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“Sundance Center for Conscious Living” … affirming and respecting our uniqueness, our interconnectedness, and our Oneness... As we continue to awaken in the present moment, our intention remains to stay awake to the Oneness that is Life... and respond in Loving Service during the conscious moments we have here on earth... We seek to help one another heal and remember… moving toward greater awareness, wellness, balance, synthesis, and loving action… We invite you to listen to that which mostly deeply calls to you ... Love and Blessings to All!


In the meantime… Part I

In the meantime… Part I

Throughout our life’s experiences we have special moments of insight and epiphanies in which we know that life is more than our physical existence.

We do not always experience this knowing or connection to the greater consciousness and source of Life.

Here are a few reminders from past experiences that come to mind, in no particular order:

·      Life is a gift; it is not ‘I’ who breathes, but rather Life breathing through this form called ‘John’…

·      There are unseen guides and guardians that do help us… sometimes in way we know and sometimes in intangible ways…

·      Everything is some density of energy of consciousness…

·      Positive thinking and thoughts produce more harmony and positive feelings…

·      What we place our attention upon tends to grow…

·      When we actually make a decision, Spirit, or the Universe, conspires with us to make it happen…

·      Intention based on Love is a powerful force…

·      We are always more than we think we are…

·      Most things we really do not know for sure…

·      Find a way to accept the present moment…

·      There is no time in the Present Moment of Now…

·      Time and space as we know it are transcended in the infinity of Now…

·      Focusing on the past can be fun or it can be painful… both are fantasies and keep us from our present moment focus…

·      Planning for the future and worry about the future are both trips in fantasy. The former can move us in a direction. And both can distract us from this present moment…

·      There is the experience of light and dark, of joy and sadness; all are part of life’s oneness…

·      Be grateful for the miracle of Mystery and the Source and Sustainer of Life Energy…

·      There are many distractions and inner and outer critics that would keep our spirits oppressed in a decaying energy; Find your way back to this present moment and to Life energy… Call your Spirit back in a moment of renewal…

·      Listen to the intuitive voice, and check out the pops that come…

·      Every seeming crisis is an opportunity to respond with kindness rather than reactions…

·      Do not believe anything you read or hear or see unless it sits with truth in your heart…

·      Laugh out loud at ourselves and the folly and funniness of human behavior…

·      There is a unique sense of Oneness that exists and is felt from time to time; and it is here no matter if we feel it or not…

·      The basic glue of the interconnected organism of existence is Love…

·      Do the best you can, and accept that it is enough…

·      Always choose and teach kindness…

·      There exist many actions and energies that we might see as misguided energies… Let us do our best to bring healing where we can…

·      Respect all of Life

·      Let us forgive ourselves for any shortcomings we think we may have and forgive others who we may think have hurt us in some way…

·      Acceptance is the gateway and Letting go is the power back to the Now…

·      Dreams and Intuitive pops are gifts from our deepest Self… listen and learn and follow…

·      Honor those who have gone before us and those who travel beside us… the paths may be different, yet we all seek the path Home…

·      If we are judging, we aren’t loving…

·      If you feel lost, disconnected, and separated from Life and others, choose to do no harm to yourself or others… and Choose Life!

·      If you don’t know, ask! If you need help, ask! ...

·      An infinite number of possible options and an infinite number of outcomes are always present; our conscious choice co-creates to new nows…

·      There is stillness in the center of all the movement, noise, chaos, and uncertainty…

·      Embrace change, resistance is the child of fear… and fear the parent of disease…

·      Let us love one another…

·      Honor the contents of consciousness whether they are sensations, thoughts, feelings… and know there is the still sky of pure awareness beyond the passing clouds… and the brilliant radiance of Life Energy always above us and within us…

·      Shift Happens…Change is a constant… everything is transforming all the time…

·      First, let go of the obstacles to loving oneself…

·      We are basically pure awareness and will…being and choosing… I am, I do…

·      Let go of what was so that what is and what will be, can be…

·      There’s always more and there’s always less…

May kindness be our guide..... John ...April, 2013


Two friends...

Two Friends
Once upon a time, two friends met while walking in the park. It was a beautiful day for a walk. The sun was shining in a clear blue sky and they decided to continue walking together. They talked sometimes as they spent time together... and they also walked or sat in the park in silence, just being together with nature.... with Life and Love...
After a nice visit in the park, they seemed to sense it was time to part. They embraced and the one friend said, I while see you soon. The other friend, with tears on her cheeks, said, "I must say goodbye to you because I will never see you again." Her friend was puzzled and replied, "Why? Are you going away?"
She replied, "Not really. When we meet it is Now and our friendship and love is deep. The experience we share is precious. Now we part and when we see each other again, we will be different and it will be a brand new Now. I must let go of our time today and who I think you are, so when that time comes when we meet again, I will be present in the moment to listen to who you have become. We die to this moment and to what we might think of it later so we can really be together in a future moment of new life."
The friends embraced again and knew that moment was gone... and their hearts were full.
Often the tears we share come from the bond of love we share and the dying and separation into the ongoing Now of timelessness...

The other night, I had a powerful dream. I was standing in the midst of a large school and it was dark. I knew I had been in this school for a long long time. My task in this place had come to end and now it was time to move on. There was some nostalgia and also some excitement about what would be next as I left this place that seemed so familiar.
When I woke and was recording the dream, it was clear an ending was near. I have been going through a transition and letting go at the end of a cycle in my life. Whether this foreshadows a transition to spirit world or a transition to a new beginning and new task in this dimension really does not matter... and in some ways they are the same... I do sense that I must say goodbye to the 'old' self and the 'old' friends without knowing who I will meet in the park tomorrow... perhaps friends and trees and squirrels and horses with no names but Love...
It is all good, even when the tears of love signify the loss of what was, so that what will be... can be...
Blessings and Love to you who read these words... I'm not sure who we will be the next time we meet... but I am sure that Love will guide the way.
Expect the unexpected... and may Loving Kindness be our Guide... 
John Hutchinson  ~ Denver, Colorado 
Life Coach, Dream Guide, and Transition Consultant