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“Sundance Center for Conscious Living” … affirming and respecting our uniqueness, our interconnectedness, and our Oneness... As we continue to awaken in the present moment, our intention remains to stay awake to the Oneness that is Life... and respond in Loving Service during the conscious moments we have here on earth... We seek to help one another heal and remember… moving toward greater awareness, wellness, balance, synthesis, and loving action… We invite you to listen to that which mostly deeply calls to you ... Love and Blessings to All!


Every moment brings death and birth...

Every moment brings a death and a new beginning into the presence of Now...

I heard a some statistics yesterday that in the US alone there is a new birth every 8 seconds and a person passes from this dimension ever 12 seconds...

Every breath is taking in the present and letting go of the what is no longer needed... it is the natural rhythm of Life throughout the Universe... ever changing and also in motion....

The New Year transition is often seen as a time to begin anew... and what a good practice it is... 

I would like to suggest that we let go of all the leftover feelings, regrets, and good old days from yesterday...from yesteryear... from the previous moment.... letting the past die so that we can truly be in the Present Moment of Nowness...

When we let our minds continue to be wandering through the past or worrying about the future, we have robbed ourselves of Life in this moment... For many of us the wandering mind defaults to negative self-talk and negative energy is that is not useful and often quite destructive... perhaps your self talk is always positive and happy, but for many of us, we have to be vigilant and choose to move away from old patterns and self criticism or judgments about our lives and the lives of others....

"Forgiveness" is often a word that is used..."acceptance" is another one....acceptance of what is.... Whatever words we use, it is the actual energy and dynamic that is important... you may wish to write "the past".... "regrets" ...or whatever you choose on a piece of paper and let it go by putting it in the flame of a candle and let the transforming energy be symbolic of our intention and action of letting go...letting go... into this new moment... into this new year... into this new life....

Blessings and peace to you.... Now and Always Now...


Prayer for the coming year and a beautiful rendition of
Auld Lang Syne by Sissel
Let's make 2014 the best year ever...
personally and for the betterment of all!!
 Love to all.... John

Expect the unexpected... and may Loving Kindness be our Guide... 
John Hutchinson ~ Denver, Colorado 
Life Coach, Wellness Management, Psychosynthesis Guide, and Career and Life Transition Consultant
"A Heart filled with Love is like
a phoenix that no cage can hold." ~ Rumi 



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