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“Sundance Center for Conscious Living” … affirming and respecting our uniqueness, our interconnectedness, and our Oneness... As we continue to awaken in the present moment, our intention remains to stay awake to the Oneness that is Life... and respond in Loving Service during the conscious moments we have here on earth... We seek to help one another heal and remember… moving toward greater awareness, wellness, balance, synthesis, and loving action… We invite you to listen to that which mostly deeply calls to you ... Love and Blessings to All!


This Perfect Storm... [Sundance Center]

This Perfect Storm

Storms come across the open ocean to busy beaches and rocky coasts alike…

Darkness comes as surely as daybreak

Teams win and teams lose

Milk spills and stumbles happen

Life situations are what they are…

Cycles come and go

Each moment has its unique pattern of energies

Birth and death are partners

The full moons and the new moons are the same moon

Yet, from our perspective, totally opposite …

Sometime the light seems non-existent except for artificial idols

Yet the light is there… and here

Dark nights are part of the cycling of life… the winters of retreat





Germination deep in the fertile soil

Preparing for new growth

There are days that only have questions and wandering

Sitting on nothing

And everything

I am reminded that other days existed and will come… but all consist of the present…

The ever-present creating source force of energetic dynamism called 'Life'

Tomorrows are here and were here now

Yesterdays are always here and never here now

Time twists around and in upon itself until all that is left is timeless time…

Yesterday and tomorrow and today is one

There is no division, just as there is no division in any of Life


Everywhere present

All time and no time

And I sit in the mist

Boundless ...

And confined by boundaries I create

In the ethereal soup of creative genius and Love

The perfect Storm rolls through the ages and onto the shores of form

And we interpret as 'bad' or 'good'

From worn out lenses

And tribal tales

The energy of the perfect storm of this day

Interrupts our trances

And calls to us

"Wake Up! …

Be aware of this 'Now'

Let your mind be blown apart by what is True

Let your eyes see the reSourcefullness

And ongoing co-creating

Hear the whispers and shouts of

Life's Essential SPiRiT

Beyond the thoughts and fantasies you create…

Be in this perfect storm

And be the Life you are

One with all that is and ever has been and ever will be…

Surrender to the Perfect Storm

To this moment in your spiraling
Always moving

Always coming and going

Birthing and dying

Synthesizing action and being

Into One Harmonious Dance"

- jh  April 28, 2010


Career Transition - Looking for a Job?

Considering a Career Change or looking for a new Work situation?

Most people consider a career change from time to time for various reasons. It’s a normal and natural part of career journeys. Corporations and small companies are quicker to make changes in these times, which can mean downsizing which directly affects you! It is always best to have your next step planned before a career change is forced on you from others.

How does career change come about?

Some people just begin to lose interest. Others find something that interests them more. Companies downsize. These are just a few of the reasons people find themselves on a cliff looking back on their career just as the dirt begins to crumble beneath them.

Are you considering that career change? Do you wish you were?

Remember that career change is a natural life process; most studies show that the average job-seeker will change careers (not jobs) a number of times over the course of his or her lifetime.

Step 1: Personal and Work Assessment of Likes and Dislikes. Identifying the dislikes is often the easier part of this step; however, you will not know what direction to change your career unless you examine your likes. What do you really like doing when you're at work, when you're at home - in your spare time? Find you personal and professional “WHY.”

In addition, take as much time as you need to clarify your own personal values. What are your priorities in life? Write you personal mission statement. Then create your professional objective paragraph.

Step 2: Considering New Careers. Once you've discovered (or rediscovered) your passion, spend some time researching the types of careers that center around your passions. Don't worry if you're feeling a bit unsure or insecure -- it's a natural part of the career change process.

Step 3: Transferable Skills. Leverage some of your current skills and experiences to your new career (such as communications, leadership, planning, and others). You may be surprised to see that you already have a solid amount of experience for your new career.

Step 4: Training and Education. You may find it necessary to update your skills and broaden your knowledge. Some opportunities provide training and support when you are learning something new.

Step 5: Networking. One of the real keys to success in career change will be your networking abilities. People in your network may be able to give you job leads, offer you advice and information about a particular company or industry, and introduce you to others so that you can expand your network. Even if you don't think you already have a network, you probably do - consider colleagues, friends, and family members. You can broaden your network through joining other people in your new field and contacting alumni from your college who are working in the field you want to enter. A key tool of networking is conducting informational interviews.

Step 6: Gaining Experience. Remember that, in a sense, you are starting your career again from square one. Working part-time in your new career field not only can solidify your decision, but give you much needed experience in your new career. Work a few hours at it on weekends, nights, whatever it takes to gain the experience.

Step 7: Find a Mentor. Changing careers is a major life decision that can get overwhelming at times. Find a mentor who can help you through the rough patches. Your mentor may also be able to help you by taking advantage of his or her network. A mentor doesn't have to be a highly placed individual, though the more powerful the mentor, the more success you may have in using that power to your advantage.

Step 8: Mind Your Own Business. Some people change careers because they want more independence. They may find that starting their own business or micro-franchise a business start up through an existing successful business model can save time and money. This is often an easy step even for those who don’t think of themselves as business owners because it is something that can be done part-time as you build your home or brick and mortar business.

Step 9: Job-Hunting Basics. If it's been a while since you've had to use your job-hunting tools and skills, now is the time for a refresher course. Consider the following key areas:

• resume creations

• researching companies

• cover letters

• interviewing

• salary negotiations

Step 10: Be Flexible. You'll need to be flexible about nearly everything - from your employment status to relocation and salary, unless beginning your own business from home. Set positive goals for yourself, but don’t be too surprised by challenges and changes - and remain positive without taking things personally.. Have you considered starting your own business?

Contact John for sessions to help in your transition John@sunhutch.com / US Phone #: +1 (484) 685-0549.

John Hutchinson, M.ED., is a professional counselor and consultant in the career transition field with over 20 years experience. He has provided guidance and training to individuals making career changes and also consults with those interested in starting home-based businesses. He has personally made the shift from corporate management positions to consulting and associate marketing from his home in Mountville, PA. john@sunhutch.com

Right and Wrong??

From the Newsletter of Eckhart Teachings

Question: Most spiritual traditions have a strong emphasis on morality.  What role does morality play in your teachings?

Eckhart Tolle:  The main aim of this teaching is to transcend the Ego, the Ego being a false sense of self, a false sense of identity.  Morality is important in many traditional teachings because those teachings have not gone beyond Ego, so they still function within the framework of the Ego.

If you live in a society that is inhabited by Egos, you need certain external rules of behavior and regulations so that there is not absolute chaos.  What you need then is commandments, or laws that need to be in place so that the Ego does not create absolute chaos in the world.  The emphasis of this teaching is to transcend the Ego so that a different state of consciousness arises, we call it "presence".

Once this state of consciousness operates, external rules and regulations are not really needed anymore, because a knowing of what is right and wrong arises from within you, and you are no longer able to inflict suffering on others because the illusion of absolute separateness between who you are and who another human being is, has disappeared.  You are no longer trapped in that illusion, so you know that ultimately, whatever you are doing to another, you are doing to yourself.   Most importantly, there is love as the recognition of the other as yourself - the recognition of oneness.  Once that is the basis of your life, you don't need rules or regulations anymore because that arises directly and spontaneously from within you.

One could say that all you need to do is to be in that state of love, which is not conventional love, but the recognition of non-separation, recognition of the ultimate Oneness of all beings.  Once that is there, then the right conduct flows naturally from within you.  You don't need to memorize the commandments anymore to tell you what's right and wrong.  The emphasis of this teaching is transcending the Ego, and once that's done, morality arises from within.  The emphasis of this teaching is not on morality because that comes as really the effect of the transformation.  It is the effect of the inner transformation.   The emphasis of this teaching is not on morality, but on something deeper, out of which true morality flows.

Forwarded by Sundance Center
John Hutchinson
484-685-0549 EDT (GMT-5): Skype: sun-1111
"We are all-ways more than we thought we were."
"The ultimate truth of who you are is not 'I am this' or 'I am that,' but... I am."  - Eckhart Tolle
Sundance Center www.Sunhutch.com

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Spiritual Radicalism for an Insane Society

Our Insane Society
A Call for an Essential Spiritual Radicalism

Let's be honest. The thoughts that bounce around our brains are largely the result of our conditioning… our domestication into the tribal, cultural, and collective teachings and modeling of our human society.

How often do we teach our children how to 'be'?

How often do we take our children into nature to be present in the essential energies of Life…without feeling the need to fill them full of data, labeling, and 'knowledge'?

The adult world emerges from the domesticating years of youth where the thought forms, beliefs, and rules are passed along either directly or by example.

We give lip service to respecting others, to live by the golden rule, and on and on. But how often do the actions of adults actually match the words?

We can see the evidence of corporate ethics that are, for the most part, governed by the bottom line. We can see the financial industry and banking leaders shape practices that encourage gambling tactics with worthless paper and with no rules or accountability.

In the politics of our world, the desire for power and control outweighs the essence of public service and stewardship of Life. It accepts the philosophy that the means are always justified as long as "we" win, even when it means telling lies or creating deception in other ways to intensify survival and security fears.

Where is the spiritual center in our social living these days?

There is always a presence of Life that is here right now…in any and every situation.

And it must come from you and me as we choose to learn to move beyond thoughts and feelings and conditioning of our human domestication.

We cannot think our way to Peace… or to Love… or to Being…
We cannot think our way to the essence of who we are…
We cannot think our way to the meaning of our Life…

We can only find that essence … that Essential Life Force that breathes through all form… by letting go of form…of labels….of thinking…of 'knowledge'…and moving into that space of no-thing… into the full emptiness of Being…

As we close our eyes, shut out the noise, let go of thought… silence the mind… we can glimpse the essence of the present moment… and in this moment, which always is, we are left with awareness… we are conscious of our being…of our consciousness….beyond any identity from our past or present… we become conscious of being conscious… as consciousness looks back upon itself, we find the oneness that is Essential Life Energy ... That formless, timeless essence of Being… Life itself… which exists beyond and before and after time…

While we must use words to point to that which is beyond words and symbols… we only get to know 'Being' …the essence of Life... as we pause… and still our minds…

We may find this intimate One identity in quiet meditation…. We may find it as we sit or walk in nature and merge with the essential energy of Life… or we my sense this center of awareness in the midst of a crowded room… simply observing the movement of human energy as part of the One Big Life…

"Insanity" is not meant to be used as a word of judgment. It is rather meant as a description of a society that seems largely out of touch with the pure awareness and oneness of being…of Life.  It is a challenge to wake to the oneness of being and then to also carry that unifying center into the tasks and interactions of social living… of everyday life situations… and it is a challenge we can meet…

Our insane society continues to repeat the same processes of trying to manipulate and control others and the planet in order to create what we may think is a better world… Often the "better" world can be reduced to what "I" think that "better world" should be… which is all too often simply tied to creating wealth at the expense of the planet and other beings…

In our societies, humanity is asleep and insane, having lost our true identity and connectedness to the Essence of Being… of Life…

More humans are waking up as human "Beings" … and we can trust that this awakening will continue… When there is a critical mass of human 'Beings" who are truly Being Present on the Earth, then we will see service with respect and Love from the heart, an appreciation of the connectedness of all … and our responses, laws, contracts, treaties, and interactions will flow from a new level of awareness and integrity based on True Identity… a Spiritual wellness that transcends ideology and creed…

We notice how people walk the Earth looking into another person's eyes…looking for a sign of Life's essence… of the Being that always knows the other….as a brother or sister… As more people wake up now to that presence, we will continue to see a working together… not as members of this team or that team…or this group or that group… but as all part of our One Life Team…

We each find our unique path of Service and Creative Expression of the One Source Energy… and first we must make the decision to invite a change of consciousness… letting go of ego…of past… of future… even of our own perceived or preferred identity and status… and make space in our time to be here….really be here, now…

We might even take some time now, if we choose, to simply be… to breath… to quiet the mental stream… and to enter the pure awareness of Now… inviting another new birth into this Moment… the only Moment there is…

John Hutchinson
April 9, 2010
Sundance Center for Conscious Living


Identity, Purpose, and Service

Who are you? ... Who are we?
Why are you here? ... Why are we here?
How can I help? ... How can we help?

I am… We are… One Life …. Interconnected… interdependent …

Life cannot be owned, it simply is…
Life breaths through this form that produces the movements to touch the keyboard…
Who are we? ...

Life… without labels… or names…
Life… freshly brewed in the moment…
Actions Now setting into motion … Now… again and again…

Finding our way home…
Remembering our true identity…

Why are we here?

To Be…
Humans being with all life…
Prime awareness…

To Do…
Action from awareness…
Awareness of Source…

Holding it all together in dynamic cohesion...
Moving toward Integration…
Toward Harmony
Toward Synthesis
Cohesive Loving Energy in action...

Primarily our job is to re-tune our vehicles to what is…
Waking up Now to what is…
Waking up to Life…to Being…


As we recall our Life Energy… our Spirit… Now…
We find our purposeful action in the world…
Service is our response

Job one: To Be Here Fully in this Present Moment…
Job two: To Act… Responding to the highest and deepest energy within our being…

Pure Present Awareness
Pure Present Action

Respecting All Life
Honoring All Life
Understanding and Sensing the Oneness of All


How can we help?

Service is Present Response to what is before us…
Honesty and integrity form pure service…
Responding from the stillness and unifying center of Life Energy…

We can simply be in Love and Life…
And we can also take on a role that others may relate to…
A role that provides an invitation…
A presence that invites others to remember and reconnect…

Our path asks us to choose consciously in each moment…
Again and again…

To paraphrase Rumi:
“When you wake, do not go back to sleep.”

Stop…. Look… and Listen to our cycles of Life… to our life situation…
Know when to be still, letting your action be non-action…
Know when to move into action…

Stop long enough to…
Look and notice what is…
Listening to the whispers and shouts of your Heart…

There is a time to act and time to be quiet…
There is a time to retreat and reflect…
A time to advance into the world in a new way…
A time to tend the garden of our world…
A time to harvest and share the fruits of Life...

Find your Self in the Cycle of our Life…
And you will find Everything…

John Hutchinson
Sundance Center
April 06, 2010


It may seem like one day... Springing Forth

A few days ago, the large ornamental pear trees all along Huntington Drive seemed to suddenly blossom overnight ...One day the trees were stark silhouettes with just a mist of green buds and then....  whoosh.... the next day... all the blossoms were in full bloom as if someone had come along during the night and painted a new landscape....

As I was drinking in the sight of the beautiful new blooms, it became apparent that it took a whole year of days and nights along with four seasonal changes to produce that one day of glorious birth... and many years of seasons for the trees to reach there current height...

Similarly, events or new directions in our lives may seem like they emerge all of a sudden and out of nowhere... and yet they may have been seeded a long time ago...

It doesn't really matter, except for us to remember... as Life springs forth... let us get out of the way and allow the new to emerge in its perfect time...

Happy Springing...

Love and Blessings,
John Hutchinson
484-685-0549 EDT (GMT-5): Skype: sun-1111
"We are all-ways more than we thought we were."
"The ultimate truth of who you are is not 'I am this' or 'I am that,' but... I am."  - Eckhart Tolle

Sundance Center 

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