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“Sundance Center for Conscious Living” … affirming and respecting our uniqueness, our interconnectedness, and our Oneness... As we continue to awaken in the present moment, our intention remains to stay awake to the Oneness that is Life... and respond in Loving Service during the conscious moments we have here on earth... We seek to help one another heal and remember… moving toward greater awareness, wellness, balance, synthesis, and loving action… We invite you to listen to that which mostly deeply calls to you ... Love and Blessings to All!


'Popimage' Quiet Reflection

Sitting in relaxed quietness...

Aware of breath... being one with breathing...

Stilling the mind into awareness of the present...

Invite an image to pop into your awareness that has a message for this day...

Accept the first image that comes into consciousness... whether it is visual... a sense or feeling in your body... or even just the first thought...

Just be with your 'popimage' for as long as you wish...

...In Peace and Love... H'tuchi

Later you may wish to associate and work with the meaning and significance of your 'popimage'...

Note: To deflect any confusion, the writer is sometimes called H'tuchi and sometimes called 'John'... The H'tuchi label is chosen at times to remind us that we are not who we necessarily think we are... In one reality we are One... and nameless...

John Hutchinson
Sundance Center
484-685-0549 EDT (GMT-5): Skype: sun-1111

"We are all-ways more than we thought we were."

"The shift in consciousness happens the moment you say 'yes' to what is, because the entire structure of the egoic mind-made self lives on resistance and opposition and on making the now into an enemy. The beautiful thing is that we can step out of thousands of years of collective conditioning, without needing more time to step out of it."

..."The aliveness in the body is an intelligent aliveness, and the wonderful thing is that when you direct attention there, it removes attention away from thinking. You cannot feel the aliveness of the inner body and think a lot, because consciousness is taken out of thinking and moves into the body. Feel that, just feel... " - Eckhart Toll


The Gateway to Now...

The Gate to the Great “WEYOND”

The word “WEYOND” presented itself to consciousness in what might be labeled a “pop”… a bit of creative content or awareness that pops into the spaces between thinking… from the spacious silence behind the noise… sometimes labeled ‘intuition’…or ‘hunch’… or ‘gut feeling’… or ‘pop.’

To the conscious mind “Weyond” suggests a “WE-ness” or together-ness of Being that is… and is also on the farther or opposite side of what our conscious or ordinary egoic mind can rationally and reasonably ‘see’ or ‘deduce’…

The Present Moment of pure consciousness is a “WE-ness” and a “Weyond” in which ALL is ONE LIFE…. the intricately and organically interwoven tapestry of Life… Energy… Spirit… The Great “WEYOND” is BEING that has moved from beyond “my” personal consciousness into awareness in the moment…

“Weyond” represents that which is “Already and Not-Yet”… We walk on Earth in the spaciousness of consciousness that expands into the “Already” present “Kingdom of God”… the silent realm of love and peace…. and we expand the “Not-Yetness” through our awareness, alertness, and reawakening into the present moment. God give us grace and reminders to remain awake!

Some have labeled this by various names… Ascension Consciousness… Cosmic Consciousness… Unitive Consciousness… Tao… Chi… Buddha Nature… Zen… Superconscious… Atman… Christ Consciousness… God… Goddess… Expanded Awareness… Salvation… Illumination… Great and Holy Spirit… Life Energy… and there will also always be new names for the Nameless Mystery as we strive to communicate to others in a spirit of love!

Where is the gate to the Great WEYOND?

It is where ever you are… Here… Now… right where you are… this is the only place from which you can enter to ‘gate’… The gate allows you to drop years and millennia of personal and collective conditioned content in an instant…

Letting go of what was… letting go of what may be… forgiving others, forgiving yourself, forgiving Life… letting go… being with what is…right now… without judgment or thought… what was…was… and what is…is… this is the only moment that is and it is always timeless…. The egoic mind will never understand this since it is locked into protecting its realm… in time… but it will continue to try… it is ruled by fantasy and fear masquerading as logic and reason and rationality… while it is mostly just rationalizing….

The egoic mind or ordinary concrete mind of conditioned thought forms, content, tapes, and memory traces always try to know ‘the’ answer or reason… when in fact we cannot really know… only theorize…

Find the silence between the thought-forms and content that race around and around…

Be aware of this moment… the sensations within your body… the spaciousness of your being… here you find the gate to the Present Eternal Moment… Life…

Enter the “Weyond” of Life where being is and the “me-ness” dissolves into the “we-one-ness” of ALL!

If you need help returning to the “home” that always resides within you… simply ask the “universe”… the unseen mystery that connects all… and you will be guided…

Here is one simple exercise that can help…

Letting Go of the Past and Future

You can of course do your own version of this exercise...

If you do this in your imagination you can do it anywhere… If you use a physical object, then I recommend you do it outside or over a coach or bed if inside…

Part I: Letting Go of ‘The Past’… with all the negative memories, abuses, wrongs, and regrets that have been done to you, to others, and by you to others…

1. Begin with an affirmation similar to this: “ Even though I have memory traces of negatives from the past, I deeply and completely forgive and accept myself and others.” Repeat aloud the affirmation 3 times while patting or tapping the top of your head or above your heart area…

2. Now, pick up or imagine holding a brick, boulder or other object that has some significant weight… anything thing will do…

3. Hold it out in front of you with extended arms… and continue to hold it until you feel its weight becoming almost impossible to bear… be careful not to hurt yourself…

4. Let this represent your PAST… the weight of all the negatives you carry with you into the present…

5. Really be aware of the sensation of holding on to this weight from the object that represents your PAST …

6. Then decide if you want to let go of that weight… and discover how you might want to let the object and your negative PAST go … Please, no bricks through the neighbors’ windows!

7. After you are no longer hanging on to the weight… notice how you feel… be aware of the sensation in you hands and muscles as you released the weighty symbol of the negatives from the past… be aware of the sensations in your body…

Alternative Version:

1. Light a candle and have a fireproof bowl or container nearby…

2. Write the following on a small piece of paper: ”Negative memory traces and emotions from the PAST”…

3. Repeat aloud the affirmation from above 3 times while patting or tapping the top of your head.

4. Light the piece of paper in the candle’s flame and place in a safe container… letting go of the past as the flame transmutes the paper into ash…

5. Be aware of the present moment…the energy of life within your body… the sounds you hear… look around the room with eyes that see without labeling…

6. Be here in the present as long as you choose…

Part II: Letting Go of ‘The Future’… with all the expectations, fantasies, and fears that may be driving your thoughts about the future… The reality is, we can only live in the present and negative energy such as fear and anxiety only keeps us trapped in fantasies and egoic mental gymnastics … Now repeat the exercise present above with these changes:

1. Begin with an affirmation similar to this: “ Even though I have concerns, fears, and expectations about the future, I deeply and completely accept and trust myself and Life.” Repeat aloud the affirmation 3 times while patting or tapping the top of your head or above your heart area…

2. Now, pick up or imagine holding a brick, boulder or other object that has some significant weight… anything thing will do…

3. Hold it out in front of you with extended arms… and continue to hold it until you feel its weight becoming almost impossible to bear… be careful not to hurt yourself…

4. Let this represent your FUTURE… the weight of any concerns and fears you may be carrying with you now…

5. Really be aware of the sensation of holding on to this weight from the object that represents your FUTURE …

6. Then decide if you want to let go of that weight… and discover how you might want to let go of the object and your concerns and fears about the future … Again, please, no bricks through the neighbors’ windows!

7. After you are no longer hanging on to the weight about your future … notice how you feel… be aware of the sensation in you hands and muscles as you released the weighty symbol of the fears and concerns about the future… be aware of the sensations in your body…

Alternative Version:

1. Light a candle and have a fireproof bowl or container nearby…

2. Write the following on a small piece of paper: ”Fears and concerns about the FUTURE”…

3. Repeat aloud the affirmation from above 3 times while patting or tapping the top of your head.

4. Light the piece of paper in the candle’s flame and place in a safe container… letting go of future concerns and fears as the flame transmutes the paper into ash…

5. Be aware of the present moment…the energy of life within your body… the sounds you hear… look around the room with eyes that see without labeling…

6. Be here in the present as long as you choose…

Various aspects can arise from any exercise… you can repeat any portion of any exercise for any aspect that arises. Releasing both past and future into a state of awareness of what is right now….

If you have questions and need assistance processing any of this, feel free to contact John at Sundance Center… john@sunhutch.com or +1 484-685-0549 (US: EDT; GMT -5).

Body Awareness

Present Moment Reminders from Eckhardt Tolle

"The aliveness in the body is an intelligent aliveness, and the wonderful thing is that when you direct attention there, it removes attention away from thinking. You cannot feel the aliveness of the inner body and think a lot, because consciousness is taken out of thinking and moves into the body. Feel that, just feel..."


Dreams and Spirit: St. Peter and the Inter-State High-Way

(The following is one in a series of articles related to dreams and spirituality)

Clearing the Inter-State

Now, as I am driving along an interstate highway, there are certain places where there is road repair going on… so, I weave around it as I am driving. Then I come to a scene in which a man is working on a large rock that protrudes from the ground right along the inner lane. I slow and am looking to see what he is doing. He is working to break the boulder apart and make the way more safe and open.

Then, he is working on more rocky areas along the mountain and expanding and clearing the way for the Highway…

All of a sudden, the rocks begin to move and there the highway worker is sliding along with the rock slide. He ends up on the ocean shore and a large flat rock has him trapped. Someone calls to me to help him. "Help rescue St. Peter."

I find myself along the ocean shore and the waves are coming in… perhaps the tide is shifting. The waves cover up where Peter and the rock were last seen, but I recall where they are and go to the spot and reach in and find Peter and the rock… As I go to lift the rock, there is someone else there to help since the rock is larger than I can handle… and we free St. Peter from beneath the rock and he gets up…

Several times the waves cover me and I also notice that there are more people coming to the shore with each wave… they are people from other times and places that are being brought to the shore…

It is only fitting that Simon the fisherman, of the time of Jesus, who became Peter or “the Rock,” would be by the seashore of our consciousness. And Jesus was also referred to as “the Rock” by some of the early Christian authors. The “Rock of Ages” refers in the Christian scriptures to the eternally solid presence of Life’s Sacred Spirit and Energy, the ‘Most High!’

Here Peter is helping with the clearing of the Inner State High Way… I can only be thankful for this help of inner guidance and clearing… My tendency is to continue on around the boulder… as well as do a bit of rubber-necking… I could have stopped to help but chose to go on…

As I did, then Peter also went on… and the entire landscape began to shift. We mostly assume things will remain the same until we change them. When in ‘reality’ things are always changing far beyond what we assume or expect. The earth shifts… and before we know it the Wall of the Cold War has been toppled… the Soviet Union is dismantled… The twin symbols of US economic heights collapses… The world is in an endless war… and we continue to destroy our earth home on a daily basis. Could it be that the institutions of religions themselves will crumble as quickly into a new consciousness… a new way of seeing… a new way of being here on earth…

A unitive consciousness that is aware of the oneness of Life.

Simon was called by Jesus to follow, and became Petra… or Simon Peter…He and his brother Andrew left their fishing nets and followed Jesus… Simon Peter became a disciple… and witnessed the Life of Mystery called Jesus… He became a teacher… who became martyred… who became a ‘Saint’ and cornerstone of the largest institutionalized religious movement of the last 2000 years, the Roman Catholic Church…

And this ‘Saint’ has come to help clear the path for a new way to the higher consciousness of Being… In the major shift, the ‘saint’ is flattened by the upheaval and rock-sliding event… and is submerged into the great ocean of the unseen… I am asked to rescue this ‘saint’ from his doom and am somewhat submerged myself… but recall where to go… when I discover the spot, I am given a ‘hand’ in raising the rock off of St. Peter… there is always hope and help if we are willing to get wet and do what we are asked by the universe.

The other night, I was watching an amazing site as I witnessed a TV commentator, who happens to be a ‘Catholic,’ rebuke and suggest that a Catholic Bishop was transgressing by trying to control a legislator… What was remarkable was to see this scene as if I was watching a small boy, raised in the Catholic Church, lash out against the oppressive authority of his youth and spirit… I suppose he may be next on the list of public figures to be chastised by modern day ‘religious leaders.’

As I looked up some info on St. Peter, it is impossible as always to create an accurate picture of the facts of what was so many years ago. Historians always have their own mindset filters through which they present material. Writers and scribes who may have been translating or editing texts and notes would undoubtedly add their own embellishments to give authority and weight to their particular version… Whether Mark was actually Peter’s son or disciple and therefore giving us Simon Peter’s account of the events of early Christian era cannot be substantiated.

So, as St. Peter was resurrected from beneath the ‘rock,’ many others also came to the shore from the ocean’s depths… and what follows is what I can only imagine were some of the words St. Peter shared as he stood on the sandy shore…

“My beloved friends, it is with a great joy in my heart that I stand with you today. It is truly a new day. I am glad for this opportunity to share some new perspectives I have gained over the millennia. In those days, we spoke from our heart and through our culture. We spoke through our ego and did the best we could to preserve something of the mystery we experienced when we walked together with Jesus. He was so, so different than anyone I had ever met. He walked on earth but seemed to always be in a different world than the rest of us. I didn’t understand.

“Now I realize that he walked in the present moment of love. He walked with an acceptance of what is. I was concerned about how women could be equal to men, and obviously I could only see through the traditional and cultural mindset in which I was immersed. I was so concerned during my lifetime about establishing a group that would carry on the teaching of our Savior. And he truly was our Savior, since he was completely true to the Love and Life of the moment, even though it took him to the cross. He saved us from ourselves in a new way. He gave us a new way to see life, even though we didn’t get it half the time. He taught us to forgive ourselves and others and to let go of the past. “He was trying to show us how to walk in Love and the present moment and we were often lost in our own ego needs as to how to do this or if we would be special in some way or what the timeline was. We mostly didn’t realize he was talking about the timeless and eternal present moment … all we could picture was some location in the sky where things would be better… Now I realize that ‘heaven’ and ‘hell’ exist right now as a state of mind…

“The church has served a positive role for the most part in keeping the memory of Jesus alive. When we experienced the ‘sacred spirit’ we saw many miraculous things occur in an instant… The church, no matter by what name it is called, has tried to capture that spirit in teachings and rules. That is simply another ego exercise. The Spirit is always present. It is we who avoid its presence through ego fantasies of specialness, greed, and control games.

“It is enough to turn away from the contents of your ego-mind based on wants and fears… to let go into the present moment… let go of negativity, blame, domination and submission, and future fantasies. Forgiveness was big with Jesus and there is good reason for it… forgive yourself and forgive everyone…even as Jesus did when he cried out from the cross, “Forgive them, for they don’t know what they are doing.” He knew he talked to those who were asleep and unconscious… it was not their fault that they followed the civil and traditional and religious authorities of the day… the collective and personal egos… all based in fear.

“Today you would also would rather follow the authorities of your medical models… your science… your national, political, and religious ideologies… then to open to Life as it is. You have made your ideologies your addictions. You have made your mind and thought-forms your addictions… You have made your emotions based in fantasy and rigid thought-forms your guides. You angrily or subtly shout at one another for being non-rational… which usually means, someone doesn’t agree with your beliefs.

“In the past I have loved you and also wished to preserve our memory of my friend and teacher, Jesus of Nazareth. I am sorry I have not been a better teacher and student. Jesus always was trying to tell us that the ‘Kingdom of God was at hand”… We could only think in terms of days or years… in terms of time. He was actually, as I know now, telling us that the state in which he was living in the moment was already here right then and right now and always. The present moment is always eternal… Life is always eternal and timeless … and we are never separated from Life… except perhaps in our own perceptions. The step from where you are to the Present and Holy Spirit of Now is instantaneous. Simply ask for it and let go of who you thought you were or would be…

“All of Life is Sacred and All is One…

“There is the Holy Presence in ALL…even when forgotten and suppressed…

“Respect all the interconnectedness of Life… without judgment…

“Love is the vehicle of Understanding… Stop and listen to others, to Life, and to the Silence within…

“Share what you know in your heart to be true…

“Hear the guidance, knowing, and wisdom that breaks in from the unknown… and follow the guidance… Listen to the heart of Being… the ‘Most Deep’ and ‘Most High’ within… and from others when it ‘rings true’ for you!

“Now as we gather at various places often unseen to others, let us continue the work as the shift also continues. Many will continue to live in fear. As more of us emerge from the sea of sleep to this new world, there will be many who will react… as Love and Oneness grow, there may also be strange pockets of irrationality and fear-driven behavior. We can see it in extremist ideologies and actions. It is the collective fear-induced sleep and unconsciousness that is controlling many like zombies under a spell. The ego fears it demise… both at personal and collective levels… Once you wake up, we encourage you to stay awake… to return again and again to the moment… even if it means being reborn 34 times each day… the more often we wake… the more we will extend the length of our wakeful moments…

“Each day: Wake up… Let go and Release what is not needed… Tune Up and In… Connect… Task on… in the Moment… Each day...

“Each Night: Tune in and up… See what pops from the day… rejoice, release, forgive, and let go into a restful sleep.

“ …And now to Jesus and to all teachers who show us the way Home to the Eternal Moment, to all our brothers and sisters, and to the Mystery of Spiritual Oneness…Life, we give our heartiest thanks.”


Meditation and Tapping - "Tap on this!"

“Tap on this!”

Today during meditation, an old and new way emerged.

For some time I have been aware that there are areas of our consciousness that know better what we may need than the egoic thinking processes that are conditioned by external stimulus and internal wants. Spiritual teachings throughout the ages have been clear about letting go into the present... however this may have been stated.

Recently I have been studying and practicing one form of energy system balancing called EFT (Emotional Freedom Technologies - http://www.emofree.com/). By the way the EFT video library and course are quite good. EFT uses a system of tapping to reset and balance our energy system.

Today during meditation I was being aware of the sensations in my body and breathing into each sensation as it arose… sometimes referred to as relaxation meditation. Then it seemed appropriate to simply tap with fingers and thumb cupped together on each area of my body that called for attention… allowing my body and larger unconscious to direct the action.

I tapped on an area until it seemed ‘finished, then I would just be present until the next area presented itself… continuing to breathe into each tap and the silence… There was an awareness of not only subtle ‘calls’ for attention, but also some rather noticeable energy streams and shifts… just allowing the ‘wise expanded consciousness’ to be my guide.

The result was not only relaxation, but also a more inclusive ‘healing’ effect producing an overall sense of well-being, harmony, and presence…. My intention is to stay present with the sense of harmony within and be aware of when it may be pulled off balance… then, listen for what to do about that …in the present moment of course!


"Now is a good time..." [H'tuchi]

Spiritual teachers speak of the "present moment" and "we are all one."

We hear many speak of the interconnection of all of life... the unified field theory...or the organic and dynamic systems theories of various disciplines of science and education, philosophy and psychology...

Information comes from various sources...

In our survival personality or egoic state, we must look closely to observe with the senses and we discover new observations.
We hold tightly to beliefs and mindset thought forms and are sometimes forced to changed because the time is right or the evidence is too great.

This has been labeled a paradigm shift when it happens at a collective level... "the Earth is round" replaced the thought form that the earth was flat.

Once in a while, a new way of perceiving enters our experience...

Mystics have longed spoken of a cosmic or unitive consciousness...

The new way of seeing sometimes comes quickly with immediate transformation as when Saul saw a bright light while traveling along and his consciousness was expanded... and he became the Paul of the new Christian era...

Eckhart Tolle, in the midst of a depression, broke into the realm of this new/old world of unitive consciousness... and went on to be a spiritual teacher...

For others, it happens in fits and starts and is more of a continuous journey of awakening...

We are all one is more than a theory... when one enters the portal to the present moment of being, the experience of oneness... of no separation... is an experience of deep knowing...

Until a person finds his or her way home, we are lost in the "normal" egoic and survival personality with this or that identity... a role...a name... an emotion... a mindset... and we are lost in the illusion of separateness... in the reactions of ego... me and you... us and them... the good guys and the bad guys...

There really is only "us"... We are one with all of LIFE... whatever we do to another, we do it to ourself... there is no separation...

We all are one cosmic soup...

There is no real 'my' or 'yours' except in the illusory world of separation and legal games we set up to pretend we have control over Life...

We are brothers and sisters on a journey... co-creators together... and as we enter the portal to now, we find ourselves right here...right now...in this present moment... nothing has changed...and everything has changed...

The new Heaven and new Earth we enter is now...

What has changed is our perception... our conscious awareness... we have moved from identifying and separating this and that... to being here now in the presence of what is...

And we find our way home to the consciousness that Life Is...

Letting go of what was... and what might be... we walk through the gateway to Now... and what is...IS...

From this point of pure consciousness, we act... rather than simply reacting from the identities of our survival personality or egoic state...

Sometimes, we go back to sleep... we become less conscious again... but are drawn by what we know to return to to portal of Now... to wake up again and again to this moment... The moment we notice we are asleep... we are awake again...

Time loses it's impact and becomes but a spiraling-cycling into the present space and energy of Now...

Becoming aware and watching our thoughts or feelings... noticing our body... noticing our environment... letting go of past and future...of this and that... we find the point of consciousness that reflects upon itself ...awareness being aware of being aware...

It is here in this spaciousness of Now that peace enters... love flows... joy dances...

There are no shoulds... there is only what is... there are no expectations... there is only what is... thereare no regrets... there is only what is...

Awareness and response... consciousness and willing action... based in Oneness.... Now
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

Love and Blessings to All!
