest expression of ‘love’ since the connections and attachments are usually both obvious and genuine. There is a ‘belonging’ and sense of ‘blood’ or familial affection. There is a connection… a sense of responsibility and stewardship… This is the connection of the tribe and perhaps even of the larger community or culture and ethnic identity. It is the belongingness and protectiveness…
For those interested in energetic connections, this storge (‘store-gay’; Greek) form of ‘love’ is a connection through root, solar plexus, and heart chakras. The amount of trust and positive self-esteem a person develops in childhood is largely dependent upon the ability and level of care provided by parents, family, and early caregivers.
While this form of ‘love’ is critical and real, it is perhaps the easiest to understand and to provide. As always, issues arise as the ego or pain-bodies of caregivers want or need the family member attachment to feed their own wants or personally perceived inadequacies.
B. Desire Nature ‘love’ – Attraction, Lust
The desire nature is a natural part of our existence as human beings. In its broadest sense it is the combination of the instinct for survival, self interest, and the energy to want or take things in. With a dense ‘pain-body,’ needs are exaggerated into greed, selfishness, and other more negative energies.
In the more specific area of relationships it is the sexual and sensual pleasures looking for fulfillment. The strong energies of the sexual hormones look for expression. For those interested in energy areas the ‘epithumia’ (Greek) form of attraction, passion, or lust is the sacral and creativity energy center in the reproductive area of the body.
C. Romantic ‘love’ – Longing – Being ‘In Love’
Drawing out the best in another whether it is beautiful creativity or passionate sensuality is a characteristic of romantic Love. The personal ego falls “in love” as it connects with partners with complementary and common societal and personal energies, needs, and wants. Younger partners may take into consideration such things as physical attraction, common interests and ideals, projected parenting abilities, similar lifestyle goals, etc.
The energy of ‘eros’ or romance often provides for the meeting of complementary needs and wants, whether conscious or unconscious. This form of being ‘in love’ may include most of the first 5 chakras that include the all the tribal and familial connections (1, 2, 3) as well as heart (4), mind (6), expression, and mutual decision-making (5).
D. Cherishing ‘love’ – Friendship – ‘Like’
This energy type cares about one another as a best friend, team-mate, bunker-buddy, and while usually not at an erotic level, may flow into eros or other forms either intentionally, sporadically, or spontaneously.
As an example, ‘Philadelphia’ means the “City of Brotherly Love” (phile). In this form, there is heart and mind bonding and people are generally considered “attached at the hip” or in a “platonic relationship”… often in a group there is camaraderie and common goals and ideas. It can be a positive aspect if people who decide to live together also ‘like’ each other in this form of ego-attachment love.
We have used the terms: ego, egoic mind, survival personality, and pain-body to describe various aspects of personal attachments. These are natural and common to all human beings. This aspect of describing personal development is intended to help understand a more inclusive view of Life that shows the distinction between exclusive (ego) and inclusive (spiritual) approaches to awareness or consciousness.
E. Spiritual ‘LOVE’ as Being-State of Awareness
The Greek term ‘agape’ has often been used to express the spacious or spiritual quality of unconditional love. While it has also been used by many to describe more secular forms of openness, the term does imply a quality we wish to share. The sense of ‘Divine LOVE’ transcends the needs of ego and personal attachments. It can be misunderstood by the personality or pain-body of others as detached or cold since the personal ego has nothing to attach to … no ‘buttons’ to push.
There is an open and nature acceptance of others and Life since one needs to be present in the moment to be in a ‘state of LOVE.’ This form of LOVE is really beyond form and can be channeled as presence and acceptance. It can be said to be egoless since it does not need or want anything. This LOVE is Life itself… the eternal Source of the Present Moment. In this sense, it is timeless and selfless.
There must be an openness of heart (4), intuition (6), and crown (7) energy centers with a likelihood of all energy wheels being freely open… or “running on all cylinders.”
I have used some classical definitions from the Greek and do not pretend to be an expert, but share this as a way to stimulate some discussion and awareness of the differences in energies. It is also to help differentiate ego attachment ‘love energies’ from what I will call “Spiritual Love.” From a perspective of larger or expanded consciousness and awareness, we can always truly express our ‘LOVE” for anyone at anytime. There is also a caution that most of you may know already. The thought-form “love” will be interpreted by your personal egoic mind according to what it may want. This can often lead to a confusion of levels and a misunderstanding between people if not clarified.
It always a possible option to stand in a ‘state of LOVE’ and Presence, without saying anything. It is most likely my ego speaking if I need to announce ‘my’ “spiritual love” toward another person… If indeed we stand in LOVE, it will be felt without announcements.
Life is a journey of lessons and self-discovery until we find our way home to the present moment again and again. Our intention, once awake is to stay awake. Most of us go back to sleep from time to time… but always with the memory of wakefulness, LOVE, Peace, and Joy in Present Moment awareness.
Let us do our best to stay alert in the moment, to learn where our pain-body gets activated, to continue to heal and clear our energy system, to forgive ourselves, others, the past, and to continually find the ‘Now-Gate’ back to being here!
LOVE and Blessings,
‘In Love’… ‘Like’…
and ‘LOVE’
There are different kinds of ‘love’ and ‘liking’…
We can love our child… our sexual partner… our friend… our partner… our pet… our favorite desert… and others we have never met… These are most likely all different energies… some attached to wants or needs … and others more detached… some shallow… some as deep as Life itself…
A. ‘Familial love’
How easy is it to say to your child, “I love you”??
For most people, this is the easiest expression of ‘love’ since the connections and attachments are usually both obvious and genuine. There is a ‘belonging’ and sense of ‘blood’ or familial affection. There is a connection… a sense of responsibility and stewardship… This is the connection of the tribe and perhaps even of the larger community or culture and ethnic identity. It is the belongingness and protectiveness…
For those interested in energetic connections, this storge (‘store-gay’; Greek) form of ‘love’ is a connection through root, solar plexus, and heart chakras. The amount of trust and positive self-esteem a person develops in childhood is largely dependent upon the ability and level of care provided by parents, family, and early caregivers.
While this form of ‘love’ is critical and real, it is perhaps the easiest to understand and to provide. As always, issues arise as the ego or pain-bodies of caregivers want or need the family member attachment to feed their own wants or personally perceived inadequacies.
B. Desire Nature ‘love’ – Attraction, Lust
The desire nature is a natural part of our existence as human beings. In its broadest sense it is the combination of the instinct for survival, self interest, and the energy to want or take things in. With a dense ‘pain-body,’ needs are exaggerated into greed, selfishness, and other more negative energies.
In the more specific area of relationships it is the sexual and sensual pleasures looking for fulfillment. The strong energies of the sexual hormones look for expression. For those interested in energy areas the ‘epithumia’ (Greek) form of attraction, passion, or lust is the sacral and creativity energy center in the reproductive area of the body.
C. Romantic ‘love’ – Longing – Being ‘In Love’
Drawing out the best in another whether it is beautiful creativity or passionate sensuality is a characteristic of romantic Love. The personal ego falls “in love” as it connects with partners with complementary and common societal and personal energies, needs, and wants. Younger partners may take into consideration such things as physical attraction, common interests and ideals, projected parenting abilities, similar lifestyle goals, etc.
The energy of ‘eros’ or romance often provides for the meeting of complementary needs and wants, whether conscious or unconscious. This form of being ‘in love’ may include most of the first 5 chakras that include the all the tribal and familial connections (1, 2, 3) as well as heart (4), mind (6), expression, and mutual decision-making (5).
D. Cherishing ‘love’ – Friendship – ‘Like’
This energy type cares about one another as a best friend, team-mate, bunker-buddy, and while usually not at an erotic level, may flow into eros or other forms either intentionally, sporadically, or spontaneously.
As an example, ‘Philadelphia’ means the “City of Brotherly Love” (phile). In this form, there is heart and mind bonding and people are generally considered “attached at the hip” or in a “platonic relationship”… often in a group there is camaraderie and common goals and ideas. It can be a positive aspect if people who decide to live together also ‘like’ each other in this form of ego-attachment love.
We have used the terms: ego, egoic mind, survival personality, and pain-body to describe various aspects of personal attachments. These are natural and common to all human beings. This aspect of describing personal development is intended to help understand a more inclusive view of Life that shows the distinction between exclusive (ego) and inclusive (spiritual) approaches to awareness or consciousness.
E. Spiritual ‘LOVE’ as Being-State of Awareness
The Greek term ‘agape’ has often been used to express the spacious or spiritual quality of unconditional love. While it has also been used by many to describe more secular forms of openness, the term does imply a quality we wish to share. The sense of ‘Divine LOVE’ transcends the needs of ego and personal attachments. It can be misunderstood by the personality or pain-body of others as detached or cold since the personal ego has nothing to attach to … no ‘buttons’ to push.
There is an open and nature acceptance of others and Life since one needs to be present in the moment to be in a ‘state of LOVE.’ This form of LOVE is really beyond form and can be channeled as presence and acceptance. It can be said to be egoless since it does not need or want anything. This LOVE is Life itself… the eternal Source of the Present Moment. In this sense, it is timeless and selfless.
There must be an openness of heart (4), intuition (6), and crown (7) energy centers with a likelihood of all energy wheels being freely open… or “running on all cylinders.”
I have used some classical definitions from the Greek and do not pretend to be an expert, but share this as a way to stimulate some discussion and awareness of the differences in energies. It is also to help differentiate ego attachment ‘love energies’ from what I will call “Spiritual Love.” From a perspective of larger or expanded consciousness and awareness, we can always truly express our ‘LOVE” for anyone at anytime. There is also a caution that most of you may know already. The thought-form “love” will be interpreted by your personal egoic mind according to what it may want. This can often lead to a confusion of levels and a misunderstanding between people if not clarified.
It always a possible option to stand in a ‘state of LOVE’ and Presence, without saying anything. It is most likely my ego speaking if I need to announce ‘my’ “spiritual love” toward another person… If indeed we stand in LOVE, it will be felt without announcements.
Life is a journey of lessons and self-discovery until we find our way home to the present moment again and again. Our intention, once awake is to stay awake. Most of us go back to sleep from time to time… but always with the memory of wakefulness, LOVE, Peace, and Joy in Present Moment awareness.
Let us do our best to stay alert in the moment, to learn where our pain-body gets activated, to continue to heal and clear our energy system, to forgive ourselves, others, the past, and to continually find the ‘Now-Gate’ back to being here!
LOVE and Blessings,
Beyond the Stillness
One day as I was climbing the stairs to my office, a delightful bliss moment occured and I was gifted with a bundle of Joyful glee in the moment... devoid of thought... just joy and laughter...
There is a difference between Joy and happiness...
Happiness is an ego emotion that usually depends upon a specific life situation at the time... perhaps everything seems to be going as we had hoped... at least in the current time-frame...
Happiness has as its opposite... sadness... when things are going less than we had hoped or expected...
Both 'Happy' and 'Sad' are natural reactions to our ego attachments, beliefs, assumptions, and expectations... combined with the situation...
On the other hand, Joy enters beyond the stillness of the moment as a state of being... we may sense and feel the energy of this being-state, but it really has no opposite, unless you want to suggest its absence is its opposite...
Joy flooded from being in the moment and without thought or circumstance... pure bliss celebrates Life as it is...
Joy-Bliss was a gift of grace... not sought after or asked for...simpy presented by Life... and we can but give thanks!
Instaneously I 'knew' this was 'IT'... this was the pure essence of Life... right here...right now...
“The Perpetrator of Evil”
In his book, “A New Earth – Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose,” Eckhart Tolle discusses the personal and collective “pain-body” in which the “victim” identity continually needs to be fed and reinforced through sharing past pain, blaming, and identifying enemies.
Tolle writes:
“… you can only go beyond (the pain-body) by taking responsibility for your inner state now. Even if blame seems more than justified, as long as you blame others, you keep feeding the pain-body with your thoughts and remain trapped in your ego. There is only one perpetrator of evil on the planet: human unconsciousness. That realization is true forgiveness. With forgiveness, your victim identity dissolves, and your true power emerges – the power of Presence. Instead of blaming the darkness, you bring in the light.” (pp.159-160)
For more info regarding the “pain-body,” I would suggest reading Tolle’s books and visiting the following links:
Books by Eckhart Tolle:
The Power of Now
A New Earth
”The Pain Body by Eckhart Tolle” at
YouTube Videos:
Your Pain Body is very Seductive
Eckhart Teachings
Google Search
To help with liberating your identity from the “pain-body” contact John Hutchinson at or phone John at:+1 (484) 685-0549 (If you get my voicemail, leave your name, number, timezone, and the best time to talk.)
Tolle writes:
“… you can only go beyond (the pain-body) by taking responsibility for your inner state now. Even if blame seems more than justified, as long as you blame others, you keep feeding the pain-body with your thoughts and remain trapped in your ego. There is only one perpetrator of evil on the planet: human unconsciousness. That realization is true forgiveness. With forgiveness, your victim identity dissolves, and your true power emerges – the power of Presence. Instead of blaming the darkness, you bring in the light.” (pp.159-160)
For more info regarding the “pain-body,” I would suggest reading Tolle’s books and visiting the following links:
Books by Eckhart Tolle:
The Power of Now
A New Earth
”The Pain Body by Eckhart Tolle” at
YouTube Videos:
Your Pain Body is very Seductive
Eckhart Teachings
Google Search
To help with liberating your identity from the “pain-body” contact John Hutchinson at or phone John at:+1 (484) 685-0549 (If you get my voicemail, leave your name, number, timezone, and the best time to talk.)
Eckhart Tolle,
perpetrator of evil,
About Sundance Center and John
Sundance Center Services
· Life Coaching
· Readings about your current concerns:
· Energy Work – Attunement, Aura Cleansing, Reiki, Distance Healing, Therapeutic Touch
· Dream work – Interpretation, Dream Groups, Projective Techniques
· Transformative Counseling : Psychosynthesis Guide, Spiritual Direction,
· Consultations and Various Workshops
· Career Counseling and Transition Consulting
· Life Transition and Celebration Ceremonies
The work I do is based on loving service. It is part of my path in life. There are no set fees. If you choose to make a donation, here is a link to donation options, and it is always greatly appreciated.
What is guiding and life coaching?
Guiding or Coaching always begins in the present encounter as we meet together. In the now, we discover and connect to what is real. The guide-coach brings confidence and trust in the Life process to the present situation.
As a guide, I do not know the answers for you, but have confidence they reside within you. A guide knows the territory and can help you find your way through a particular situation. A guide works in collaboration with you and your deepest ideals and direction, helping you to find your way.
As a guide, I do not know the answers for you, but have confidence they reside within you. A guide knows the territory and can help you find your way through a particular situation. A guide works in collaboration with you and your deepest ideals and direction, helping you to find your way.

Transformation and healing can occur in an instant or over time. Skills and abilities take practice.
I trust Life… the Essential Energy or Source… We are all connected at unseen levels and often for unknown purposes. All of life is energy and interacting dynamics are always in transition. My intention is to help each person find a balance and harmony in Life and to teach techniques and methods that you can apply yourself.
In some situations it may be necessary for the guide or coach to act as an external unifying center until you gain the insight and methods to find that unifying center of Source Energy within. We are here to help each other heal and to live as consciously as possible in order to express creative Life energy in our unique way. The goal is always to walk through the portal of expanded consciousness into this present moment… liberated into positive energy, real experience of your essence, love, and harmony.
What is your approach?
The approach I most depend upon is an intuition in the moment. Personal training and education have taken me through most major approaches in psychology and spiritual traditions, including energy balancing and other alternative approaches toward wellness.
Some of the major areas are: Transpersonal and Humanistic psychologies, Psychosynthesis, Jungian and Projective Dream Work, EFT (emotional freedom technologies), NLP (neuro-linguistic programming), Spiritual Guidance and Pastoral Counseling, Energy therapies and healing techniques, Mediation and Conflict Resolution, Meditation, Consciousness Studies, Guided Imagery, Visualization, Intuitive 'Pops'… and more...
What training and experience do you have?
While Life is always our best teacher, I also earned a BA degree in psychology from Gordon College in Wenham, MA; a Masters degree (M.Ed.) in Counseling from Millersville University (PA), several years of doctoral studies and training in Psychosynthesis at the Synthesis Graduate School, San Francisco, CA; 2-1/2 years of graduate studies in Jungian Studies, Counseling, and Ministry at Andover-Newton Theological School, Newton, MA. I am also an ordained inter-faith minister in the Priesthood of Melchizedek through the Sanctuary or the Beloved in Conesus, NY.
Work experience has included coaching and guiding individuals and groups in private practice, family therapy, addictions counseling, dream-work sessions and groups, training sessions and seminars, chaplaincy, ministry, corporate and transition management, project management, business development and organizational assessment.
What are your fees?
I choose to provide services through donations... If you choose to donate, there is a “Donate” button on this page and also a link to donation options. Donations through the “Donate” button is through a secured gate at PayPal where you may choose the donation amount and submit funds either through a PayPal or a major credit card. If you prefer to send a check or money order, please mail to John Hutchinson, 940 Emerson St., Apt 307, Denver, CO 80218
Contact Information:
John Hutchinson, M.Ed.
Our lives are always in transition… and I continue to trust the process of life to open the path and provide the stepping stones at each moment…
Love and Blessing to you! … John
Contact Information:
John Hutchinson, M.Ed.
Our lives are always in transition… and I continue to trust the process of life to open the path and provide the stepping stones at each moment…
Love and Blessing to you! … John
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Everyone Will Arrive...
"Everyone will attain God-consciousness and be liberated. Some receive their meal early in the morning, others at noon, still others not until evening. But none will go hungry. Without any exception, all living beings will eventually know their own true nature to be timeless awareness."
- Ramakrishna
In the space between particles of dust
In the timeless pauses beyond thought
Time and Eternity merge
And Life shouts its silent message:
Naked One beyond ego
"I" lost in thoughtless wonder
Dissolving form in purifying energy
The interpreter stands silent
Presence is all that remains
Great Mystery of Oneness
ONE Allness of Being
The interpreter wakes again
To Harmonies of ALL singing:
"I want you to know...
I want you to know... right now."
Blessings and Love... John
Beyond Greed, 'Stuff', and Ego
Sundance Center Op-Ed, Mountville, PA
Tuning In Beyond Ego
by John Hutchinson
Why are some shocked at the daily exposures of greed and deed that is reported from around the world every minute of every day… acts based upon our ego desires and anxiety …
Survival is a natural instinct and state of all creatures of the earth. Humans have the consciousness to create fear and pain from thought and fantasies that are not real. We embellish and hold onto to past occurrences as if they are still happening… replaying them in our thoughts … plus reinforcing and strengthening the memory traces through continual story-telling to anyone who will pay attention… We can endlessly consider all possible future scenarios to worry about…
Of course we know our physical life on earth is on a lease… and someday the lease will run out… so there is always an underlying real body-fear of extinction… the body knows it’s on a temporary gig…
All of us haven fallen short of the mark of self-less and unconditional love… and we act in ways that expose our fears about not having enough or being enough… our frustrations and anger when we do not get our way or what we think is owed to us… When our expectations are not met we react with behaviors from disappointment and sadness to rage and violence…
We act from our forgetfulness that we are all part of the Oneness of Life… the ego operates as if it - ‘I’ - am god…or the only one that matters… The ego structure is focused on the defense and survival security of the personality… the individual…
The child finds itself in a foreign land and in a place where there is less than total empathic love… To the extent that the caregivers and surrounding family members carry some energies of past pain, regret, and hurt… along with fear, worry, and dread about future fantasies… plus some amount of desire, wants, and expectations… to that extent, the child inherits negative energies that are absorbed from the home environment…
Many times the child must develop less than healthy coping mechanisms that learn to manipulate and get what it needs or wants… thus the survival personality begins its journey of development… In addition to personal predispositions, the trial and error of finding what works continues to add to patterns that develop and even sub-personalities that learn to deal with different circumstance…
The child is split off from its true Self and Life Spirit in the necessity to survive… This results in a sense of separateness and disconnection from Life and it finds some place to connect and get lost in… a social identity… an accepted member of the family, community… a hero or star… or a loser or outcast… some role… or group identity that provides some sense of connection… All of these attempts eventually lead to a dissatisfaction, emptiness, or just a sense that something is missing or “Is this all there is?”
So the natural need to survive gets translated into every conceivable act that we see on a daily basis… Why is it that, what seems to be 98% of the time, we continually broadcast and watch the conflicts, violence, sexual exploits, celebrity addictions, and negative win-lose energies happening across the globe? We continue to strengthen what is wrong rather than focus on inclusive solutions.
Governance, for the most part in the US has degenerated into an addictive sickness that has nothing to do with solving problems for many… it is a game of us and them… as if they are unruly children fighting on the playground at an elementary school…
One commentators insisted we must define and isolate the ‘enemy’ so we can “bomb the hell out of them.”… This is insanity… ego madness...
What if a family therapist who is working with a family in conflict has the operating theory that …All we need to do is identify the ‘real enemy’ in the family… the trouble maker… the one creating all the destructive energy… and take them out into the back yard and shoot them… Insanity…
Even if people wish to kill us, they are our brothers and sisters… our family… and the family is always an interactive and dynamic system that is also tied to all the other social and relational systems of each of its members. We can defend others who are in some danger and also work to understand and help every family member…
Systems are complex… and unless there are unseen forces at work in transforming a system… most systems will not easily be changed by removing a specific part or person…
Transformation and new integration often begins with some form of dis-integration, disruption, chaos, and confusion…. The new emerges through things coming apart…
When we look at some of the collective and individual behavior in the world, it is no wonder that some think the more ‘advanced’ countries… the more ‘prosperous’ countries share the responsibility for some of the discord on the planet, for the threat to the balance of life on earth, and for the dysfunctional global family dynamics…
The egoic structure…both collective (corporate) and individual… likes nothing more than the idea of ‘free’ will… “Yes,” it celebrates, “I can do whatever I want”… The ego, devoid of a respect for and openness to Life Energy…Spirit… has forgotten the Source of its existence and only wishes to protect its expanding realm, as if the egoic “I” can ever own anything… The ego-maniacs that we have become are often lost in consumerism… in the dung-heap of money and ‘stuff’… even economic theory has been switched to encourage spending and consumerism… using more natural resources to produce more ‘stuff’… mostly lacking respect and love for our Earth home and for our brothers and sisters who are often exploited in the process…
I found these brief “Stuff” videos to be quite educational, enlightening, and entertaining too…
• Info: from Anne Leonard (18min)
• Humor: - ‘Stuff’ video with George Carlin (5 min)
There is a corporate power on the earth that is committed to protect its realm at any cost… to maintain its dominion over the Earth and her inhabitants… These wayward children have power and money… and will say what is needed and do what is needed to maintain their status quo…
While this may seem overwhelming, those of us who are open to the larger Essence of Life must continue to be vigilant… to continue to awaken… to help each other stay awake… to Be… and to Act in ways that Love and Respect Life, our Brothers and Sisters, and Earth-Home… And I am convinced we have help at unseen levels…
Let us continue our consciousness connection, focused attunement, prayers, and healing actions this day and every moment…
Let us daily return to the Present moment…forgiving ourselves and others… and letting go of what was… and what will be… so that WHAT IS – can BE!
John Hutchinson
Tuning In Beyond Ego
by John Hutchinson
Why are some shocked at the daily exposures of greed and deed that is reported from around the world every minute of every day… acts based upon our ego desires and anxiety …
Survival is a natural instinct and state of all creatures of the earth. Humans have the consciousness to create fear and pain from thought and fantasies that are not real. We embellish and hold onto to past occurrences as if they are still happening… replaying them in our thoughts … plus reinforcing and strengthening the memory traces through continual story-telling to anyone who will pay attention… We can endlessly consider all possible future scenarios to worry about…
Of course we know our physical life on earth is on a lease… and someday the lease will run out… so there is always an underlying real body-fear of extinction… the body knows it’s on a temporary gig…
All of us haven fallen short of the mark of self-less and unconditional love… and we act in ways that expose our fears about not having enough or being enough… our frustrations and anger when we do not get our way or what we think is owed to us… When our expectations are not met we react with behaviors from disappointment and sadness to rage and violence…
We act from our forgetfulness that we are all part of the Oneness of Life… the ego operates as if it - ‘I’ - am god…or the only one that matters… The ego structure is focused on the defense and survival security of the personality… the individual…
The child finds itself in a foreign land and in a place where there is less than total empathic love… To the extent that the caregivers and surrounding family members carry some energies of past pain, regret, and hurt… along with fear, worry, and dread about future fantasies… plus some amount of desire, wants, and expectations… to that extent, the child inherits negative energies that are absorbed from the home environment…
Many times the child must develop less than healthy coping mechanisms that learn to manipulate and get what it needs or wants… thus the survival personality begins its journey of development… In addition to personal predispositions, the trial and error of finding what works continues to add to patterns that develop and even sub-personalities that learn to deal with different circumstance…
The child is split off from its true Self and Life Spirit in the necessity to survive… This results in a sense of separateness and disconnection from Life and it finds some place to connect and get lost in… a social identity… an accepted member of the family, community… a hero or star… or a loser or outcast… some role… or group identity that provides some sense of connection… All of these attempts eventually lead to a dissatisfaction, emptiness, or just a sense that something is missing or “Is this all there is?”
So the natural need to survive gets translated into every conceivable act that we see on a daily basis… Why is it that, what seems to be 98% of the time, we continually broadcast and watch the conflicts, violence, sexual exploits, celebrity addictions, and negative win-lose energies happening across the globe? We continue to strengthen what is wrong rather than focus on inclusive solutions.
Governance, for the most part in the US has degenerated into an addictive sickness that has nothing to do with solving problems for many… it is a game of us and them… as if they are unruly children fighting on the playground at an elementary school…
One commentators insisted we must define and isolate the ‘enemy’ so we can “bomb the hell out of them.”… This is insanity… ego madness...
What if a family therapist who is working with a family in conflict has the operating theory that …All we need to do is identify the ‘real enemy’ in the family… the trouble maker… the one creating all the destructive energy… and take them out into the back yard and shoot them… Insanity…
Even if people wish to kill us, they are our brothers and sisters… our family… and the family is always an interactive and dynamic system that is also tied to all the other social and relational systems of each of its members. We can defend others who are in some danger and also work to understand and help every family member…
Systems are complex… and unless there are unseen forces at work in transforming a system… most systems will not easily be changed by removing a specific part or person…
Transformation and new integration often begins with some form of dis-integration, disruption, chaos, and confusion…. The new emerges through things coming apart…
When we look at some of the collective and individual behavior in the world, it is no wonder that some think the more ‘advanced’ countries… the more ‘prosperous’ countries share the responsibility for some of the discord on the planet, for the threat to the balance of life on earth, and for the dysfunctional global family dynamics…
The egoic structure…both collective (corporate) and individual… likes nothing more than the idea of ‘free’ will… “Yes,” it celebrates, “I can do whatever I want”… The ego, devoid of a respect for and openness to Life Energy…Spirit… has forgotten the Source of its existence and only wishes to protect its expanding realm, as if the egoic “I” can ever own anything… The ego-maniacs that we have become are often lost in consumerism… in the dung-heap of money and ‘stuff’… even economic theory has been switched to encourage spending and consumerism… using more natural resources to produce more ‘stuff’… mostly lacking respect and love for our Earth home and for our brothers and sisters who are often exploited in the process…
I found these brief “Stuff” videos to be quite educational, enlightening, and entertaining too…
• Info: from Anne Leonard (18min)
• Humor: - ‘Stuff’ video with George Carlin (5 min)
There is a corporate power on the earth that is committed to protect its realm at any cost… to maintain its dominion over the Earth and her inhabitants… These wayward children have power and money… and will say what is needed and do what is needed to maintain their status quo…
While this may seem overwhelming, those of us who are open to the larger Essence of Life must continue to be vigilant… to continue to awaken… to help each other stay awake… to Be… and to Act in ways that Love and Respect Life, our Brothers and Sisters, and Earth-Home… And I am convinced we have help at unseen levels…
Let us continue our consciousness connection, focused attunement, prayers, and healing actions this day and every moment…
Let us daily return to the Present moment…forgiving ourselves and others… and letting go of what was… and what will be… so that WHAT IS – can BE!
John Hutchinson
economic theory,
George Carlin,
story of stuff,
Source Healing
Source of Healing Energy…
We can read the many anecdotal reports of spiritual, emotional, and physical healings from the scriptures of various spiritual traditions as well as from the numerous writings about the work of contemporary healers and energy workers. One of the most well known spiritual teachers and healers comes from the Christian religious tradition… The following paraphrase of the recorded words attributed to Jesus helps to understand the basis of Healing Energy…
It is recorded that Jesus said to those around him, “You witness the things that I do... Well, I just want you to know, it is not me... it is not the personal ego nature that does these things, but rather the One Life Source… the Sacred Spirit… the Divine Energy that is flowing through this channel my parents named ‘Jesus’… and the real ‘Parents’ of Consciousness is the Source of Life that flows through us All…”
Just because we might experience the Life Energy flowing through us, let us not be deluded into thinking that we can somehow own or control this instantly transforming power of healing and life… that is always the personal egoic mind… The only choice we have is whether or not we will clear the path… get out of the way… for Life Energy to flow freely through us…
Turn from distraction…
Let us join together to forgive those who have wronged us and let the grudges, anger, and recurring fantasies fly away in the blink of an eye…
Being freed to openly channel Love… now…
Even as we forgive our brothers and sisters, our tribe, our traditions, our collective past… let us also forgive the wrongs we have committed against others… against ourselves… against Life… against other creatures and the Earth… again free to fly in the breezes of Life’s Joy and Peace…
Forgiveness itself is only an aid… an illusion since a sleeping child is not responsible for his or her nightmares… And forgiveness gives us a choice to let go of the fantasies that replay in the egoic mind, keeping us distracted from the present… and Presence of Life…
All can be accepted …what was … was … what will be … will be …and what is…is what is … now…
Enter the realm of Timeless Consciousness…see, feel, and sense the freedom of letting go into the presence of Now…
Peace… Love … eternal sounds of Silence
We can read the many anecdotal reports of spiritual, emotional, and physical healings from the scriptures of various spiritual traditions as well as from the numerous writings about the work of contemporary healers and energy workers. One of the most well known spiritual teachers and healers comes from the Christian religious tradition… The following paraphrase of the recorded words attributed to Jesus helps to understand the basis of Healing Energy…
It is recorded that Jesus said to those around him, “You witness the things that I do... Well, I just want you to know, it is not me... it is not the personal ego nature that does these things, but rather the One Life Source… the Sacred Spirit… the Divine Energy that is flowing through this channel my parents named ‘Jesus’… and the real ‘Parents’ of Consciousness is the Source of Life that flows through us All…”
Just because we might experience the Life Energy flowing through us, let us not be deluded into thinking that we can somehow own or control this instantly transforming power of healing and life… that is always the personal egoic mind… The only choice we have is whether or not we will clear the path… get out of the way… for Life Energy to flow freely through us…
Turn from distraction…
Let us join together to forgive those who have wronged us and let the grudges, anger, and recurring fantasies fly away in the blink of an eye…
Being freed to openly channel Love… now…
Even as we forgive our brothers and sisters, our tribe, our traditions, our collective past… let us also forgive the wrongs we have committed against others… against ourselves… against Life… against other creatures and the Earth… again free to fly in the breezes of Life’s Joy and Peace…
Forgiveness itself is only an aid… an illusion since a sleeping child is not responsible for his or her nightmares… And forgiveness gives us a choice to let go of the fantasies that replay in the egoic mind, keeping us distracted from the present… and Presence of Life…
All can be accepted …what was … was … what will be … will be …and what is…is what is … now…
Enter the realm of Timeless Consciousness…see, feel, and sense the freedom of letting go into the presence of Now…
Peace… Love … eternal sounds of Silence
letting go,
Life Energy,
Your Life Situation... How's It Going?
“What’s Going On?”
If you were to stop now for 30 seconds and consider your life circumstances, how would you describe your feelings about your life situation? What is your enjoyment level about what’s going on in your life?
Check one… and be honest since you may be the only one seeing this…
1. ___ I’m feeling enthusiasm and even some ecstasy about my life situation.
2. ___ I’m feeling enjoyment about my life situation.
3. ___ I’m feeling an acceptance about my life situation.
4. ___ I’m feeling somewhat dissatisfied about my life situation.
5. ___ I’m feeling an extreme dislike about my life situation.
Some further notes…
Life happens in the present, always.
If we’re really non-accepting of the present situation and lack enjoyment of what we’re doing or what’s happening, we will find ways to distract ourselves from staying in the present moment. We can easily slip into feeling lost and disconnected…or have a sense that there is something missing… or something is wrong …
We will be off into mental fantasies about tomorrow and memories of yesterday. We will replay ‘happy’ memory movies (usually embellished) and project a happy future time somewhere down the road…or in some other foreign paradise or world… We may find misery partners to bond with as we share the old scars and wounds... We may develop co-worrier support groups or ‘friends’ to share fears about the uncertainty of life… the unknown future…
There are options if we dare to consider them…
We are human 'beings' of awareness and choice.
There is a difference between “Life” and a “life situation.”
Life is and continues… Consciousness is and continues… The essential energy that is Life exists… while the circumstances of life are constantly changing…
Your “life situation” and what you are doing is always changing in some way.
It is preferable usually to at least enjoy what we are doing and have a sense of satisfaction about what is going on in our immediate life circumstances.
If you find yourself in a situation that seems almost unbearable, discover if there is something that can be altered or changed about that situation… Consider all options. What can I do differently? Do I have any real authority or power to make a change in the situation? Can I influence the situation for the better, whatever that might be?
Resignation and Surrender
Some situation cannot be changed on the outside. The person who is stuck into a specific situation due to societal rules…such as a person who broke the law and is confined to a prison… may lack the power or influence to change their immediate circumstance. In this case, they can either be resigned to their fate and continue to feel miserable, isolated, and self loathing or angry at their captors and the ‘authority’ that placed them in confinement. Another option is to accept the ‘life situation’ as it is… and surrender into the present moment. Resignation is giving up but remaining to feel wronged… or blaming self or others, etc. The energy of resignation is often one of defeat and negative energy.
Even though you may not be a prisoner in an actual jail cell, your life situation may feel similar.
When other options are not possible, acceptance of the current ‘life situation’ as just ‘what is’…allows a person to re-enter the present with a new freedom. Surrendering to the Now requires letting go of the past through forgiving oneself and others and Life. What happened… happened. We cannot undo history. We cannot erase history and memory… And…we can reset the energy circuits of our lives and remove the negative charge that our body carried…
Present Moment General Affirmation
Life is energy. From time immemorial, change continues to occur in an instant… in the moment… not sometime out there…after this or that happens first… ‘out there’ in the future never really comes… ‘Now’ is the only time when change can occur…
***Tapping and Patting…
Imagine your body, thoughts, emotions, memories, senses are all intricately wired with subtle energy circuits… and they are all connected… It may help to use you fingertips of one hand to tap on your chest area… or pat the top of your head… this will help to reset the energy circuits and clear any glitches…
Repeat the following general affirmation 3 times out loud so you can hear the words as well as think them. Say it even if you may not be ready to accept it as true at this time…
“Even though I have made mistakes… and others have wronged me, I completely forgive and accept myself, others, and life… and choose to live fully in the present moment.” (Repeat at least 3 times.)
Continue tapping or patting as you repeat the affirmation… You may use the affirmation as much as possible…
Present Moment Specific Affirmation
Some people may have specific memories, feelings, aches, and other aspects arise after they start this process. The tapping/affirmation process is equally or even more effective in dealing with specific emotionally charged memories or aches.
“Even though I have this (ailment, pain, ache, memory, feeling, etc)… I completely and deeply love and accept myself, others, and life…” (Repeat at least 3 times.)
For those who may not be completely ready to say the affirmation as written, you can write your own in a positive way… here are some examples:
Modified General Affirmation:
“Even though I have made mistakes… and others have wronged me, I may be open to forgiving and accepting myself, others, and life… and am considering choosing to live fully in the present moment.” (Repeat at least 3 times.)
Modified Specific Affirmation:
“Even though I have this (ailment, pain, ache, memory, feeling, etc)… I may be open to forgiving and accepting myself, others, and life…” (Repeat at least 3 times.)
What's going on... is what's going on...
Need Help?
If you wish to learn more or would like help with this process, you may call:
Rev. John Hutchinson, M.Ed.
+1 484-685-0549 (Skype: sun-1111)
Call between the hours of 9am and 8pm (US-Eastern time; GMT-5). If I am unavailable when you call, please leave a message along with your name, number, and a good time to talk …Or send an email message to and include the pertinent info.
Info at
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*** Tapping and Patting Note: All negative emotions are reflected in a disruption in the subtle energy system that connects all aspects of our life, body, emotions, thoughts, and soul. There are specific places on the body where we can tap as outlined by Gary Craig’s “Emotional Freedom Techniques” (EFT) and many others. What is most important is to understand that all energy is connected and this exercise is designed to connect the conscious and unconscious aspects of ‘mind’… which has an innate intelligence and knows what needs to happen. In spiritual terms this can also be understood as the wisdom of our Higher Power effecting healing through the flow of Life’s Great and Ever-present Spirit. To learn more about EFT and get their free EFT manual, visit
Caroline Myss is Moving to "Its-VIlle"
Caroline Myss is having a birthday this week... in her latest article she writes:
"I do not believe I would have been inspired to move to the Sacred Land of It’s-Ville were it not for my realization and understanding that there is only the present moment; all else is distraction. My task is to manage the power and consciousness of my soul in this present moment. There is nothing missing from this present moment. The moment contains all “it” needs. It is up to me to recognize that:
• I am no longer searching for any other place but where I am.
• It’s all here in It’s-Ville.
• Maintaining the field of grace that is It’s-Ville is a full-time job – no more sending fragments of myself into the past or future to regret or fret.
• All things are interconnected in It’s-Ville. Nothing exists separate from anything else happening or unfolding in my life within the same moment: That is the nature of the law of interconnectedness. How we interpret this interconnectedness becomes the art form – and the more impersonal an eye we have, the better.
• The impersonal eye is the preferred lens in It’s-Ville, lest one risk becoming a narcissist. Life is not all about “me”; yet I must view “me” as the central participant in my life.
• “I have plenty” – plenty of what? Plenty of everything in It’s-Ville. I don’t need foolish mind games focusing on greed-based thought forms to draw in more stuff. Rather, my focus is on creativity and increasing my capacity to contribute to the whole.
• Reflection at the end of the day is a daily devotion. Where am I as I prepare for sleep? Am I shattered and fragmented or am I present in the moment? If I am shattered and fragmented, what am I prepared to do about that before I go to sleep?
• Blaming another person for my personal actions is not allowed in It’s-Ville because my choices and decisions come directly from me. I must refer only to myself – and as a point of reference, I refer to the seven shadow passions as a guide. All negative actions are rooted in one or more of the seven shadow passions. These are the source of why and how we fragment ourselves."
Visit to read the whole article...
"I do not believe I would have been inspired to move to the Sacred Land of It’s-Ville were it not for my realization and understanding that there is only the present moment; all else is distraction. My task is to manage the power and consciousness of my soul in this present moment. There is nothing missing from this present moment. The moment contains all “it” needs. It is up to me to recognize that:
• I am no longer searching for any other place but where I am.
• It’s all here in It’s-Ville.
• Maintaining the field of grace that is It’s-Ville is a full-time job – no more sending fragments of myself into the past or future to regret or fret.
• All things are interconnected in It’s-Ville. Nothing exists separate from anything else happening or unfolding in my life within the same moment: That is the nature of the law of interconnectedness. How we interpret this interconnectedness becomes the art form – and the more impersonal an eye we have, the better.
• The impersonal eye is the preferred lens in It’s-Ville, lest one risk becoming a narcissist. Life is not all about “me”; yet I must view “me” as the central participant in my life.
• “I have plenty” – plenty of what? Plenty of everything in It’s-Ville. I don’t need foolish mind games focusing on greed-based thought forms to draw in more stuff. Rather, my focus is on creativity and increasing my capacity to contribute to the whole.
• Reflection at the end of the day is a daily devotion. Where am I as I prepare for sleep? Am I shattered and fragmented or am I present in the moment? If I am shattered and fragmented, what am I prepared to do about that before I go to sleep?
• Blaming another person for my personal actions is not allowed in It’s-Ville because my choices and decisions come directly from me. I must refer only to myself – and as a point of reference, I refer to the seven shadow passions as a guide. All negative actions are rooted in one or more of the seven shadow passions. These are the source of why and how we fragment ourselves."
Visit to read the whole article...
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