Dennis Kucinich Talks of the Power of NOW in Dubai Commencement Speech... a very good read... wish I would have been there to hear it....
Are you happy?
I was sitting in the lobby and someone asked, "Are you happy?"
Now "happy" is quite a loaded word, so I simply said "yes" to steer away from a philosophical conversation that might stray toward a monolgue without a listener.
Happiness can be a nice feeling... I suppose the opposite, beyond "unhappy" might be described as "sad."
Feelings are quite dependent of what we hope for, what we want, what we are attached to, and what we expect and anticipate. When circumstance align with our desires, we sense "happy"... and when the situation is not what we want, we may sense a disappointment or "sadness."
Now in the midst of feeling the feeling, we often are not aware of why we feel the way we do. We are often simply lost in the sensation on the moment. Which is quite natural of course.
Then there is the moment after the moment... and it is the moment of discovery.
It is a time when we can become of aware of our mindset, our perspective, our viwpoint, our attachments, desires, and wishes. It is a time that throws light on our values and beliefs.
All of life is one connected energy system beyond our "individual" perspective and filters. Life continues to shine through the stained glass window of our form, usually labeled by caretakers. Let us be reminded that the distortions are a normal part of life... light may be consistent and is always refracted in some way by the form it passes through. I suspect the Infinite Source ...the Creator-ing of ALL is One consistent energy and is also reflected in each aspect and creation.
One/Love/Light/Life/Energy... Infinite/Mystery
Our feeling often say more about the filter than the Source of Life Energy moving through All...
Now "happy" is quite a loaded word, so I simply said "yes" to steer away from a philosophical conversation that might stray toward a monolgue without a listener.
Happiness can be a nice feeling... I suppose the opposite, beyond "unhappy" might be described as "sad."
Feelings are quite dependent of what we hope for, what we want, what we are attached to, and what we expect and anticipate. When circumstance align with our desires, we sense "happy"... and when the situation is not what we want, we may sense a disappointment or "sadness."
Now in the midst of feeling the feeling, we often are not aware of why we feel the way we do. We are often simply lost in the sensation on the moment. Which is quite natural of course.
Then there is the moment after the moment... and it is the moment of discovery.
It is a time when we can become of aware of our mindset, our perspective, our viwpoint, our attachments, desires, and wishes. It is a time that throws light on our values and beliefs.
All of life is one connected energy system beyond our "individual" perspective and filters. Life continues to shine through the stained glass window of our form, usually labeled by caretakers. Let us be reminded that the distortions are a normal part of life... light may be consistent and is always refracted in some way by the form it passes through. I suspect the Infinite Source ...the Creator-ing of ALL is One consistent energy and is also reflected in each aspect and creation.
One/Love/Light/Life/Energy... Infinite/Mystery
Our feeling often say more about the filter than the Source of Life Energy moving through All...
Almost One...Pix from Twinsterville
Now in their 11th month on Planet Earth! - Twinpix:
Study: "Glutathione Protects Against Asthma"
Many of our readers may already know that Glutathione is our body's main antioxidant... Now, a study shows that Glutathione protects against asthma... [For information about Cellgevity which boosts glutathione levels, visit ]
"...Serendipitously, while the GABRIELA investigators were studying the relationship between raw milk and asthma, researchers from the Emory University Departments of Medicine and Pediatrics and the Children’s Health Care of Atlanta Center for Developmental Lung Biology were preparing a massive 102-page tome reviewing the relationship between glutathione and asthma. They published it this March in the journal Antioxidants and Redox Signaling (5).
Glutathione plays four major roles within the body:
•Safe storage of the highly vulnerable and potentially toxic amino acid cysteine.
•Protection against oxidative stress.
•Cellular communication and regulation of protein function.
Glutathione is generally present in the highest concentrations inside cells rather than outside. Indeed, most cells contain between a hundred and a thousand times more glutathione than is present in our blood. The extracellular fluid of the lungs, by contrast, is an exception to the rule. Glutathione concentrations there are a hundred times higher than in our blood, rivaling the concentrations within many cells. These high glutathione concentrations in lung fluid appear to have at least two special roles:
•A high concentration of glutathione is necessary to maintain the fluidity of mucus.
•Glutathione combines with another chemical called nitric oxide to produce nitrosoglutathione.
Nitric oxide is glutathione’s jet pack. When this G gets his nitrous on, he becomes a bronchodilator 100 times more supercharged than theophylline, a once-common asthma drug that has largely been abandoned because of its side effects. This means that nitrosoglutathione decreases resistance in the airway and increases the flow of air to the lungs — exactly what asthma drugs are designed to do! In fact, nitrosoglutathione dilates the bronchioles by stimulating the same receptors as albuterol, a common asthma drug (6). Inhaled corticosteroids synergize with albuterol by increasing the production of these receptors (7).
Could asthma largely result from a deficiency of glutathione and nitrosoglutathione in the extracellular fluid of the lungs? Data presented in the recent review would suggest so (5). Among the most compelling of these data we find two startling facts:
•Children with severe asthma have three times less glutathione in their lung fluid than healthy adults and two times less than children with moderate asthma, while they have two to four times as much oxidized glutathione. They also have 30 percent less cysteine in their blood, suggesting that they may not have enough cysteine to keep producing the glutathione they need.
•Asthmatics have 70 to 90 percent less nitrosoglutathione in their lung fluid as healthy controls, and nitrosoglutathione becomes undetectable during severe asthma attacks.
Scientists are currently focusing on the role of an enzyme that destroys nitrosoglutathione. The activity of this enzyme is increased in asthma, and researchers are currently studying whether genetic variations or inflammatory insults are responsible for this increase. Test tube studies, however, suggest that glutathione itself suppresses the activity of this enzyme (8). Thus, the more glutathione we have, the more nitrosoglutathione we should have.
It may be the case, then, that asthma results largely from a deficiency of glutathione in the lung fluid while common asthma drugs like corticosteroids and albuterol are simply band-aid solutions aimed at replacing the natural effects of glutathione with cheap imitations...."
Source: Dr. Joseph Mecola...
5. Fitzpatrick AM, Jones DP, Brown LA. Glutathione Redox Control of Asthma: From Molecular Mechanisms to Therapeutic Opportunities. Antioxid Redox Signal. 2012; Mar 9 [Epub ahead of print]
6. Que LG, Liu L, Yan Y, Whitehead GS, Gavett SH, Schwartz DA, Stamler JS. Protection from experimental asthma by an endogenous bronchodilator. Science. 2005;308(5728):1618-21.
7. de Benedictis FM, Bush A. Corticosteroids in respiratory diseases in children. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2012;185(1):12-23.
8. Thompson CM, Sonawane B, Graftstrom RC. The ontongeny, distribution, and regulation of alcohol dehydrogenase 3: implications for pulmonary physiology. Drug Metab Dispos. 2009;37(8):1565-71.
For information about Cellgevity which boosts glutathione levels, visit
"...Serendipitously, while the GABRIELA investigators were studying the relationship between raw milk and asthma, researchers from the Emory University Departments of Medicine and Pediatrics and the Children’s Health Care of Atlanta Center for Developmental Lung Biology were preparing a massive 102-page tome reviewing the relationship between glutathione and asthma. They published it this March in the journal Antioxidants and Redox Signaling (5).
Glutathione plays four major roles within the body:
•Safe storage of the highly vulnerable and potentially toxic amino acid cysteine.
•Protection against oxidative stress.
•Cellular communication and regulation of protein function.
Glutathione is generally present in the highest concentrations inside cells rather than outside. Indeed, most cells contain between a hundred and a thousand times more glutathione than is present in our blood. The extracellular fluid of the lungs, by contrast, is an exception to the rule. Glutathione concentrations there are a hundred times higher than in our blood, rivaling the concentrations within many cells. These high glutathione concentrations in lung fluid appear to have at least two special roles:
•A high concentration of glutathione is necessary to maintain the fluidity of mucus.
•Glutathione combines with another chemical called nitric oxide to produce nitrosoglutathione.
Nitric oxide is glutathione’s jet pack. When this G gets his nitrous on, he becomes a bronchodilator 100 times more supercharged than theophylline, a once-common asthma drug that has largely been abandoned because of its side effects. This means that nitrosoglutathione decreases resistance in the airway and increases the flow of air to the lungs — exactly what asthma drugs are designed to do! In fact, nitrosoglutathione dilates the bronchioles by stimulating the same receptors as albuterol, a common asthma drug (6). Inhaled corticosteroids synergize with albuterol by increasing the production of these receptors (7).
Could asthma largely result from a deficiency of glutathione and nitrosoglutathione in the extracellular fluid of the lungs? Data presented in the recent review would suggest so (5). Among the most compelling of these data we find two startling facts:
•Children with severe asthma have three times less glutathione in their lung fluid than healthy adults and two times less than children with moderate asthma, while they have two to four times as much oxidized glutathione. They also have 30 percent less cysteine in their blood, suggesting that they may not have enough cysteine to keep producing the glutathione they need.
•Asthmatics have 70 to 90 percent less nitrosoglutathione in their lung fluid as healthy controls, and nitrosoglutathione becomes undetectable during severe asthma attacks.
Scientists are currently focusing on the role of an enzyme that destroys nitrosoglutathione. The activity of this enzyme is increased in asthma, and researchers are currently studying whether genetic variations or inflammatory insults are responsible for this increase. Test tube studies, however, suggest that glutathione itself suppresses the activity of this enzyme (8). Thus, the more glutathione we have, the more nitrosoglutathione we should have.
It may be the case, then, that asthma results largely from a deficiency of glutathione in the lung fluid while common asthma drugs like corticosteroids and albuterol are simply band-aid solutions aimed at replacing the natural effects of glutathione with cheap imitations...."
Source: Dr. Joseph Mecola...
5. Fitzpatrick AM, Jones DP, Brown LA. Glutathione Redox Control of Asthma: From Molecular Mechanisms to Therapeutic Opportunities. Antioxid Redox Signal. 2012; Mar 9 [Epub ahead of print]
6. Que LG, Liu L, Yan Y, Whitehead GS, Gavett SH, Schwartz DA, Stamler JS. Protection from experimental asthma by an endogenous bronchodilator. Science. 2005;308(5728):1618-21.
7. de Benedictis FM, Bush A. Corticosteroids in respiratory diseases in children. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2012;185(1):12-23.
8. Thompson CM, Sonawane B, Graftstrom RC. The ontongeny, distribution, and regulation of alcohol dehydrogenase 3: implications for pulmonary physiology. Drug Metab Dispos. 2009;37(8):1565-71.
For information about Cellgevity which boosts glutathione levels, visit
"The Past Cannot Survive..."
"The past cannot survive in your presence... Whatever you need to know about the unconscious past in you, the challenges of the present will bring it out. If you delve into the past, it will become a bottomless pit... there is always more...
Access the power of Now. That is the key. The power of Now in none other than the power of your presence, your consciousness liberated from thought forms...
Give attention to the present; give attention to your behavior, to your reactions, mughts, emotions, fears, and desires as they occur in the present. There's the past in you. If you can be present enough to watch all those things, not critically or analytically but nonjudgmentally, then you are dealing with the past and dissolving it through the power of your presence.
You cannot find youself by going into the past. You find yourself bu coming into the present."
[pp. 55-56, Eckhart Tolle, Practicing the Power of Now: Essentials Teachings, Meditations, and Exercises from "The Power of Now"] See more at
Access the power of Now. That is the key. The power of Now in none other than the power of your presence, your consciousness liberated from thought forms...
Give attention to the present; give attention to your behavior, to your reactions, mughts, emotions, fears, and desires as they occur in the present. There's the past in you. If you can be present enough to watch all those things, not critically or analytically but nonjudgmentally, then you are dealing with the past and dissolving it through the power of your presence.
You cannot find youself by going into the past. You find yourself bu coming into the present."
[pp. 55-56, Eckhart Tolle, Practicing the Power of Now: Essentials Teachings, Meditations, and Exercises from "The Power of Now"] See more at
Do you like progressive causes?
I recently switched to Credo Mobile to save money and also to support Progressive causes.
Who does your phone company support? AT&T has given a whopping $579,500 to House Tea Party Caucus members from 2009-2011. And Verizon Wireless pumped thousands into the campaign coffers of Rand Paul and Marco Rubio and Ron Johnson, all Tea Party-backed Senators.
We need real change, not lip service. That's why I take action with CREDO Mobile. CREDO is a mobile phone company just like AT&T or Verizon Wireless -- except, unlike them, CREDO supports, with us, progressive change.
CREDO gives 1% of charges to amazing nonprofits like Mercy Corps, Planned Parenthood and the ACLU, and they've raised over $70 million in the last 25 years.
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I'm telling you about them because they offered us a sweet deal:
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If you want to find out more, go to
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Thanks for reading... and considering this opportunity...
Thanks for reading... and considering this opportunity...
Best wishes,
PS... feel free to pass this along to anyone who might want to save money and help progressive causes, unless you plan to join with us at Credo Mobile. Then wait to forward the message until after you switch and get the $50 dent to you!
Expect the unexpected and may Loving Kindness be our Guide...
... and welcome to this Present Moment!

John Hutchinson - Denver, CO
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Sundance Center for Conscious Living:
"Our task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within ourselves that we have built against it." ~ Rumi
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I want to share with those who want to receive. If you wish to unsubscribe from John's and/or Sundance Center emails, simply reply and enter "REMOVE" in the subject line.
John Hutchinson,
Mercy Corps,
Planned Parenthood
15 Things You Can Let Go of To Be Happy
"Here is a list of 15 things which, if you give up on them, will make your life a lot easier and much, much happier. We hold on to so many things that cause us a great deal of pain, stress and suffering - and instead of letting them all go, instead of allowing ourselves to be stress free and happy - we cling on to them. Not anymore. Starting today we will give up on all those things that no longer serve us, and we will embrace change. Ready? Here we go..."
Thanks to Brian for sharing this through FB....
Expect the unexpected and may Loving Kindness be our Guide...
Thanks to Brian for sharing this through FB....
Expect the unexpected and may Loving Kindness be our Guide...
... and welcome to this Present Moment!

John Hutchinson - Denver, CO
Fusion13 Webpage:
Fusion13 on Facebook:
Sundance Center for Conscious Living:
Sundance Center for Conscious Living:
"Our task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within ourselves that we have built against it." ~ Rumi
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