A Sundance Prayer...
"Great Spirit and Source of Life,
Your name is Mystery to us,
yet you are closer than a friend...
We acknowledge and honor the Oneness of All Life...
May Love, Peace, and Kindness
Continue to bloom on Earth,
and may compassionate acts be done for the Good of All...
We trust we shall receive what we need each moment...
May forgiveness and acceptance be our guide,
both toward ourselves and to others...
both toward ourselves and to others...
We pray we may be led to the good and kind in all ways,
and away from what is misguided and harmful to ourselves and others...
We share the Oneness of Universal Love,
In this Powerful present moment of Life Energy,
And in the Glory and Joy of Your Presence
that Lives both within and beyond time and space,
and forever and always is... Now!
Amen ... and May Peace Be with You..."
~ Hatuchi, September, 2013
The above prayer was reframed into non-sectarian language
and based on the "Lord's Prayer" from the Christian tradition.