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“Sundance Center for Conscious Living” … affirming and respecting our uniqueness, our interconnectedness, and our Oneness... As we continue to awaken in the present moment, our intention remains to stay awake to the Oneness that is Life... and respond in Loving Service during the conscious moments we have here on earth... We seek to help one another heal and remember… moving toward greater awareness, wellness, balance, synthesis, and loving action… We invite you to listen to that which mostly deeply calls to you ... Love and Blessings to All!


“What touches your heart?”

Recently, I asked for topics for a creative writing exercise on which I had embarked. A Facebook friend responded, “What touches your heart?”

I answered, “That comes easy, M…  ... the question wasn't so much looking for something to write about... there are infinite numbers of things to focus on... it was more of a challenge to myself and you... to see what comes up for me when responding to something picked by others...”

Later, I began considering, “What touches my heart?”

I love to hear and experience music… and get chills and all emotional when young artists on shows like “The Voice” and “American Idol” really connect with a song and have the talent to deliver a soulful performance… It seems that at times, a musician/artist simply becomes the instrument of expression... all the greats seem to be able set aside ego and allow themselves to become an instrument for something larger than themselves. 

To me this is the essence of the expression of Life’s spirit… the energy of life expressing itself in the world through a unique human being… a stained glass window allowing the light from Source to flow through into the communal room we share.

I try to do this in my own creative forms… sometimes in visual art, sometimes in writing, sometimes in other ways, work, and projects. Another topic that is important to me is to watch the internal process of the psyche and do my best to put those dynamics into symbols that connect with others. Hoping, I suppose, to help us understand and support our Life experience, our personal and spiritual growth, and our ongoing journey toward more conscious and satisfying living.

My heart opens to that which is life enhancing and embraces the One Living Spirit that is Life. I call this “spirituality.”

My own journey has found me in moments of flow in the synchronous zone of Life’s Energy in which I have been guided and helped guide others, whatever the role or title might have been. It seems that I have often identified as a transition guide or coach. Since we all need to live in a world in motion with change being a constant, I am glad when I can be of assistance to all who need help with the transition he or she is going through at any particular time.
Change continues to happen at all times and in any location. Understanding there are certain dynamics of change helps to provide a larger context in which to be more accepting of the shifts that are happening.
So, “What touches my heart?” To affirm the Life Energy that chooses to flow through this ‘John form’ and to help, guide, coach others in the transitions that are Life. Some people call Life Energy “God” or “Spirit”… with various religions and languages each having their own expression of our Life or Source Energy…   I choose to stay away from the theologies and doctrines of the past with their projections of “men” onto a “sky beings” … I tend to embrace the Present moment as the only time we have… at least the most important moment that is… and know I have experienced guidance from the higher realms of consciousness that exists at all times…here and now… The inclusive reality of Source and Life Energy is present in every Now.
“What touches your heart?”

John Hutchinson
May 25, 2014

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