You are the Love you seek…
Our personality and ego wishes look to attach to others in a special way…that makes our ego feel special and also separate from others in a special way…
We are different than animals and plants who are more naturally one with the Totality of Life… a kind of unconscious-intuitive-consciousness… without the creation of fantasies and stories and myths and interpretations that remove us from Life itself in some rather ironic way… We create new contraptions the can be used for doing 'good' and doing 'harm'… We find seeming 'cures' that save and extend our lifespan… but we often lose touch with Life in the process… focusing on time and quantity, rather than quality and the timeless moment of living…
Our mind allows us to press keys and produce symbolic forms in an effort to communicate our experience of 'our' individualized experience of Living… and yet each one of us uses our mind in ways that can remove us from Life… we travel to the past and often exaggerate the happiness or psychological pain in ways that continues to keep us resisting the present moment of our Life energy… We use our mind to plan and think of the future… sometimes in great hope and other times mired in fear-filled fantasies… both trips … to past and future… are unreal… even our interpretation of what's happening now is based on thought-forms, labels, and theories which may or may not be connected with truth…
You are the Love you seek…
Beyond the noise and chatter of tapes running in our ego mind…. Beyond the dreams and dreads of emotional states … we find a reality of truth that just is… It is Now…It is timeless… or if you wish, as Christians may say, "Eternal"… or as the Buddhists may say… "non-duality, non-death"… It is the Being state… or state of Being… where all is held together by a Mystery Source of Being… This cohesive energy has been called and experienced by our mystical side as Love…
You are the Love you seek…
Our survival personality that has been created throughout our lifetime experiences separateness… when in reality we all are brothers and sisters with All That Is… The seers of all times, including the Native American spiritual teachers, Christian Mystics, teachers from the Eastern philosophies, share this commonality of a perennial philosophy that speaks of the Oneness of Life… no boundaries…the timeless essence of being…
I'm not sure that we can ever think our way home to this core essence… we can invite this Love Source into consciousness… sometimes it just happens… sometimes in nature… sometimes in 'accidents' and near-death experiences… sometimes through letting go of thinking and trying to figure things out and just being with what is… right now…without labels… sometimes we experience this eternal 'Nowness of Love' walking up the steps… or in gazing at the night sky… we are the world… and bring 'heaven' to 'earth'…
You are the Love you seek…
We will never find the core Love of our Life only in another personality… there is a real place for being with another person…and in the deepest sense, we can only truly love another, without needs and attachments, as we have quenched our spiritual thirst and emptiness by drinking from the fountain of Life and Being this very moment… Personal love can open the heart… and then life happens over time and personalities, individual desires, and ego drives create challenges… Each challenge is an opportunity to grow… If we look to the other to fill something that can only happen from within our own connection with the Oneness of Life, our ego is placing demands on another as if we possess or own them…as if it is his or her job to bring the ego what it wants…
You are the Love you seek…
As we can truly honor the Divinity and Light…The Source… within the each other… within all of Life… then we truly experience the Oneness of togetherness… Challenges often come when we get lost and fall asleep in the fantasies, expectations, and desires of our human 'egoland'… By "lost" I mean losing consciousness of the present moment… and becoming out of sync and off-center… as soon as we realize this, we are again waking up…
Reconnecting with the Love-Source within is the true soul-mating that frees us to be in relationship from a centered way where the ego-reactive-buttons are not pushed as easily… response in Love replaces reaction from ego…
It is all good… It is all good… We are the Love we seek…
Love and Blessings,
John Hutchinson