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“Sundance Center for Conscious Living” … affirming and respecting our uniqueness, our interconnectedness, and our Oneness... As we continue to awaken in the present moment, our intention remains to stay awake to the Oneness that is Life... and respond in Loving Service during the conscious moments we have here on earth... We seek to help one another heal and remember… moving toward greater awareness, wellness, balance, synthesis, and loving action… We invite you to listen to that which mostly deeply calls to you ... Love and Blessings to All!


What Limits the Flow of Love?

What limits the flow of Love?

The short answer in my opinion and experience is that the only thing that inhibits, slows, limits, or diminishes the flow of love is 'fear.'

This morning, as I sat in my favorite Denver breakfast restaurant, I was contemplating this question. What is your immediate response? I asked Cassandra, the woman waitress, and her immediate response without hesitation was, "self."

And it seems it is true...we are the only ones who can limit Life's Loving flow through our being... both to ourselves, out to others, and to the world... all part of the Life Energy organic package from Source.

And why do we limit Love's flow?

Again I would come back to some form of 'fear' factor.
  • fear of rejection
  • fear of disappointment
  • fear of being hurt in some way
  • fear of something good happening
  • fear of responsibility
  • fear of commitment
  • fear of abandonment
  • fear of 'death'
  • fear of the past repeating itself
  • fear of loss
  • and the list goes on...
I'm sure you have your own 'main' fear that pops up as you are reading these words...

It's good to look at fears for a time so we can decide whether we wish to be controlled by 'fear' and negativity... or whether we are choosing to live life with loving and positive energy flowing through our being... Remember, that it is good to look at the fears long enough to make a decision about what to do... and not continually focus on our fears. We know that what we focus upon tends to grow and I'm sure we all know someone that seems trapped in a 'fear' state of mind... It's probably a good time to move from that 'state.'

We begin this journey on planet earth in our physical body with some care-givers that we call parents or they may be surrogate parents of some type. We begin by being dependent on others and it seems reasonable that our energy bodies pick up all the energies in our care-giving environment, whether they are love-based or fear-based... and usually are a mixture of the two...

When abusive and traumatic things happen in our early days... or for that matter, it can be at any time... there can be a negative memory created and some fear instilled almost like a dark hole in the psyche or soul. Various healing and energy techniques and soul retrieval inward journeys ...sometimes referred to as shamanic journeys... can certainly help to restore the soul's energy and wholeness. It can be seen as recalling the 'missing piece.' Many of us have been fortunate enough to experience this healing process.

Yes, the "self" has some control over the flow of love to us and through us. Often, after a painful disappointment or trauma, a part of us seems to shut down. When we use our 'Will' to actually plug the channel for life energy or 'spirit' to flow through our body in an act of defiance or refusal to live in some way, we can end up in a rather dark night which can be called different things. the most popular one may be "depression." This provides a retreat of sorts and may give us a time to heal and get to point of trying again. For some, they seem to get stuck in the hole and appear to dig themselves deeper into the night.

Fear can be based upon real life situations that occurred sometime in the past. Fear can also be based on imagined threats or anxieties if we focus on all the negative things that might happen in the future.
I'd like to suggest that one of our bodies main fears or anxieties has to do with the reality that our physical form will end... which is called "death" by most cultures. It is important that we come to terms in our own way with this FACT. Of course, even those of us who have experienced some form of spiritual awakening may agree with Woody Allen when he said, "I'm not afraid of dying; I just don't want to be there when it happens."  And often the fear and anxiety has more to do with fantasies about the circumstances in which our body's 'END' may occur.

Whatever our beliefs and fantasies are about the future, they are just that, imaginary movies based upon our creative mind. The future may exist in some timeless NOW. But our imagination can do us more harm than good. We all 'remember,' in some form, our experiences from the past.... and we also project into the unknown from time to time. Eckhart Tolle is one modern teacher who reminds us that the "Present Moment" is really the only 'time' there is... The past is not present except to the extent we recreate in our creative mind. The same holds true for any future events.

So there is fear that arises from experience and from imagination. The presence of the "NOW" brings us into this space and timelessness... and it is here now that we may allow the abundance of Loving Life Energy or Spirit to flow through our 3D energetic and physical forms.

The nice thing about being more interdependent and 'adult-like' is that we can exercise our freedom to choose more directly. Today ... this moment... may be a good time to renew or call back your Loving Spirit and the Source of Life Energy ...to be born or reborn into this moment... letting go of yesterday and tomorrow...

Much Love,

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