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“Sundance Center for Conscious Living” … affirming and respecting our uniqueness, our interconnectedness, and our Oneness... As we continue to awaken in the present moment, our intention remains to stay awake to the Oneness that is Life... and respond in Loving Service during the conscious moments we have here on earth... We seek to help one another heal and remember… moving toward greater awareness, wellness, balance, synthesis, and loving action… We invite you to listen to that which mostly deeply calls to you ... Love and Blessings to All!



Synthesis indicates wholeness and unity… An atmosphere of harmony and integrity brings both peace and satisfaction… Synthesis can be the coming together of many forces for a larger common good and goal….

At times, the period that creates a synthesis and wholeness is characterized by chaos, uncertainty, confusion and some dark energies… There can be a major breakup of old patterns and ego structures, so from the perspective of the personality there is a loss of control and center… the ego structure may be cracking apart so that more inclusive and superconscious energies may enter and rearrange things for a higher purpose…

The loss of personal meaning may also be termed an existential crisis… While there is a continued sense of being and Life energy, it is accompanied by a sense of worthlessness, even though a person has been satisfied and successful in many ways… It is as if the activities of a particular period have ended and the new direction or infusion of new inspiration has not happened… This may seem like we have entered a dark valley or dark night of the soul…

Synthesis brings the greatest level of integration which includes a deeper connection to meaning and purpose, a strong sense of connection to Life, and may be accompanied by waves of joy and peace. Often a person who experiences this deeper synthesis moves toward a natural expression of kindness, compassion and service to others.

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