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“Sundance Center for Conscious Living” … affirming and respecting our uniqueness, our interconnectedness, and our Oneness... As we continue to awaken in the present moment, our intention remains to stay awake to the Oneness that is Life... and respond in Loving Service during the conscious moments we have here on earth... We seek to help one another heal and remember… moving toward greater awareness, wellness, balance, synthesis, and loving action… We invite you to listen to that which mostly deeply calls to you ... Love and Blessings to All!


Pulse of Spirit: Natural Amnesia: David Karchere


Natural Amnesia
26 November 2012

From the standpoint of spiritual awakening, there are two kinds of amnesia. And ultimately, we experience one or the other. The first kind of amnesia is spiritual amnesia, from which most of humanity suffers. It is a forgetting of what is real and beautiful and true. It is disconnection from the large reality of which we are a part. That is spiritual amnesia, and awakened people bring the remedy to that experience. Spiritual amnesia is cured by love and by no other means.
There is another kind of amnesia, which is natural amnesia. This is the amnesia that comes very naturally when there is a spiritual awakening and spiritual transmutation. The prophet Isaiah says this about natural amnesia: "For, behold, I create new heavens and a new earth: and the former shall not be remembered, nor come into mind." (Isaiah 65:17) A person with natural amnesia might say, "It's not my frame of reference. I understand that the world is the way it is and that it is the frame of reference for many people, but it's not mine. I'm living into a different reality."
You will have some kind of amnesia, and it's either going to be spiritual amnesia or it's going to be natural amnesia, which is the amnesia of forgetting the ghosts of the past. It may take some personal work to dispel the ghosts of the past. If you're enmeshed in those ghosts, there is something to do to get conscious of how you're enmeshed in them. But what is the reason for attending to such things? To retell the old story yet one more time? Or are we getting conscious, so that we can bring the energy of love that dispels all that?
We are here to be fully present, living in reality. What do we find ourselves compelled to do when we are fully present? I think it comes down to this: We are here to love. So we find ourselves in the present and bringing the power of the universe into this present moment. We name that power as love. Whatever you name it, it is the power of all things, and there is tremendous power in all things. That is not just a happy spiritual idea. That is the reality of all of creation. Humanity has discovered that power through atomic fission. Atomic fission shows that within the atom there is an incredible power. Breaking up atomic structure and exploding the world is not a very good way to use that power, but atomic fission does demonstrate the fact that within all of being and within us is an incredible power. A name for that power is love. It is love that keeps atoms together and it is love that keeps us together.
One way or another, we are going to love. There is no other power with which to live than the power that's within us and within all creation. Our choice is whether we are going to be conscious of how we are loving. We can bring that power in a very painful way that is dictated by our spiritual amnesia, and by the ghosts of our past. And if we're living based on the ghosts of the past, that great power hasn't stopped. It can't stop. It's still moving, but it's moving through a consciousness that is rehashing the old story. And the more intensely the power of love moves through that old story, the more painful it is.
So we really don't have a choice about whether we're going to love. But we can love consciously. We can love in a way that is a present way, a being-here-now way. And then love moves differently. It's not moving through a consciousness that is living out of an old story-it's moving through a focused consciousness that is fully present now. Consciousness is then a vehicle through which love moves into the world.
So what is love doing? Love doesn't bring fission in a person who is spiritually conscious. Where there is consciousness, love is bringing fusion. Love is building a body of itself through which it can express into the world. What do we think our individual human body is all about? Love built this body. The bonds of love hold this individual body together. And when love comes through one person consciously, it begins to create a body of love among people. It could be you and your honey-there is a body of love. It could be some number of people that have chosen consciously to come together and to build a body of love, however large or small. It could be a community, like Glen Ivy or like Sunrise Ranch, if the people in that community have come together consciously. A body of love is created in human experience because people are conscious and have chosen to love consciously and to be fully present.
Love operates differently when people choose to do that. One of the things that happens when you or I love consciously is that we have awareness and compassion for other people. We are not living out of the story of the past experience with that person or our experience with other people like this person, and all the unconscious ghosts of all that. We are present and consciously aware of what is happening with the people near us. That is the first step, and then there can be compassion.
Love is compassionate. Compassion means that I'm not just seeing this person from my perspective, how they are affecting me and how they look to me. I am walking in their shoes. I am seeing the world as they see it. I am reaching out with understanding-how it is for them, how it's going for them, what is difficult for them, what their needs are, what there is growing in them. Is that too much to ask? Love does those things naturally. If you are with your honey, you are probably doing that for them. If you are really consciously in love with that one person, you are reaching out to them, you are thinking about how they are doing and how you can be of service to them, and how things are going for them. Love does that very naturally, and we do it in conscious relationship, not just with that special someone but with anybody.
These words come down to us through the annals of time: "Am I my brother's keeper?" (Genesis 4:9) Am I my sister's keeper? Am I responsible for the people that are around me? Love is responsible. In spiritual amnesia, a person cannot actually offer what is useful to the people around them. In natural amnesia, they can. Being conscious of love, being fully present, I can and naturally do bring a blessing to other people.
I understand that we cannot force a person to make a creative choice. There is free will in all of this, and we have to be willing to watch people suffer sometimes and watch people make bad choices. That is never easy. But still, someplace inside, I think we know we are responsible for that person, even when they make bad choices and even when they are suffering.
When we know that we are our brother's keeper and we are our sister's keeper, there is an envelope of love that extends from us to that other person. There is a surround for that other person, and there is a place for them to be, as far as we are concerned. They photograph the energetic picture of such things through Kirlian photography, so that you can see what the bioplasm looks like between two people. The image in my mind of what it looks like when I am my brother's keeper, when I am my sister's keeper, is that there is an envelope of love, a dome of love that is now surrounding us both. That envelope is made of the love within all things, and that love coming consciously through me.
That is one of the basic principles of offering attunement-the conscious ability to provide an envelope of love to the person who is with you. But this practice is not just relevant to an attunement session. It is relevant to every human interchange because what is happening energetically between you and another person is being determined by what is happening in your consciousness. And if you say that "it always goes like this," you may have a story about your life that it always goes like this. And it may be your experience because you are always thinking about it that way; and if you thought about it differently it would go differently, because what you are creating is being born from your consciousness. If you are consciously aware of bringing an envelope of love to the people in your life, it will be there for them, and you will find yourself in a world created by love.
Now we have a core of love on earth through which love emanates into the world. That's what I am about in my life and my service to other people. That's what love is doing. Love is building a core of love on earth that radiates love into the world if we let it, if we are present, if we are conscious. We could say love is doing it, but then we could say, "This is what I am doing." I'm building that core of love, that core of radiant energy that transforms and transmutes the world.
David Karchere
Emissaries of Divine Light
posted by John Hutchinson

So...Expect the unexpected... may Loving Kindness be our Guide... and welcome to NOW!
John Hutchinson - Denver, CO

!New!  Sundance Dream Hutch (blog): www.dreamhutch.blogspot.com  
Sundance Center for Conscious Living Blog: www.sunhutch.com 
Fusion13 Adventure Blog: http://f13dna.blogspot.com
Sundance Wellness Hutch Blog: www.wellhutch.blogspot.com
"Our task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within ourselves that we have built against it." 
~ Rumi


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Special Offer- eBook and fusion13 Rune Report

Fusion13 Adventure Rune Reading and eBook


Special Offer!!!

For a $50 donation,you will receive the Fusion13 Adventure eBook and a personal Fusion13 Rune Reading Report to you on any concern or issue you wish to submit.

[If you cannot afford $50, then you may make a donation of any amount. I trust your decision.]

This Intuitive process includes a focus on your specific and present situation. I will do all readings personally and in most cases you will receive the reading along with the Fusion13 Adventure Rune eBook within 24 hours.

Due to all the positive feedback I have received over the past months, I have decided to continue to provide and expand the Fusion13 reading, at least for now! The Fusion13 eBook will provide you with the information needed to make your own runes or cards so you may learn to use this intuitive divination process anytime you choose ... and learn to do readings for others if you wish to do so.

All information you submit will be kept in strictest confidence. If it seems to be a good example to share with others, I will ask for your permission to use it before publishing and will keep any personal information anonymous to protect your privacy.

Note: The runes contain one chip that specifies the reading must cease at that point if the "Unknown-Stop" rune is drawn. While there is no way of knowing when or if this rune will appear, the reading ends and trust in the unknown is conveyed. It seems that this rune shows up in about 5% of the readings I do... and it often seems quite appropriate and connected to the inquiry.

The 'donation button' and instructions link are in the right side menu. Send your specific concern, issue, question to John@sunhutch.com

If you wish to receive a brief reading only, as a free consulting offer, simply send your question or concern as stated above to john@sunhutch.com


Truth... Examining "what is"...






 “The unexamined life is not worth living.”
“The past has no power over the present moment.”
Eckhart Tolle

And, of course the paraphrase of the old adage; “The truth will set you free.” …
“If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything.”
Mark Twain
This morning I took a few moments to examine “what is”… right now.

This can a powerful and enlightening exercise and I recommend you give it a try…

·         Set a timer for 5 minutes.

·         Take a paper and something to write with… or in these days, you may want to use your computer.

·         Start the timer and, as quickly as possible, write down thoughts or words that enter your mind… without any censoring…

·         Stop when the timer goes off…

·         Examine the words, thoughts, and feelings you wrote about in the preceding 5 minutes… you may be surprised as to where the mind goes when left to romp in the wild!

·         This gives us a picture of “what is” at this time and what may be “on our mind” or what may emerge from our unconscious when we just let our mind play out its tapes.

·         How much is based on the past?

·         How much is concern or hoes about something future?

·         What is actually true?

·         How much of it can be considered “negative self talk?”

·         How much is comparing to others?

 Take as much time as you wish to consider the “mind ramble” you just experienced.

This is simply designed to show us what our mind does when left to wander and also to bring a bit of clarity perhaps to our present “state on mind.”

Our mental abilities are a valuable tool of survival and also of creativity. And the mind can also be guided and controlled by unconscious or somewhat unconscious fears and dynamics.  Examining the wanderings of the egoic mind may help us to dis-identify and become free of less than satisfying patterns, thoughts, and dynamics.

In some of the suggestions for meditation we are guided to still the mind. If you find this hard to impossible as I sometimes do, might I suggest that you focus the mind on something positive for 5-10 minutes. We can call this creative processing or contemplation. For instance, pick a positive characteristic, quality, or feeling that you would like to strengthen or develop in your life. Spend your time “thinking” about this quality and write down what comes your way.  You may use whatever words you wish. A few suggestions are: Love, Truth, Beauty, Peace, Serenity, Compassion, Oneness, Presence, etc…

Enjoy the present moment…

Love, John


Mating with your Soul

Abraham Hicks 2012 ~ Mating with your soul
Stamford Nov 2012

When you are aligned in yourself then you attract a partner who is also aligned.

7min video/audio...



David Karchere: "Remember Love, Forget Drama"

"Remember Love, Forget Drama"

12 November 2012

From Pulse of Spirit; by David Karchere, Spiritual Director, Emissaries of Divine Light

I would like to tell a story. It is a human story, as all stories we tell ultimately are, put in terms that are familiar to us but nonetheless conveying a reality that transcends the story. I invite you to have a powerful, felt experience of that reality as you read.

In the deep of the unseen, in a world that is not yet manifest in form, there is a King and there is a Queen. They are the King and Queen of this creative field in which we live—this world, this planet, this little portion of the universe. They are a King and Queen of Love who are in perfect love, one with another. This King of Love is in ultimate service to his Queen, bringing all of his being in service to her; and she, likewise, is in total love and service to him. And in their union there is joy and there is creation, and the magnification of love. Through their union, a world is created.

All of the angels of this magical world are in perfect harmony with the King and Queen of the deep. All of the masculine angels are totally with their King, sharing with him his love and his service to the Queen. And all of the feminine angels are in total harmony with the Queen. You might say they are one with her and her love for the King of Love. Born from this pattern of harmony, there is a perfect, yet ever-changing constellation of relationships. Wherever a male angel touches a female angel in whatever way, they are touching the love between their King and their Queen, and therefore their love between each other.

 You might say that this is a kind of fairy tale. Yet it is a story that portrays a reality that is not just a story. For us as men on earth, we have the opportunity to feel our resonance, not just with the story, but our resonance with an already existing pattern of love between masculine and feminine, and to know that whenever we touch a woman, whether we’re touching her physically or through a connection at any other level of being, we are not only touching her, we are touching the whole body of womanhood, and we are also potentially touching into the already-existing pattern of love between all women and all men. You might touch another in this way by sharing a thought by e-mail, or by sharing in a passionate conversation. However men and women connect, there is the opportunity to be part of an already-existing love between masculine and feminine, brought to focus by what’s represented in the story by the King and the Queen.

A man has the opportunity to know the privilege and the joy of sharing whatever it is that he has to share with a woman, in whatever circumstance, at whatever level. That opportunity is spoiled every time a man tries to own a woman for himself as a human being. She belongs to her Queen, and she belongs to her King. As a man acknowledges and honors that, he has the opportunity of an exquisite communion, and in that communion, oneness. Through that experience, both man and woman find they belong to a greater reality and they do belong to one another in that context—not because anyone staked out a claim, but because they have honored what already is and they are participating in what already is.

The same is true for a woman. She cannot claim a man as her own, because the truth of every man serves his King, and in serving his King he is serving his Queen. For a woman who knows her oneness and love for the Queen and for the King, she knows she is already being loved by a man who serves this reality. And thus, the two can find whatever the right pattern of relationship and communion is, at whatever level, in whatever constellation as men and women. It may be a passing meeting, a once-in-a-lifetime interchange, or a family relationship. For me, I still remember the sweetest of interchanges I had ordering a cup of coffee and a donut. It could be something that passing. It could be a sharing of ideas. It could be a business meeting. And it could be the kind of depth that comes from a lifelong relationship.

All of that is easy to navigate when a person lives in what already is, when a person isn’t trying to make something happen for themselves, trying to possess another person on some kind of solely human basis, without the acknowledgment that while, yes, we are human beings, there is a part of us that is still in the deep, that has never left the deep, and we already have a relationship in the deep of being. We already know each other before we meet on earth. And in meeting, we can recall that already existing relationship—and not just our relationship with that person, but we can recall and touch that whole pattern that’s present in the deep already.

What I am speaking of here is the reality of love, and then the pattern that allows love to be known creatively wherever it is known, but most particularly in our experience. Where there is communion, where there is a coming together of being, there is creation. Every morning when we arise, when we connect with another person, there is the opportunity to create that day anew. At a physical level, when there is communion between a man and a woman, there can be babies. Something is born at that level—new life. Life is conceived and the cycle of gestation comes to birth. But that is not the only level where there can be communion and the conception of new life and a new world.

Wherever human beings truly commune at whatever level, there is something conceived and, in the passage of time, new life is born. This is how the world is created, and in fact, it’s the only way the human world is created. Two people may come together and share a vision for a business. They may come together and, through the joining of their minds and hearts, share a vision of what could be achieved through that business, of what could be brought into the world. Through their coming together, a new world is born, a world that involves people and things and money and resources, and then families and all manner of things. People can come together in so many ways. According to the quality of how they are coming together, and the reason why they’re coming together, so will be the world that is created.

We have an opportunity to participate in creation by love. We have the opportunity to participate in the dance of love in our life. In fact, we are doing that right now: together around the world, people who are sharing this meditation are coming together in consciousness. We are conceiving something. And in the collective womb of consciousness that we hold together, what we conceive will grow. It will be born in the days to come, I can promise you, because I know there will be at least some of us that hold the womb space of consciousness in which living things gestate and come to full term and birth. We have that commitment to each other and that commitment to the process, knowing that there are things that take time to work out.

So this communion in which we share is a now thing, and a present thing. But we have to stay in the now, and we have to stay present to hold the space in which the things that are conceived may gestate and continue to grow over time. We are participating in creation by love in doing this.

In order to participate in that creation, we have to turn our response and energy away from the endless sad drama of the world in which we live. That drama includes the friction and polarity between men and women. It is a struggle that comes when a person falls out of the awareness of the already-existing pattern of love and harmony. It seems easy to do and there are all kinds of justification for doing it. The world around most people is very generous in its offer of justifications for falling out of love. It has all kinds of ways of telling us that we deserve to feel hurt and angry. So if you are looking for justification for drama, it is readily available.

This is the karma of the world in which we live. It is the karma of fragmentation. And there’s a drama to fragmentation. There is a drama to people coming apart. If you live out of that karma, it is guiding and controlling your life. The karma of fragmentation is telling you how you have been victimized and how you deserve revenge or sympathy. If you live out of that karma, you are also living into it—you are giving your life force to it and perpetuating it. If you do so, it is your choice.

In this drama, there is a victim, there is a perpetrator, and there is a rescuer. No matter which of these roles a person plays it is all part of the drama. A person can think that because they are playing a different role in the drama, that they’ve left it, but actually the sad fact is that all these roles are part of the drama.

Most people are sucked into the drama as a victim of it. Someone hurts them, often someone older, or someone who is more powerful in some way. Or perhaps a member of the opposite sex. In that sense, they are bitten. What a person is often unconscious of is that once they have been bitten, there is a tremendous tendency to bite. They become infected with that karma, so there is a tremendous tendency to pass it on.

There is really only one way to let go of the drama of fragmentation, and it is to become aware that there is an already-existing dance of love that’s going on all around us and within us. Surrendering to that dance of love, choosing to live into it, we can let go of the drama of fragmentation and find that we can come together with others who likewise are awakening, and find that the story of love isn’t just left to some other place. We, here on earth, can do the human work of remembering and letting there be a core of love in our life. We can live out of that reality. And even when the people around us are living the drama of their karma, we can bring the dance of love to that person. We could bring our remembering of the already-existing reality, and our remembering could be a wake-up call for them.

If we remember, we have the privilege of seeing others who are ready to bring love into the world on a selfless basis. We discover others who are having a powerful felt experience of what already is, and we find our right relationship with them. We create a new world together through our communion in whatever way is right for us to commune. Some of us are communing from halfway across the world, but we are communing and we are creating a new world. There are all kinds of creative ways we can come together in love with other people. We become aware of those opportunities when we remember, and when we are ready to forget the drama of fragmentation that is present in the karma of humanity.

So I hope you say with me this day, “I remember.” This memory is a felt experience of the communion of love. I remember.

FYI: New Dream Blog and Updated Blog links and information...from John

"Our task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within ourselves that we have built against it." ~ Rumi

Greetings from Denver John...
With new questions and requests regarding our night time dreams coming in, I decided to start a new blog dedicated to this topic. for those who share dreams, I will of course respond and comment and from time to time will post those dreams when there is a teaching or interesting aspect to them that might be helpful for others to read about. I will only use your dream material with your permission and will maintain confidentiality and anonymity.
Below are the links to the blogs and a brief description of the intended content. If you wish to receive posts directly by email when they are posted, please go to the blog and fill in your email in the "Follow by Email" box near the top in each blog. If you wish to submit something for possible inclusion in one of the blogs, please send it to BLOG@sunhutch.com and I will review for posting.

Dream messages help us increase our awareness and expand our consciousness. That which remains unconscious tends to influence and control our behavior, thinking, feelings and life in general. Exploring your dream messages can bring growth and greater satisfaction in your life. This blog was initiated by John Hutchinson on November 5, 2012. 
Sundance Center for Conscious Living... affirming and respecting our uniqueness, our interconnectedness, and our Oneness... As we continue to awaken in the present moment, our intention remains to stay awake to the Oneness that is Life... and respond in Loving Service during the conscious moments we have here on earth... We seek to help one another heal and remember... moving toward greater awareness, wellness, balance, synthesis, and loving action... We invite you to listen to that which mostly deeply calls to you ... Love and Blessings to All!
Our Fusion13 Adventure blog has been spontaneously emerging since February of 2012... F13A is souls uniting to usher in positive energy changes in 2012 and beyond... Updates contain information about changes and other news you most likely will not see in the main streams of media. The blog archive also contains previous information on dreams and their meaning for our lives...  This blog contains all the Fusion13 Updates that have been sent out in 2012.
Our Sundance Wellness Hutch blog provides information and links to assist in living a more satisfying, healthy, and abundant life in rhythm with nature. If you wish to submit ideas, links, or other information, you may use the comment section or write to John Hutchinson at john@sunhutch.com  ... and here's wishing you the very best in every moment. This blog was initiated in October, 2012.

I wish to share with those who want to receive. If you wish to no longer receive emails from John, simply reply and enter "REMOVE" in the subject line or message and your address will be deleted from my email address book.

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