"If the crick don't rise..."
To sit with no other human beings in the room...
To sit and type the words you read
You have entered this space in some other Now... 'This Now-Now'
Infused with the same Life that formed these symbols out of nothingness
The same Life that reads these symbol-word-language-forms
Life... is
This Moment... is
This Life situation... is
We are one Life animating All
All-Ways in the Now... in this present moment...
We talk in time-formed language and suggest there is a future since we can think ahead and say "I will be meeting you at five o'clock." ...
And if we meet...when we meet... it will be now...
Life is only present in this moment...
We consider the 'past-Nows' when we recall an experience and memory of that experience... and we may define it by our opinion as being a pleasurable or painful memory...or something in between...
We consider possible 'future-Nows' when we plan and hope and dream... and we may wish for a better 'future-now' which probably means we are resisting this-Now... or we may create fantasies of future-Nows that are worse and so we conjure up fear in this present moment about something that is totally unreal and not present except in our thinking...
And now we get to the 'Real-Now'... the absolute and only 'Now' is 'this Now'...
This Present Moment... where Life continues its journey and acts through the various forms that it creates...
Stop and pause the train of thought...
Look and Listen to the Life that is...
Beyond labels... and definitions... and interpretations...
Be with what is...
Allowing without resistance...
This is Life...
Not 'my' life... for I am not separate from Life...
Not 'your' life... for you and Life are not separate ...
This is IT... this very Moment... this IS LIFE...
Enter the Now-Gate ...
Welcome to the only 'day' of Life...
which is continuously NOW...
We tend to divide everything in segments and categories and files and labels and days and months and years...all so we can have some illusion of manipulation, control, and record... AND...we may lose sight of the timeless quality of real LIFE... the present...
Thursday is a label that signifies nothing... if I am astute and have done my homework, I will be able to recite to you that yesterday was 'Wednesday' and tomorrow will be 'Friday'... but these days exist only in our mind... our collective mind in most cases...
They are only formed constructs to help us organize and keep life somewhat manageable... I have made some plans to fly to Denver in a 'future Now'... I really do not know if that will ever happen... We have come up with sayings that help to convey the uncertainty of 'future-Nows'... sayings like: "Lord willing" or "If the crick don't rise"... and so on... We need to operate in conventional ways in order for there to be order... so 800 people do not show up to get on an airplane the holds 33 beings... so someone might be there to pick me up when and if the airplane lands where it is intended to land... and so on...
And all these events... that we can plan ahead of time... may or may not occur... and if they do... each event will be in the Present Moment...always... none has ever experienced the future... although sometimes people do have glimpses from time to time ... which is a topic for another Now...
So we plan with a consideration for the uncertainty of LIFE... with a certain acceptance and flexibility... so when Life doesn't go exactly as 'we' planned or expected, we can adjust rather than resist what is actually happening. I would guess most if not all frustration and suffering comes from resisting what is .... the actual life situation in which we find ourselves... When we resist, we strengthen our ego by blaming others or ourselves... as if somehow life has struck us with a sucker punch... and the ego begins to play with ideas that of course Life is unfair and we must be singled out to experience this unfairness... so our egoic mind processes quickly the likely suspects for blame... God... others... and sometimes ourselves...
Or we become quite philosophical and began to ask why... which is often another ego game that shoves us into identification as a 'victim'...
If we are to remain awake and aware... we must be vigilant and observe the mind games our ego plays to try to distract us from being present... at times like a trickster that will go to any lengths to have the ego maintain its control...
The ego is not evil and is a natural part of the domestication process as we grow within families, tribes, and collective mindsets... There is almost an irony that we spend years in strengthening the ego in order to operate in our everyday world and then... after years of growing the personality strength, we find that we are really trying to let go of the ego so we can be more present in a new way... from a new dimension the transcends the personal... that gets the bigger picture... the transcends fear... regret... and even hope... all are mind games to focus on something other than simply being present right now... right Now!
We let go of what was ...and what will be...so that what is... can Be!
Peace and Love.... John
"God, the supreme artist, uses our life for the creation of art. We are the instruments through which the force of life expresses itself. We express our art in everything we say, everything we do. The creation is ongoing, it is endless, it is happening in every moment." ~ don Miguel Ruiz
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