Welcome... and Thank You for visiting...

“Sundance Center for Conscious Living” … affirming and respecting our uniqueness, our interconnectedness, and our Oneness... As we continue to awaken in the present moment, our intention remains to stay awake to the Oneness that is Life... and respond in Loving Service during the conscious moments we have here on earth... We seek to help one another heal and remember… moving toward greater awareness, wellness, balance, synthesis, and loving action… We invite you to listen to that which mostly deeply calls to you ... Love and Blessings to All!


Every moment brings death and birth...

Every moment brings a death and a new beginning into the presence of Now...

I heard a some statistics yesterday that in the US alone there is a new birth every 8 seconds and a person passes from this dimension ever 12 seconds...

Every breath is taking in the present and letting go of the what is no longer needed... it is the natural rhythm of Life throughout the Universe... ever changing and also in motion....

The New Year transition is often seen as a time to begin anew... and what a good practice it is... 

I would like to suggest that we let go of all the leftover feelings, regrets, and good old days from yesterday...from yesteryear... from the previous moment.... letting the past die so that we can truly be in the Present Moment of Nowness...

When we let our minds continue to be wandering through the past or worrying about the future, we have robbed ourselves of Life in this moment... For many of us the wandering mind defaults to negative self-talk and negative energy is that is not useful and often quite destructive... perhaps your self talk is always positive and happy, but for many of us, we have to be vigilant and choose to move away from old patterns and self criticism or judgments about our lives and the lives of others....

"Forgiveness" is often a word that is used..."acceptance" is another one....acceptance of what is.... Whatever words we use, it is the actual energy and dynamic that is important... you may wish to write "the past".... "regrets" ...or whatever you choose on a piece of paper and let it go by putting it in the flame of a candle and let the transforming energy be symbolic of our intention and action of letting go...letting go... into this new moment... into this new year... into this new life....

Blessings and peace to you.... Now and Always Now...


Prayer for the coming year and a beautiful rendition of
Auld Lang Syne by Sissel
Let's make 2014 the best year ever...
personally and for the betterment of all!!
 Love to all.... John

Expect the unexpected... and may Loving Kindness be our Guide... 
John Hutchinson ~ Denver, Colorado 
Life Coach, Wellness Management, Psychosynthesis Guide, and Career and Life Transition Consultant
"A Heart filled with Love is like
a phoenix that no cage can hold." ~ Rumi 




Message for 2014 from Hopi Elders

2014 Message from the Hopi Elders...

Hopi Elders Statement:

"You have been telling people that this is the eleventh hour.
Now you must go back and tell people that this is the hour!
There is a river flowing very fast.
It is so great and fast that there are those who will be afraid.
They will hold on to the shore.
They will feel that they are being torn apart,
and they will suffer greatly.
Know that the river has its destination.
The elders say that we must let go of the shore,
push off into the middle of the river,
keep our eyes open,
and our heads above the water.
See who is in there with you and celebrate.
At this time we are to take nothing personally,
least of all, ourselves.
For the moment that we do,
our spiritual growth comes to a halt.
The time of the lone wolf is over.
Gather yourselves!"


Here are my 13 week progress pictures

Some of you may be thinking about a New Year's resolution to slim down a bit after the holidays... Whether you wish to lose 5, 10, 25 or more pounds, I took the time to prove that Meta-Switch works before recommending it...

John Hutchinson's Progress Pictures
using the
Max Meta-Switch
Weight Loss System
December 25, 2013
Before Max Meta-Switch   >>>>       After 13 weeks on Max Meta-Switch
After 13 weeks, without any change in the amount of exercise, I have dropped 31 lbs. and over 4" off my waist... 14" total including: neck, chest, waist, hips, and thigh measurements. I plan to continue on the Meta-Switch System and lose another 25 or 30 lbs.!... stay tuned.
In the first week I noticed an increase in metabolism and energy.
Video Intro to the Max Meta-Switch Weight Loss System with results from study participants after 12 weeks using the products:
The Max Meta-Switch Weight Loss System components include:
SWITCH Metabolic Enhancer capsules which provide a natural way to increase metabolism without increasing heart rate... no stimulants, no jitters! I take 2 capsules 30 minutes before a meal 3 times a day with about 12 ounces of water.
"Switch™ Metabolic Enhancer was formulated to work with one of your body's master metabolic switches and sensors (AMPK), to help raise your metabolism without raising your heart rate. Activating this AMPK switch also helps increase feelings of fullness and reduces hunger cravings. Switch does not contain caffeine or other stimulants, so you will not experience the wired feelings normally associated with weight loss pills..."
CURB Slimming Bars are tasty and designed to be eaten if feeling hungry or having cravings between meals. The bars are made up of a balance of 50% soluble fiber and 50% insoluble fiber. Again I drink between 12 and 16 ounces of water with the bar.
To read more about the Meta-Switch Weight Loss system, visit the product section of my associate website at: www.max.com/39160
If you wish to try the Meta-Switch System, click the "Join" link here or in the top menu on the screen above; then choose the "Preferred Customer" option to receive the best price.
If you also wish to earn extra income as a Max Associate, please contact me for special instructions.
If you wish to receive information and updates on my progress and have received this information through Facebook, a forward, or read online, you may contact me, John Hutchinson at:
We can also talk on Skype or by phone if you wish to do so. Simply send your contact info and the best time to reach you to the email above.
4 minute video of people sharing their experiences using the Meta-Switch System:
May 2014 be the best year ever for all of us...

Warm Wishes, John

Expect the unexpected... and may Loving Kindness be our Guide... 
John Hutchinson ~ Denver, Colorado 
Life Coach, Wellness Management, Psychosynthesis Guide, and Career and Life Transition Consultant
"A Heart filled with Love is like
a phoenix that no cage can hold." ~ Rumi 



What Are Your Programmed Defaults?

Recently, I have had the idea of “default” floating about in my mind in relation to our attitudes, mindset, feelings, self-talk, and more…

Borrowing from computer science, “default” refers to: “a selection to be made automatically according to a computer program when the user does not specify a choice.” … this gets closer to the meaning I have been seeing in my own personal dynamics.

Did you ever find yourself in a kind of funky space which is usually accompanied with an endless string of self-talk that is critical, negative, and often filled with fear, doubt, shame, despair?

I would like to suggest that for some of us, this is the personality default or the natural egoic mind state into which we lapse unless we are focusing our awareness elsewhere. Perhaps it is also a picture of a natural human condition or angst which is simply part of being. It has been said that our condition and life is what we make it. Which is certainly true to at least some degree. Yet, unless we make choices about where our attention and awareness is focused, it will automatically default to a set of baseline personality parameters.

Of course, this baseline can be different for each person, based on their life experiences from conception onward.

It seems at a very basic level, we are beings of pure awareness and will.

We can be aware that we are aware.

We can make choices and act, react, and respond to the situation in which we find ourselves.

It seems to be a worthwhile exercise to sit and watch the egoic mind present the self-talk. This can provide us with insight and awareness about out individualized baseline or “default” programmed settings. These settings are in the deepest aspects of our conscious and unconscious dimensions of mind and exist within our psyche and cellular memories.

We often simply distract ourselves from these baseline default ‘settings’ though various activities, forms of entertainment, and of course, food, sex, drugs, and work… to name some of the most common ones… I’m sure you could add a few more specifics to the list from what you observe within yourself and others…

Many people simply live their lives, or so it seems, rather unconsciously controlled by these default settings which include early experiences and indoctrination into the familial and cultural milieu… aided of course by positive and negative energies and interactions with others.

The unexamined life can provide a sense of stability and also closed mindedness that leads easily to prejudices, biases, and wrong-right either-or thinking.

We cannot really change others, yet perhaps we can help break the unconscious cycles by providing a safe space for others to expand, grow, create, and explore without judgment or fear. We can influence others perhaps through questions or thoughts. But arguing, fighting, or debating from fixed perspectives and beliefs about ideology and differences usually leads to strengthening differences.

We can make changes most significantly at home… in the recesses of our own awareness, experience, and shadowland. We can shine a light on areas of repressed anger, passive aggressive ways we react, to the old patterns and defaults that lie and lay within our psyche.

We can and often do believe the negative self-talk… and along with others can support it with “evidence” from the past. The egoic mind seems almost devilish in its attempts to keep us powerless and disconnected from a more basic and intrinsic awareness of being… of the Life force and Energy itself.

So, of course, as we are mired in the default settings of negativity, we will look outside ourselves for affirmation, for love, for someone to say we are okay. .We will seek a loving environment of some kind… we may attach to a social group that we feel an affinity with so we do not feel the aloneness that is part of the human condition. We window shop for acceptance and for a soul mate or mates to be with.

In a very basic and scientific and energetic sense, we are never alone. The quantum and holographic nature of existence tends to show us the One interconnected and interacting and ever-changing Essence of Life… Yet in our personal experience we are tricked by our personality into constantly thinking we are separate… individual… apart…  rather than One with all that is…

So, what are your default settings like?

There have been many tricks of the trade within the sciences of psyche, whether it is defined as psychology, spirituality, religion, philosophy, or something else. There are ways to reframe thoughts, think positively, tend dreams, question the beliefs that lead to feeling a certain way, and of course the road that may lead to dependency to find an ‘expert’ … teacher…guide… therapist…to aid in the process of growth, exploration, and re-construction….This can be a useful if the one helping is advanced enough not to foster co-dependency…

Our tendency is to identify with whatever our current experience is… physical discomfort, thoughts, feelings, sensation, visuals… on and on…

It helps me to realize that these contents of consciousness have nothing to do with authentic identity… they are passing experiences and, while they can be quite useful in some ways, they have nothing to do with who we are…

Are we our thoughts? Are we our emotions? Are we our sensations? Are we our body? Are we our hopes, desires, attachments, beliefs, dreams, fears?

We have all these things as part of our experience of life, and they are not who we are in my experience at least.

So, who am I? Who are we?

These are questions that are basic and must be explored in a Life examined by all...

It is my experience that primarily I am both Being and Choosing… Life breathes through this 3D form someone named “John.” Life is one and I am because Life is and continues to breathe its life energy through this form… The essence of being human is one with Being… pure awareness… somewhat colored by the form it is coming through… like light through a stained glass window… I am awareness…consciousness…. And I have a will …a choosing mechanism… the ability to respond, act, serve… The unexamined life usually is simply reacting based upon personal preferences, the defaults of personality beliefs and desires…

So, when the mini or major shadows of life surround us, it seems a good time to explore the what is… what are the defaults of my psyche…my personality structure… telling me… and as we find awareness, we also may be granted an empowering spirit called Life to choose how we will respond.

May Life grant us grace in unleashing and cleansing the old defaults so we may live if the freedom of Life Mysterious Now…
John Hutchinson - November 27, 2013
Sundance Center fro Conscious Living
www.sunhutch.com ~ john@sunhutch.com


Life is One....

LIFE is One...
One Breath
One Being
One Flow
Creating and Re-creating
One Consciousness
Reflected through stained glass vessels
Producing differences and uniqueness
... distorted labels
separating the Oneness 
into illusions of individuals
so ego plays at control
One Love Flow
River of Joy
Greed and Domination
flowing fearfully
separate and conquer
Yet the Oneness Remains
Mind games dance
in fantasies
of yesterdays
of tomorrows
Denying this Moment
Forever and forever
Presenting Now
Life is One
Life Breathes All
Feel the Oneness
Be the Oneness
John Hutchinson
October 25, 2013



Moons and Moments

October wraps
the season's harvest
 nurturing with colored leaves
 toward winter shadows
 Embracing glimpses of light
 and promises
 of timeless moments
 now glistening
 in harvest moon
John Hutchinson
 October 2013




A Sundance Prayer...

A Sundance Prayer...

"Great Spirit and Source of Life,
Your name is Mystery to us,
yet you are closer than a friend...
We acknowledge and honor the Oneness of All Life...
May Love, Peace, and Kindness
Continue to bloom on Earth,
and may compassionate acts be done for the Good of All...
We trust we shall receive what we need each moment...
May forgiveness and acceptance be our guide,
both toward ourselves and to others...
We pray we may be led to the good and kind in all ways,
and away from what is misguided and harmful to ourselves and others...
We share the Oneness of Universal Love,
In this Powerful present moment of Life Energy,
And in the Glory and Joy of Your Presence
that Lives both within and beyond time and space,
and forever and always is... Now!
Amen ... and May Peace Be with You..."
~ Hatuchi, September, 2013
The above prayer was reframed into non-sectarian language 
and based on the "Lord's Prayer" from the Christian tradition. 


Present Moment Reminder: Your Life Situation...

ETTV logo ettv-image
'Forget about your life situation
and pay attention to your life.

Your life situation exists in time.

Your life is now.
Your life situation is mind-stuff.
Your life is real.'

Eckhart Tolle

    If you are not currently a member of Eckhart Tolle TV, and would like more details on joining, please click here.


About Your Situation...

Blessings and Love to All...
John Hutchinson ~ john@sunhutch.com

Ministry, Dreams, Runes, Influences...

Dreams, ministry, runes, and influences…

I am in bed with a woman and about to make love…. as I am looking between her legs and greeting her, I notice a green stem that is coming out between her lower lips and it has been cut off, yet seems vibrant and alive. I decide to gently tug on it to see if it is loose and will come out. It is firmly attached and rooted.

Then a man is in the room who was the best man at our wedding. The two of them are talking about a minister who died a number of years ago. Except the way they are talking, he is still alive. He had run away and was rather obsessed with something being wrong with him. He was actually at the same place we were and was playing outside with some others… it was almost like a sanitarium or retreat place…. He was playing a game with others and later I saw him sitting across a large room… I couldn’t quite recognize him, but it seemed to be him…

He was a good minister who cared for others. He was funny and also serious. He was an extrovert most of the time.. he was a good story-teller and writer.

Through some Bible studies in Miss.  At age 18, along with involvement in fundamentalist Christianity,  I thought I was the apostle Paul in a new time and place. 10 years later I went to Seminary to study Jungian psychology and pastoral counseling… and worked as an associate minister and chaplain… as it became clear that I did not want to be in the UCC and was feeling unprepared to write my statement of faith or graduate the following year, I chose instead to return to PA and spend time with my mother in her final year. And I was also somewhat depressed… ran away and gave up… the seminary days and path to ministry were cut off… like the green stem protruding for the feminine part of me…

When I was 33, I moved our family across the country to enter an experimental graduate program that integrated spirituality, psychology, education, philosophy, and was quite a holistic approach that incorporated the teaching of Psychosynthesis… As the director of that school turned away from accreditation processes and more toward controlling others, the school was ended as a number of us students and faculty left in protest for the good of all… Another turn away and on to another path that led to a decade of work in project management positions in various areas of the construction industry.

I later completed my graduate degree in counseling and worked for a few years as a guidance counselor… or as it seemed to me to be – a glorified administrative assistant to the principals.

I had often valued the area of inner space exploration and personal and spiritual growth and continued to record my dreams and use the principles and practices I learned in my Psychosynthesis training, along with various meditation techniques and things I learned from metaphysical teachers along the way.

 In April of 1994, I had a dream in which I was with a number of minister friends at a social gathering. I was asked to give the blessing at the picnic meal. Then a woman with half blonde and half dark hair guided me through a kitchen area in through a dark passageway. I went through a wooden door and she was nowhere to be found. I was in a small inner chamber like in a medieval castle. There were four heavy looking dark wooden door; one in each of the four walls. The chamber seemed about 8-10 foot square. I looked to the tile floor and noticed a gold and red symbol in the center tile. There was a light illuminating it and as I looked down at it, a voice asked, “Whose life is it anyway?” somehow this felt like a very sacred and special moment of connection and I began to weep. I asked, “Who are you?”  or, “Who sent you?” The one word response came, “Melchizidek” … When I woke I realized how powerful a dream and messenger had just visited me. I could not remember who “Melchizidek” was but wrote the name down before I forgot it. As I contemplated the dream, a friends name popped into my mind and who was somewhat familiar with metaphysical and spiritual things. I called her and left a message. Then I went to the Seminary library in the town in which I was living at the time. I figured it sounded like an Biblical name from the Old Testament. My research soon led me to the information that Melchizidek was the first Priest-King of the Israelites, even thought he was not an Israelite. And later all priest and ministers were ordained in the “line of Melchizidek.” It was also mentioned in the New Testament when the writers wanted to authenticate Jesus of Nazareth’s credential, they wrote that he was in the line and order of Melchizidek.

When I returned home, my friend called back and I shared the dream with her and told her it seemed like it was a calling back to ministry in some way. She then said to my amazement, “Did you know I’m an ordained priest in the Order of Melchizidek?” And I answered, “no, but now I know why your name popped into my head after awaking from the dream.” She went on to tell me about her ordination and that a minster was given a vision along with the process by which to ordain new priests into the order of Melchizidek.  Then she mentioned that he would be doing a special weekend spiritual workshops for those considering ordination. Of course I felt I needed and wanted to go to fulfill what I had begun many years before. So I attended the weekend workshops with the Rev. Dan Cheesbro of the Sanctuary of the Beloved and that led to my individual ordination service on Sunday evening. It was a powerful and moving experience that seemed like a mixture of Universalist, Unity, and Native American Spirituality. I received my Certificate of Ordination a few weeks later and had it framed along with my certificate of diplomas from College and Graduate School. I di not advertise about the ordination in any big ways, but once in a while the opportunity came up to help celebrate life transitions in wedding and memorial ceremonies.

And now, here I am at the beginning of a new life cycle in 2013, wondering how this minister is to be rehabilitated and resurrected in a new way…. The minister is not dead as I had thought… “How shall I be of service to others at this time?” … “How will Life continue to use this ‘John-form for Good?”

Shall I proclaim I am an ordained minister…a non-sectarian pastoral counselor, available to help in times of transition… in ceremonies of celebration, transition, and grief? Or shall I open to a quiet path of volunteering to help with the homeless or a food bank or….?

The runes say:

To listen to the deep currents in my soul…. The powerful and active current that is in the vastness of the unconscious…the Ocean Energies… the vastness and power…the tides and currents of the deep that are affected by the moon and other entities…

Abundance…there is abundance… the abundant life…

To channel the positive force that is always available… to think positively… to embrace the positive…

To acknowledge and own that I am Love’s Servant… and shaman of the tribe in some way…

To open to and allow the energies of Synthesis to bring every positive synchronicity to fruition…


Guides and guardian angels are here… and I ask for help…

Walk in PEACE… In the peace of wild and natural things as Wendell Berry wrote…

Thumbs Up…Success is on the way…

Balance and moderation…


Illumination… the sun is rising and the day is dawning and light is casting away the unknown and the darkness…

Look to my Predecessors…. The elders… those who came before me…

Who are my predecessors…???


A few of the Influencers along this Journey’s Path

… in no particular order…

Buddhism: Suffering and psychological pain comes from attachment to thoughts, ideas, expectations, desire, fear, hopes and other created fantasies...

Christianity: Love and treat others as we wish to be loved and treated… Let love be your source and your guide…

Native American Spirituality: All things are connected…the interconnected web of Life… and does it grow corn? …

Carl Gustav Jung: The numinous is an integral part of any healing process… and the importance of dreams as messengers…

Roberto Assagioli: We are beings of pure awareness and willing doers…

Eckhart Tolle: The present moment is all there is… the power and presence of Now… letting go of past and future fantasies…

Revs. Bob Payson, Paul L’Reau,  Dr. P. William Hutchinson, Dr. Kit Howell, Dan Cheesbro: Positive examples to following one’s Life path…all so different, yet all impactful in their own uniqueness.

Mama Thelma Mae Beam Hutchinson: be kind and try to understand others without judging them…

Hinduism: the realization of the Self… the Individuation process…

Rogerian Psychology: Listen…

Freudian Psychology: The realm of the Unconscious…

Analytical Psychology: What is in the shadow and unknown will control our thoughts and actions…

NLP: the importance of framing our speech creates what is… and “we are more that we think we are”…

Behavioral Psychology: rewards shape action…

Gestalt Psychology: get the whole picture…

Family Systems: another interactive web, everything affects everyone…

Existential Psychology: Insanity is a relative perspective…

Dali Lama: “My religion is Kindness”…

Transpersonal, Spiritual, Psychosynthesis, Transformative, Integral, and Depth Psychology: We have much more going on than the realm of personality which includes the intangible, intuitive, noetic, and superconscious dimensions of consciousness...

Metaphysics and New Age: Multidimensionality, spiritual entities, paranormal, and psychic abilities…

Astrology: somewhat interesting and useful confirmations…

Friends and Family: the real teachers and bringers of the lessons for growth… those who showed humanity and love and persistence…

Dreams: Messages from our Unconscious and deepest Self…

Runes, I Ching, Tarot, pendulum, etc.: Tools for accessing intuitive knowing…

All the Artists who dared to just create….

All the Actors who lost themselves in their expression…

All the Musicians who merged the music with their soul…

All the Authors who share Life’s richness and hope and reality

All the Dancers who perfected their skills and let freedom flow…

All the Leaders who dare to stand for love and what is right for ALL

I continue to be open to that creative Spirit which naturally wants to express itself through our living forms…
John Hutchinson, August 27, 2013 - john@sunhutch.com