Welcome... and Thank You for visiting...

“Sundance Center for Conscious Living” … affirming and respecting our uniqueness, our interconnectedness, and our Oneness... As we continue to awaken in the present moment, our intention remains to stay awake to the Oneness that is Life... and respond in Loving Service during the conscious moments we have here on earth... We seek to help one another heal and remember… moving toward greater awareness, wellness, balance, synthesis, and loving action… We invite you to listen to that which mostly deeply calls to you ... Love and Blessings to All!



Life continues in many forms. Human forms come and go. Impermanence is reality.
Consider that during the next 24 hours, about 155,000 human beings will cease breathing... we call this death. On the other hand, during the same period of time, about 384,000 human forms will emerge from mothers' wombs and join the human family.
If we look at the averages down to the minute, it means that about 108 people die every minute while about 267 babies are born every minute.
This life span of the human form is quite brief in the bigger picture of Life... it is like a mere beat in the rhythm of the universe's dance.
Of course, we tend to make life personal and egocentric. Our consciousness is mostly lost in our projections, fears, fantasies, hopes, dreams, regrets, etc. What are the alternatives?
Do what we can about the things we have some influence upon.
Accept the things we have no control over.
Gain some clarity about the difference between the two.
Letting go, surrendering, acceptance into the peace of what is can provide a centeredness that goes beyond a mental understanding. Some things, perhaps many things will never be fully understood. "Why"-s can be simple ego distractions to sidetrack us from this present moment. Life is only fully present in this moment, not yesterday, not tomorrow...
That which continues... the Source that is Life itself...Being... is to be found in the depths and heights of consciousness itself... our experience is always personal... Life is Universal. There are moments in the moment when we are one with all that is. Let us enjoy the moment as best we are able...
*Figures used were researched online from googled links.

Peace and Love .... John 
John Hutchinson
Lancaster, PA
"Don't underestimate the power that is in presence. Even if seemingly nothing much is happening yet, there's enormous power that comes through you and flows into this world. Don't even try to understand what it wants; you can only ever get glimpses of what its ultimate purpose is. There's no single human being who knows intellectually what that ultimate purpose of that vast power is that wants to come into this world through you." ~ E. Tolle


Stained Glass Monarch

The Monarch Butterfly is like a stained glass window ushering in the light from Source that animates our common faith and connection to the One that is Life... always...


Night's wakefulness

Awake in the night
Some daze wondering and wandering in the moment of wanting more and not even knowing what more might be. It seems that dissatisfaction with this moment is filled without a sense of meaning or purpose... no direction other than to be... no point of focus except for the noise that floats by...
So I distract the wanderful daze of discontent with news, TV shows, movies, sports events, and fantasies past or future.
Death comes in the midst of life as the frozen ground holds down the coming season's bloom. Dark days, both cloudy and sunny, roll from here to here with occasional smile and friendly word.
The buried bulb waits for a divine signal that it is time... the season has come to burst into action. I wait beside the bulb wondering what it might be... when it might become the potential it holds within its protective shell.
At times being awake in the night seems hardly worth it... but I will not go back to sleep...