Welcome... and Thank You for visiting...

“Sundance Center for Conscious Living” … affirming and respecting our uniqueness, our interconnectedness, and our Oneness... As we continue to awaken in the present moment, our intention remains to stay awake to the Oneness that is Life... and respond in Loving Service during the conscious moments we have here on earth... We seek to help one another heal and remember… moving toward greater awareness, wellness, balance, synthesis, and loving action… We invite you to listen to that which mostly deeply calls to you ... Love and Blessings to All!


Beyond This and That

Sometimes I don't know where I am
Sometimes I don't know who
I am...

Then there are moments of connection
to a sense of Oneness
to trees and squirrels
and brooks and maggies

Sometimes I think
and figure I am this or that

Sometimes I feel
happy or sad
glad or not this or that
numbed by thinking
this and that

Then life happens and it's all Life
This beingness
typing letters and symbols and
telling a story of what was
what might be

Then remembering to forget
about this and that
and sit in the momentous silence
in between this and that...

Remembering to be

beyond this and that
infinitely beyond

and it's all exactly what it is
whatever that may be
beyond any interpretation
or distortion

Mystery Moment
and Again
and Now
and Now

John Hutchinson, September 2012



Love or Ego-attachment??

"If in your relationships you experience both 'love' and the opposite of love - attack, emotional violence, and so on - then it is likely that you are cofusing ego attachment and addictive clinging with love. You cannot love your partner one moment and attack him or her the next. True love has no opposite. If your 'love' has an opposite, then it is not love but a strong ego-need for a more complex and deeper sense of self, a need that the other person temporarily meets. It is the ego's substitute for salvation, and for a short time it almost does feel like salvation....

"That is why, after the initial euphoria has passed, there is so much unhappiness, so much pain and unhappiness. They do not cause pain and unhappiness. They bring out the pain and unhappiness that is already in you... Every addiction does that. Every addiction reaches a point where it does not work for you anymore, and then you feel the pain more intentensely that ever...

"This is one reason why most people are always trying to escape the present moment and are seeking some kind of salvation in the future..."

Eckhart Tolle, Practicing the Power of Now pp. 88-9

More info online at: www.eckharttolletv.com/sunhutch

Pema Chodron, Geo. Carlin, Activation Week - F13 Update [SEPT-22-2012]

Fusion13 News Update 
This update may be shared.
(1) [Fun Video] George Carlin - Modern Man   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hkCR-w3AYOE ]  Thanks to Carol D for sharing!

.(2) [Audio] Pema Chodron: The Fundamental Ambiguity of Human Existence  http://tinyurl.com/btcwj5p ]  
(3) [Music/Dance Video] Rita Hayworth and Stayin' Alive!  http://www.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=mz3CPzdCDws ]   .
(4) [Free Online Event] Birth 2012 - Activation Week http://birth2012activation.com ]   Imagine 100 million people uniting around the world to celebrate the birth of a new era for humanity with great love and fanfare - an historic day of global unity. 

Note: The above stories are from various news sources that you probably will not see on the "Nightly News"... They are chosen mostly because they reflect some of the possible transitions and disclosures that are underway both locally and on a global scale. I think it is important to stay clear of fear-based reports; if reports are included that come from a possible fear perspective, it probably has some worthwhile information mixed in and I will provide a warning ... Inclusion of information from various websites does not mean I agree with any or all of the content found in other parts of that website.  ~  jh----------------------------------------------------------------
Disclaimer: My laptop has a sticky keyboard these days and I have to write most sentences twice since, at times, letters and spaces do not show up. The spell-checker also does not catch missing letters if the letters spell a recognizable word. So, apologies for this until I get the laptop fixed... I really am a decent speller!! ~ jh
So...Expect the unexpected... May Loving Kindness be our Guide... and Welcome to NOW!
John Hutchinson - Denver, CO
Fusion13 Webpage: http://f13dna.blogspot.com 
Fusion13 on Facebook: http://facebook.com/f13dna
John on Facebook: http://facebook.com/sunhutch 

Sundance Center for Conscious Living: www.sunhutch.com 
"Our task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within ourselves that we have built against it." 
~ Rumi

--------------------------------Sponsor websites ------------------------------------
www.Max.com/39160 - Max Cellgevity, Max Skin Care, MaxATP, Max N Fuze

www.WizWebWorks.com - Explore your website names with free email 

Add Subscription: If you received this update from someone else and wish to subscribe,
enter "F13 Updates" in the subject line or message and send to john@sunhutch.com
I want to share with those who want to receive. If you wish to unsubscribe from F13 News Updates,
simply reply and enter "REMOVE-F13" in the subject line.

Special Disclosure: 9/11/2001 [Fusion13 News: Sept-11-2012]


Special Fusion13 News Update - '9/11' Disclosure 
This update may be shared.
JH Editorial Note:
Some  folks enjoy all positive news.... I think it is important to understand that there are some misguided entities and resulting actions that are a part of our 3D life and experience on Planet Earth. The following links and information may be disturbing and seem unbelievable to some and to others it is old news. Just as the events on 9/11 shook and changed our outlook and lives in many ways, uncovering some hidden 'truths' about the events of 9/11 were equally disturbing and changed forever the level of trust I had in various 'institutions" and my understanding of world events.
Over the last decade, I have reviewed many videos and articles regarding the events of 9/11, 2001, including many interviews of workers firefighters, police an others at or near the World Trade Center events ....many reporting suspicious occurrences for the weeks preceding and on the 911 Event...
I personally have decided that there are many things that are done through secret or 'shadow operations that are connected to certain structures, groups, and powers within the governmental, corporate, banking, and military areas. The goal of these secret operations [false flags] is to justify wars and actions that the public would go along with due to the fear and/or outrage level being raised...
There will always be official denials and spin on these events... use your own best judgement... I know the consequences of this info may be somewhat disturbing for some... I have tried to include a few credible videos and links that look at specific eye witness and insider accounts as well as the search for truth from scholars and scientific experts. 
Let me be clear that I honor our military personnel and other civil servants who gave and still do put their lives on the line for the service of their country and communities.... and I honor all the victims of 9/11 and the ongoing warring events....John Hutchinson, Veteran of the Vietnam Era, September 11, 2012... to see some disclosure links, click here...

Posted By Blogger to Fusion13 Adventure at 9/11/2012 06:10:00 AM

Disclaimer: My laptop has a sticky keyboard and I have to write most sentences twice since, at times, letters and spaces do not show up. The spell-checker also does not catch missing letters if the letters spell a recognizable word. So, apologies for this until I get the laptop fixed...I really am a fairly good speller!! ~ jh
So...Expect the unexpected... may Loving Kindness be our Guide... and welcome to NOW!
John Hutchinson - Denver, CO
Fusion13 Webpage: http://f13dna.blogspot.com 
Fusion13 on Facebook: http://facebook.com/f13dna
Sundance Center for Conscious Living: www.sunhutch.com 
"Our task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within ourselves that we have built against it." 
~ Rumi

www.Max.com/39160  - Max Cellgevity, Max Skin Care, MaxATP,Max N Fuze

www.WizWebWorks.com - Explore your website names with free email 
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ I want to share with those who want to receive. If you wish to unsubscribe from John's and/or Fusion13 Update emails, simply reply and enter "REMOVE" in the subject line or message....

"Thoughts become things... choose the good ones."  www.tut.com

Workshop Suggestions??

Hello friends and acquaintances... this email is going out to everyone on my email address book, just so you know you have not been added to a general mailing list.
If you have the choice to attend just one workshop of your choosing, What would be the workshop or seminar topic?
You may simply reply and place the topic in the subject line or include in a message.. It can be one word or as long as you wish.
I have begun developing a series of Workshop Modules that will end up in a practical guide eBook for distribution... And while I have a rather endless supply of intuitive topics, I would like to hear from you as to what is important to others...
The workshop module guidelines provide experiential guided imagery and other exercises so the focus is upon what is emerging from where each participant is on their own journey. I will acknowledge your contribution in a general acknowledgement forward and not attached to any specific workshop module unless you request it and/or give permission.
Thanks to those in advance who are choosing to share.... Best wishes, John

Disclaimer: My laptop has a sticky keyboard and I have to write most sentences twice since, at times, letters and spaces do not show up. The spell-checker also does not catch missing letters if the letters spell a recognizable word. So, apologies for this until I get the laptop fixed...I really am a fairly good speller!! ~ jh
So...Expect the unexpected... may Loving Kindness be our Guide... and welcome to NOW!
John Hutchinson - Denver, CO
Fusion13 Webpage: http://f13dna.blogspot.com 
Fusion13 on Facebook: http://facebook.com/f13dna
Sundance Center for Conscious Living: www.sunhutch.com 
"Our task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within ourselves that we have built against it." 
~ Rumi

www.Max.com/39160  - Max Cellgevity, Max Skin Care, MaxATP,Max N Fuze

www.WizWebWorks.com - Explore your website names with free email 
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ I want to share with those who want to receive. If you wish to unsubscribe from John's and/or Fusion13 Update emails, simply reply and enter "REMOVE" in the subject line or message....

"Thoughts become things... choose the good ones."  www.tut.com


How Cellgevity has helped me and friends...

The following are testimonials and information about the affects Cellgevity has had upon the lives and bodies of real people... You may also pass this information on to those who may benefit from taking Cellgevity or other Max products...
From Terry, 84 yr old Female, CO
"Greetings John... What a good idea! [to collect and share real experiences]
"I'm one of the happiest users of the Cellgevity product.
I remember the day, almost a year ago, when you saw me react to a sudden pain in my
hip area and you asked "what is that from?" ...to which I replied, using my most irritated
voice, "Arthritis, what else!"
"At first I followed the recommended 2 [capsules] in the morning and 2 in the afternoon, always feeling almost immediate relief. After some weeks I began to notice that I was not taking the capsules in response to pain, but because there was no pain. I also noticed an
improvement in my energy level.

"That's when I made [a] change. I now take 3 capsules in the morning to help with my
energy needs and 1 at bedtime when it helps just because its Cellgevity.

"I once had to rush off to an appointment early in the morning and neglected to take Cellgevity. Believe me, I could absolutely feel the difference in my energy level by the time I got home, late in the afternoon.

"Thank you, John, for your good deed.  Terry"
Note: Often people report better and more restful sleep after taking Cellgevity. I certainly rested better without as many wake-ups during the night. ~ jh  ...More Info online >>> www.Max.com/39160
From Carol D., 70+ yr old female, Ohio
"After taking the Cellgevity for just two weeks, I have noticed that the back pain that was a constant companion, has stopped. I can walk farther and bend easier without any strain on my back. Also, I am aware of more energy throughout the day. And my mind is clearer as I do my work... I am very happy with what Cellgevity is doing for me. Carol D."
Mary Ann D., About 60, Female, Ohio
"For years I wondered how I would maintain my beautiful gardens, walk down the steps to do laundry, and even meander from my classroom to the office to check mail. I read about Cellgevity and its facts on cell renewal. I knew my body needed help and Cellgevity offered a proven, scientific solution. In less than a week of taking a capsule every morning, I noticed more fluidity in my movement. Within a month, I was tending to the garden and stairs without thinking about the steps. Five years later, I also walk every morning and bike every evening. I am grateful for the blessing of movement that Cellgevity enabled in my life."
From Marcia L., 60+ yr old female, PA
"Hi John, here is what I think after being on Cellgevity for 3 months...  Dark sun spots on my face have faded (some more than others), but then realized I also started using a new "fade-cream" around the same time, so I don't know what to credit that too... The xanthoma (fatty deposits around eye) has evened out a bit, seems thinner and has shrunk a bit. My friend had the same observation."
Connie H., 60+ yr old female, Qatar 
Connie is a close acquaintance who began using the Max products...MaxGXL, Max N-Fuze, and Cellgevity in 2008. She reported good energy and feeling an overall wellness, although had no specific health issues. Connie has been a medical professional her whole career and appreciated the science-based products and understood the research I shared with her... She currently works in the Middle East helping to plan a regional medical and research center. She continues to use the Cellgevity and buys more to take back with her every time she or colleagues are in the States.... and speaking of colleagues...
Connie's colleague at the medical center planning offices, D.K., a 60+ yr old male, Qatar, was complaining of gout-like symptoms in his wrists. I had researched the effects of glutathione levels and inflammation as related to gout and its symptoms. I suggested Connie give DK a week's worth of the Max glutathione enhancer. In less than 3 days, Doug K. reported the symptoms were gone... and of course he continues to use the Max supplement. [As reported to JH]
Note: Although Max Associates cannot claim supplements have any curative affects on specific diagnosed conditions, we know that the supplement has been proven to both increase the body's glutathione levels ad in turn decrease cellular inflammation. It has been theorized and shown in some cases that the main cause of physical symptoms is caused by forms of cellular inflammation. So I let it up to others to make the possible connection and do know that taking Cellgevity or other Max products can do no harm...
Vicky D., 60+ female, Austin, TX
Reported to JH: Vicky is a life long friend and an active cyclist. She reported to me that the cellgevity has been helping help feel better and she has less joint discomfort. I'm not aware of her dosage amounts with cellgevity. The suggested dosage is 4 capsules a day, 2 in the AM and 2 sometime after lunch... Some who are more active and do strenuous workouts or competitions will take double the dosage or more. [by JH]
Note: Max products have been cleared by the screening commission for professional sports and do not contain any banned substances. If you or friends are competing in events where they are being tested for banned substances, check the "Overview" sections for the certification release for MaxOne... and MaxGXL ...and always check with your coach or trainer to verify the use of Max products.
Pat S., 65+ female, Indiana
Pat began using MaxGXL in 2008. In the first week, she and her husband spent a weekend cleaning their cabin and surrounding landscape. She was anticipating pain and tiredness, since she rarely did so much active work in such a short time. She reported how amazed she was at not having any soreness and felt that her stamina was better than ever. 
John H., 65+ male, Denver, CO, my own experience...
In March of 2008, I was introduced to Max Intl products by an acquaintance who wanted me to join his marketing team. While I told him,"No, I was not interested in marketing," I did agree to watch a few videos about the product. I was so impressed with the doctor, Dr. Robert Keller, who created the first version of the glutathione booster, called 'MaxGXL,' that I ordered some immediately to try it out. I was also impressed with the company founder, Steven K. Scott, who started a new company solely on the results he and others gained by trying the product.
After receiving the product, I noticed almost immediately several things beginning to happen:
  1. I felt a shift happening in my head as if a fog was being lifted which led to what felt like greater clarity in my thinking process...
  2. I began to sleep more consistently through the night with fewer 'wake-up' trips to the bathroom and felt more rested in the morning...
  3. I had had a sore on my left knee area that didn't seem to want to heal and I was about ready to go to a doctor about it. It went from the size of a half dollar sized circle [for those who remember half dollars] to just the smallest dot within a week of taking the Max product.
  4. After about 5 weeks, I noticed an old sports injury to my right knee felt like it was going through some kind of rehabilitation, even with some accompanying soreness. Within several more days, I felt like I had a new knee and no longer minded the climb up the stairs. 
  5. As soon as I began taking the product, I felt more energy all through the day, usually taking 2 capsules in the morning and 2 more after lunch. On days in which I had evening activities, I would take a few extra capsules.
  6. I also have taken extra capsules if I have been exposed to toxic materials or felt like I might be getting a cold or flu symptoms, with positive results...
I have used MaxGXL, MaxOne, Cellgevity, MaxATP, and Max N-Fuze... each has it's own uniqueness. See my website to explore more... http://max.com/39160 and click the "Products" tab  ...or tell me your issues and why you are considering using Max products and I'll do my best to recommend the product suited for your needs... below is a brief summary of Max Intl products... If ordering, please use my Max ID of 39160or call me to help you with the best wholesale pricing. My Max weblink is: www.max.com/39160  I d receive some financial gain if you order through me or my website and I do appreciate the business, as long as it continues to help you and your wellness.
  • Cellgevity [ http://max.com/products/us/en/cellgevity ]
    "Cellgevity is the most powerful anti-aging, anti-inflammatory supplement that I've ever experienced." - Don Colbert, M.D., New York Times Best Selling Author of "Toxic Relief"

    Increased levels of Glutathione can provide: (1) More Energy; (2) Greater Stamina; (3) Strengthened Immune System; (4) Faster Recovery from Exercise & Activity; (5) Sharper Mental Focus; (6) Better Sleep; (7) Less Inflammation; (8) Less Joint Discomfort; (9) A Longer, Better Life...
    See Product Fact Sheet  http://mxl.myvoffice.com/pdf/en/cellgevity_productsheet_en.pdf  
  • Max N-Fuze [ http://max.com/products/us/en/fuze ]
    "Max N-Fuze is a one-of-a-kind and proprietary BioNutrient complex that provides key vitamins, nutrients and antioxidants required for optimal cellular function in today's low nutrition, highly polluted world."... With only 10 calories, a single one-ounce serving of Max N-Fuze provides the same vitamins and nutrients... contained in nearly 20,000 calories of real food!
    View product fact sheet http://mxl.myvoffice.com/pdf/en/maxnfuze_productsheet_en.pdf
  • MaxATP [ http://max.com/products/us/en/maxatp ]
    "Most energy drinks are driven by high amounts of caffeine and sugars. WebMD states that "energy from caffeine and sugar will only leave you more fatigued as your blood sugar levels fluctuate wildly." MaxATP harnesses the power of RiboCeine and ten other nutrients to support the natural cellular production of Adenosine triphosphate (ATP), your cells' natural energy source. MaxATP has only 3 grams of sugar and a small amount of naturally occurring caffeine derived from its antioxidant-rich green tea extract.
    "In today's fast-paced world of more stress, less sleep and poor diets, everyone needs more energy just to keep up. No one likes to fade in the middle of the day. MaxATP with its patented RiboCeine, provides nutrient-based, sustained energy, for your mind and body. You dont get a short term "buzz," you just feel and perform at your peak, from beginning to end."
    View product fact sheet  http://mxl.myvoffice.com/pdf/en/maxatp_productsheet_en.pdf 
  • 'Visible Solutions' {TM} [ http://max.com/products/us/en/visiblesolutions ]  
    ADVANCED SKIN CARE BY MAX!  "Our skin is our first line of defense against pollution, toxins, radiation, and so much more. All of these stressors conspire together to take a heavy toll on our skin, drying it out, accelerating its aging and reducing its overall health. Max International's Visible Solutions [TM] Skin Care System is designed to protect your skin and effectively treat problem areas to help you maintain your best looks, regardless of your age.
    "Each component of the Visible Solutions System utilizes proprietary anti-aging formula for optimum skin health and vitality. Thanks to this exclusive technology, you can expect both immediate and long-term results. After application you can see a difference in your skin's look as little as one minute. Continued use of Visible Solutions brings improvements in texture, hydration, clarity, and more."
    Testimonials http://max.com/products/us/en/visiblesolutions1   Components: One Minute Wonder, Youth Recovery Serum, Eye Rescue, Skin Brightening Mousse, Replenishing Cream 
  • MaxONE [ http://max.com/products/us/en/maxone ] 
    " Composed exclusively of RiboCeine, MaxOne provides an immediate and effective boost to your glutathione development. Each bottle of MaxOne provides 60 capsules, and just two capsules a day provide the components your body needs to fight oxidative stress and help you feel better. Give yourself an edge. Strengthen your cells' ultimate defense and experience the benefits glutathione can deliver with MaxOne. MaxOne is NSF Certified for Sport... MaxOne carries the prestigious NSF Certified for Sport certification to ensure the product is free from substances on the banned substances list. Click Here - View Product Fact Sheet http://mxl.myvoffice.com/pdf/en/maxone_productsheet_en.pdf
  • MaxGXL [ http://max.com/products/us/en/maxgxl ]
    MaxGXL's unique NAC(N-Acetyl Cysteine) formula is powered by a proprietary blend of glutathione supporting ingredients. Max International has established strict quality control and sourcing arrangements to ensure a "never-compromise" commitment to product quality.
    MaxGXL uses the highest quality ingredients from proprietary sources to more effectively raise glutathione levels. The careful selection of each raw material and the unsurpassed analysis and production of the MaxGXL formula is a highly guarded trade secret owned exclusively by Max International. MaxGXL was Max Intl's first product and was created by Dr. Rob Keller.
    View Product Fact Sheet http://mxl.myvoffice.com/pdf/en/maxgxl_productsheet_en.pdf  

Feel free to write or call me with any question you may have about the products and your specific situation.
Disclaimer: My laptop has a sticky keyboard and I have to write most sentences twice since, at times, letters and spaces do not show up. The spell-checker also does not catch missing letters if the letters spell a recognizable word. So, apologies for this until I get the laptop fixed...I really am a fairly good speller!! ~ jh
So...Expect the unexpected... may Loving Kindness be our Guide... and welcome to NOW!
John Hutchinson - Denver, CO
Fusion13 Webpage: http://f13dna.blogspot.com 
Fusion13 on Facebook: http://facebook.com/f13dna
Sundance Center for Conscious Living: www.sunhutch.com 
"Our task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within ourselves that we have built against it." 
~ Rumi

www.Max.com/39160  - Max Cellgevity, Max Skin Care, MaxATP,Max N Fuze

www.WizWebWorks.com - Explore your website names with free email 
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ I want to share with those who want to receive. If you wish to unsubscribe from John's and/or Fusion13 Update emails, simply reply and enter "REMOVE" in the subject line or message....